About four months ago, I started tutoring a young man in 3rd grade. We have been working on his reading skills.
When his Mom first asked if I would tutor him I questioned whether or not I could do this.
Yes, I know I've been teaching my own children for the past 19 years. And, while I had high expectations for my children, I questioned whether they were good enough for the public school system. My motives for teaching were and are from a different perspective than the public school system. I teach my children to read so that Gods word can be read and passed on. I teach math so that they won't get cheated or cheat someone. I teach science to show the wonder of Gods marvelous creation. etc...
I listened to this young man read on his first day at my home and my heart went out to him, and I became determined to help this young man. I love to read and I wanted him to be able to love it as much as I did.
Oh, He could read the words well enough, but while reading he stumbled over words and skipped some words all together. It sort of sounded like a spoken train wreck at first. The first thing that I noticed when he read was that he stabbed each word with his finger as he read it. I encouraged him to keep his finger on the page and glide from word to word. This helped some, and the first two weeks went by rather quickly. I started researching more on reading and talking to people that had taught for many more years than I have. I checked books out at the library about teaching reading, reading problems, and dyslexia. I've learned much in the last several weeks.
The more that I read the more that I started to think that this young man might be mildly dyslexic. So I introduced Scrabble cubes that I bought at the local thrift store from a game that had some pieces missing. I think that I'm going to go back and see if I can't find more. With encouragement from a dear friend and former teacher of mine, we used the game pieces to work on his word attack skills. I started showing him how to break down words phonetically and sound them out.
After three months I started seeing some improvement, but was still concerned because I had really wanted to see more. Soon I started integrating index cards and flashy games that I made up to help him along. His Mom told me that he had been moved up to the more advanced reading group at school. Yea! Big boost for my little student and it eased my concerns also.
Fast forward. It's been four months now and I am seeing more improvement. He's reading with much more fluidity and also sounding out tougher words. Yesterday, when his Mom came to pick him up, she told me that his teacher was impressed because he had sounded out two very large words without her help in the reading group. My heart jumped and I praised God for his guidance and grace in using me to teach this young man.
Oh yeah, I keep a verse sitting on the table in front of us the whole time as a reminder that with Christ, we can do everything! I can do everything with the help of Christ, who gives me the strength I need. Phil. 4:13 When we begin to doubt ourselves, start getting tired, or waiver just a little we read this verse and remind ourselves that He gives us the strength that we need to move on.
I'm very proud of my little student, I'm proud of my children. But mostly I'm praising God! Without Him I wouldn't be able to teach. I pray each day that I will be emptied out and that God's spirit will fill me and that He will teach the lessons that need to be taught.
Blessings and Merry Christmas to all, Sheryl ~ The Quilted YaYa
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Meeting Friends
Yesterday was exciting!
About a year ago my daughter started writing to a young woman that was in the US Army stationed in Afghanistan. Monica is a sweet Christian young woman. Jessica befriended her on Facebook and they continued to learn about each other and share scripture and insights as time went on. A few weeks ago Monica finished her overseas tour and came back home to the US. We were very excited for her. This week, she and her fiancée were traveling to her hometown and passed through Birmingham. We took the opportunity to get them together for a couple of hours. What a great time we had.
Sitting down and talking to them was like sitting with old friends. The conversation never lacked. We shared stories and most of all felt blessed to be able to meet them.
I was impressed that as they sat to eat they shared a prayer before beginning the meal. My family has gotten into the bad habit of eating on the run and so we usually end up saying individual prayers before a meal. When we do sit together we sometimes forget to ask the blessing as a family.
I'd like to insert a "Thank You" to Monica & Nick here for reminding us of how important it is that we still combine our prayers at meals and other times. I'd also like to thank them for serving and protecting our freedoms. God Bless you both!
I hope that they will pass through again soon and that we will have the pleasure of sitting and sharing as we did before.
Blessings to all, ~ S
About a year ago my daughter started writing to a young woman that was in the US Army stationed in Afghanistan. Monica is a sweet Christian young woman. Jessica befriended her on Facebook and they continued to learn about each other and share scripture and insights as time went on. A few weeks ago Monica finished her overseas tour and came back home to the US. We were very excited for her. This week, she and her fiancée were traveling to her hometown and passed through Birmingham. We took the opportunity to get them together for a couple of hours. What a great time we had.
Sitting down and talking to them was like sitting with old friends. The conversation never lacked. We shared stories and most of all felt blessed to be able to meet them.
I was impressed that as they sat to eat they shared a prayer before beginning the meal. My family has gotten into the bad habit of eating on the run and so we usually end up saying individual prayers before a meal. When we do sit together we sometimes forget to ask the blessing as a family.
I'd like to insert a "Thank You" to Monica & Nick here for reminding us of how important it is that we still combine our prayers at meals and other times. I'd also like to thank them for serving and protecting our freedoms. God Bless you both!
I hope that they will pass through again soon and that we will have the pleasure of sitting and sharing as we did before.
Blessings to all, ~ S
Jessica & Monica
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Waiting is one of the hardest things we do sometimes. I really don't want to wait for Christmas to get here to get my gifts. I want them NOW! I don't want to wait to be grown up. I want to do grown up things NOW!
Sounds childish and selfish, right? Well it is. In God's eyes we are his children and all too often we sound like this to Him. These aren't the only things that we whine and fuss about though. We want that other job, that bigger house, that newer car...etc. God has wonderful things planned for us and He asks us to wait. So like the little children that we are, we stomp our foot and we demand it now. We just go after it and go in debt, or step on someone else to get the job, or what ever.
God has laid on my heart recently, the concept of how we deal with waiting. My daughters have committed to not dating until God shows them the one that He has chosen for them. This is a commitment that is hard under the best of circumstances. But when most of your friends are dating or getting married, you feel the loneliness even more. I want them to understand that they are not alone. Jesus has given His spirit to be with them during this waiting time. Also that I pray for not only them but their future spouse.
Yesterday we searched the scripture for passages that spoke of waiting. Here is some of what we found. (NLT)
Blessings ~ S
Sounds childish and selfish, right? Well it is. In God's eyes we are his children and all too often we sound like this to Him. These aren't the only things that we whine and fuss about though. We want that other job, that bigger house, that newer car...etc. God has wonderful things planned for us and He asks us to wait. So like the little children that we are, we stomp our foot and we demand it now. We just go after it and go in debt, or step on someone else to get the job, or what ever.
God has laid on my heart recently, the concept of how we deal with waiting. My daughters have committed to not dating until God shows them the one that He has chosen for them. This is a commitment that is hard under the best of circumstances. But when most of your friends are dating or getting married, you feel the loneliness even more. I want them to understand that they are not alone. Jesus has given His spirit to be with them during this waiting time. Also that I pray for not only them but their future spouse.
Yesterday we searched the scripture for passages that spoke of waiting. Here is some of what we found. (NLT)
- We are to Pray and Wait. (Listen to my voice in the morning, LORD. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly. Ps. 5:3)
- We are to be Brave and Courageous while we Wait Patiently. (Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes,wait patiently for the LORD. Ps. 27:14)
- We are to be still and Wait for Him to act. (Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes. Ps. 37:7)
- We Praise Him and Wait for His mercies. (I will praise you forever, O God, for what you have done. I will wait for your mercies in the presence of your people. Ps. 52:9)
- He is our Strength and place of Safety while we Wait. (You are my strength; I wait for you to rescue me, for you, O God, are my place of safety. Ps. 59:9)
- He is our Salvation and Hope while we Wait quietly. (For Jeduthun, the choir director: A psalm of David. I wait quietly before God, for my salvation comes from him. I wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. Ps. 62:1 & 5)
- We wait for His counsel. (Yet how quickly they forgot what he had done! They wouldn't wait for his counsel! Ps. 106:13)
- When we have been wronged we Wait for Him to handle the matter. (Don't say, "I will get even for this wrong." Wait for the LORD to handle the matter. Pro. 20:22)
- The Lord also Waits for us! We are blessed when we wait! (But the LORD still waits for you to come to him so he can show you his love and compassion. For the LORD is a faithful God. Blessed are those who wait for him to help them. Isa. 30:18)
- Our strength is renewed when we Wait. (But those who wait on the LORD will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isa. 40:31)
- We should Seek HIM while we Wait. (The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him. Lam. 3:25)
- We Wait confidently. (As for me, I look to the LORD for his help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me. Mic. 7:7)
- We Wait for God's promises with the attitude of Jesus Christ. (Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. They give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises. May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other--each with the attitude of Christ Jesus toward the other. Romans 15:4-5)
- We are to wait eagerly. ( But we who live by the Spirit eagerly wait to receive everything promised to us who are right with God through faith. Gal. 5:5)
Blessings ~ S
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sometimes when I have a project going. I have a hard time keeping focused on what I need to be doing. That's the way it has been this past week.
A couple of years ago I bought a cross stitch pattern.Search Amazon.com for geisha cross stitch
Kelly likes Japanese decor and I thought that she would like this. So I went out and got all the colors that I didn't have in my box, and the fabric. Then I got distracted by other things. (If you knew the crazy things that happen in this house it wouldn't surprise you.) Any way, It took me a while to get back to it. I think that I needed two years to mature, because this pattern has a lot of half stitches and is worked on a 28 count fabric. My eyes tell me I should have gotten to it sooner. Magnifying tools are never to be under rated in this house. It's been a long time since I have done any cross stitching and I have had to take a few stitches out along the way, so I am trying very hard not to mess up. The pattern is beautiful, and lately it's all I've wanted to do. I have had to make myself set it down and do the things that needed to be done this last week.
Of course I get great motivation to work from all the voices around our home that tell me they need clean clothes or that they are hungry. They are all grown up! I taught them to do laundry and cook, but for some reason they think that I still have to do it for them. I guess that's the price you pay for being Mom. And that's OK too. It's good to be needed and I sure do love all these wonderful people that fill my home with such joy!
The weather has turned cool down here, finally. I am very glad, I love soup weather! This week I made a gumbo that was delicious! My Sister shared her recipe with me and since she's a great cook I thought that I'd try it. She got the recipe from a Paula Deen cookbook. It was also on foodnetwork.com. I changed the recipe up just a little and added shrimp and celery to mine. I didn't have okra so that was left out. It was still yummy though. I think that the next time I may leave out the shrimp.
Hope that everyone has an awesome weekend!
Blessings and Love to all ~ S ~ The Quilted YaYa
Kelly likes Japanese decor and I thought that she would like this. So I went out and got all the colors that I didn't have in my box, and the fabric. Then I got distracted by other things. (If you knew the crazy things that happen in this house it wouldn't surprise you.) Any way, It took me a while to get back to it. I think that I needed two years to mature, because this pattern has a lot of half stitches and is worked on a 28 count fabric. My eyes tell me I should have gotten to it sooner. Magnifying tools are never to be under rated in this house. It's been a long time since I have done any cross stitching and I have had to take a few stitches out along the way, so I am trying very hard not to mess up. The pattern is beautiful, and lately it's all I've wanted to do. I have had to make myself set it down and do the things that needed to be done this last week.
Of course I get great motivation to work from all the voices around our home that tell me they need clean clothes or that they are hungry. They are all grown up! I taught them to do laundry and cook, but for some reason they think that I still have to do it for them. I guess that's the price you pay for being Mom. And that's OK too. It's good to be needed and I sure do love all these wonderful people that fill my home with such joy!
The weather has turned cool down here, finally. I am very glad, I love soup weather! This week I made a gumbo that was delicious! My Sister shared her recipe with me and since she's a great cook I thought that I'd try it. She got the recipe from a Paula Deen cookbook. It was also on foodnetwork.com. I changed the recipe up just a little and added shrimp and celery to mine. I didn't have okra so that was left out. It was still yummy though. I think that the next time I may leave out the shrimp.
Hope that everyone has an awesome weekend!
Blessings and Love to all ~ S ~ The Quilted YaYa
Monday, September 20, 2010
Hearts, Hearts, Hearts
Not long ago, a dear friend's Son was married. He is a missionary in Honduras and he has married a beautiful young woman. They will be home soon for the reception. I wanted to do something really special for them, so I did what I do best, make blankets. Either quilted or crocheted. I called his Mom and asked what colors they liked. His Mom said, "He's a big Alabama fan, so make it red!" Well red it is! While the pictures that I'm posting don't really do the color justice, I wanted to share the afghan. The color is a very red red. While the color is for Zach, the hearts are for Rina. I know that she must be very special to be included in their family. For when this family loves you, it's an awesome thing!
Looking forward to giving it to them. Praying that God will richly bless this family.
Love You J!
Blessings to all ~ S (the Quilted YaYa)
Looking forward to giving it to them. Praying that God will richly bless this family.
Love You J!
Blessings to all ~ S (the Quilted YaYa)
Hearts on Fire Crocheted Blanket
Friday, September 10, 2010
God Bless the USA!
Tomorrow is September 11, 2010.
How many are sitting and thinking back about where they were nine years ago. I was at home teaching my children, my son was at a friends home, and my husband was at work. My oldest daughter and her children were at their home.
A friend called and was crying so hard that all she could say was TV News! I turned on the news and sat in shock at the scene unfolding before my eyes. I wanted to gather up all of my family and make sure they were safe, even though what was happening was hundreds of miles away.
My heart still breaks today for the lives that were lost in those terrible events. It aches more for those that died without Jesus as their Savior. I am saddened even more by the way things are today.
My Great-Grandfathers came to this country to get away from tyranny and socialism. I believe that they would be standing in front of their homes today shaking their fists at our socialist government if they were still alive. How sad that the freedom that they came to this country for is leaving so quickly.
I pray that God will open the eyes of all that they may see the Truth. That they will wake up before it is too late. I pray that the Christians will stand in Jesus' name and be counted as those that pray for our country.
It's still the best country to live in, why else would everyone want in?
Blessings to All ~ S. The Quilted YaYa
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. 2 Chr. 7:14
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Horse Quilt
I finally did it. I finished the quilt that I started 2 years ago for my daughter. Normally it doesn't take me two years to finish a quilt. This one was different though.
It started out by my wanting to learn to do a Y seam. So, I made one patch using the window pane block. I put a piece of fabric in the center that had horses on it. When my daughter saw the square, she said that she wanted a quilt with all horses. That started a hunt for horse fabric. This took a little while because we were a little picky about the fabric that we wanted. In the mean time a dear friend of mine, Miss Francis, gave me a large bag of fabric. Actually three large bags. In the process of going through these bags we found several squares that had been cut out that had horses on them. My daughter decided that she wanted to include these squares in the quilt because of who they had come from. So the quilt was rearranged again.
Some where in the midst of all of this, several young people from our church and other friends got married, or were having babies. So my daughters quilt took a back burner until I finished all of these gifts. But that was OK. I'm thankful that she is such an easy going, patient child. Having said that though, I have to be careful that she doesn't get overlooked.
Well, all of the wedding showers and baby showers finally slowed down and I picked up the horse quilt again. I finished piecing the squares together and then finished the top. I machine quilted it and finished the binding on 2 Aug. 2010.
Now it is on to other stuff. I have another baby blanket to make and another wedding gift to crochet that I need to have finished before the end of this month. Oh my goodness, buy my hands do stay busy. I thank God that I have been blessed with so many dear friends and such an awesome family.
Blessings to all ~ S (The Quilted YaYa)
The very center of the quilt.
This is a pillow case that I made from some of the fabric that Miss Francis gave us. The horses were much to big for the quilt, but we wanted to use them somehow.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wow! I just realized that summer is here and almost over with already. Where has the time gone? Yes, I know that everyone asks that question. Our summer has been very busy. We've canned jars of peas and green beans, and getting ready to can tomatoes very soon. There's been babysitting, and summer classes taken to get the credits required for graduation. Cleaning houses and cleaning out our basement.
I've been working on the quilt that I started for Jessica about two years ago. I finally sat at the sewing machine and got the blocks sewn together. Now the quilting is complete and I'm sewing the binding on.
I was also very blessed this summer with several vintage quilt tops that I've been trying to clean up and repair. I plan on getting at least one or two of them on the hoop this winter and using them as a project to teach my daughters hand quilting.
It's been a little dry the last few weeks so, we've had to get out and water our little garden and our yard lately. I do pray for rain. God waters so much better than I can. So much more thoroughly than I ever could.
There are only a few more weeks left before my neighbors go back to school and then the babysitting will be done. The time will come for full time school work for us again and before you know it Autumn will be here. I look forward to the stillness that comes with the winding down and settling into winter. There is a routine that we get into with school work and our regular duties. We've worked hard this year preparing for the winter months and it will be good to take the time to rest from the business of summer.
Kelly is almost done with cosmetology school and will soon be going to work. She is very glad of that. It's been a pretty long year for her with some very intense school work. She is looking forward to graduation and then moving on with her life.
I think the biggest thing for me this summer has been, trying to learn how not to stress. Stress causes so many problems. For me it has been sore muscles, tension in my jaw and a back that seems to always have pain. I would love to be able to say that my pains were from hard work, not that I haven't worked hard this summer, but I can't blame that for my pains. I have been praying and I have been learning to relax and let God handle all the worries of the day. I just get so caught up in all of the busyness sometimes that I forget God has a bigger and better plan and that His timing is just perfect.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Phl. 4:6
Pictures of the quilts will follow when I get them done.
Blessing to all, S
The Quilted YaYa
I've been working on the quilt that I started for Jessica about two years ago. I finally sat at the sewing machine and got the blocks sewn together. Now the quilting is complete and I'm sewing the binding on.
I was also very blessed this summer with several vintage quilt tops that I've been trying to clean up and repair. I plan on getting at least one or two of them on the hoop this winter and using them as a project to teach my daughters hand quilting.
It's been a little dry the last few weeks so, we've had to get out and water our little garden and our yard lately. I do pray for rain. God waters so much better than I can. So much more thoroughly than I ever could.
There are only a few more weeks left before my neighbors go back to school and then the babysitting will be done. The time will come for full time school work for us again and before you know it Autumn will be here. I look forward to the stillness that comes with the winding down and settling into winter. There is a routine that we get into with school work and our regular duties. We've worked hard this year preparing for the winter months and it will be good to take the time to rest from the business of summer.
Kelly is almost done with cosmetology school and will soon be going to work. She is very glad of that. It's been a pretty long year for her with some very intense school work. She is looking forward to graduation and then moving on with her life.
I think the biggest thing for me this summer has been, trying to learn how not to stress. Stress causes so many problems. For me it has been sore muscles, tension in my jaw and a back that seems to always have pain. I would love to be able to say that my pains were from hard work, not that I haven't worked hard this summer, but I can't blame that for my pains. I have been praying and I have been learning to relax and let God handle all the worries of the day. I just get so caught up in all of the busyness sometimes that I forget God has a bigger and better plan and that His timing is just perfect.
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Phl. 4:6
Pictures of the quilts will follow when I get them done.
Blessing to all, S
The Quilted YaYa
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Ewww Science
We've been studying our Biology. This past week we've been doing the dissecting that we've read about this year. We saved the dissecting for warm weather so that we could take the preserved and somewhat smelly, OK STINKY! specimens on the back deck where they wouldn't make the house smell. So far the girls have dissected a perch, a frog, a clam, and a grasshopper. I think we need a sharper scalpel though. The one we have would probably have a hard time cutting through melted butter. We have managed though.
We've discovered a few things along the way.
Well, we already knew 1-3 from our Bible study, but it's great to see it first hand.
Here are a few of the pictures that we took while we dissected.
Blessings ~ S
The LORD is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. Psalm 145:9
We've discovered a few things along the way.
1. God's creation is Amazing!
2. Everything was designed with a purpose
3. Everything, including us has been given everything we need by God.
4. Finally forensics is fascinating!
Well, we already knew 1-3 from our Bible study, but it's great to see it first hand.
Here are a few of the pictures that we took while we dissected.
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Our small frog |
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Oh Wow! |
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playing with the crayfish, Ewwww |
Blessings ~ S
The LORD is good to everyone. He showers compassion on all his creation. Psalm 145:9
Saturday, May 1, 2010
I'm just sayin...
Check out my The Quilted YaYa 2
Sometimes I just have to say something.
Love and Blessings to all, S
Sometimes I just have to say something.
Love and Blessings to all, S
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
New Quilt
Making a new baby quilt for a friends first baby. Love this fabric that I got pre-pieced from Hobby Lobby. I'm almost finished with it. Posting a picture that I took right after I pinned it together. I don't normally buy fabric that is pre-pieced like this or what I call cheater cloth. But, when I saw this fabric, I just couldn't resist. I thought that it was just so pretty. At any rate this may be the first quilt that I actually have finished before the baby shower. I love it!
Blessings ~ S
Blessings ~ S
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Take time to Read!
I just bought a new book this week. It looks like it is going to be promising. Secrets of a Prayer Warrior
I think that it is going to be a really good book.
I finished the book Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (Hardcover)
about two weeks ago and have been trying to finish the sequel Inkspell (Inkheart)
this week. My youngest daughter got me started reading them after we bought the movie Inkheart
a few months ago and liked it. We decided to check the book out at our local library and the book is so much better than the movie. Don't get me wrong the movie is really good, but as usual it didn't stick with the book. Anyway, the book Inkspell is a bit longer than the first book and I haven't had a bunch of time to read like I would like but I've been finding about 30 min. to and hour in the evenings.
I love to read and I highly encourage my daughters to read also. So take time to read today. Visit your local library. We have been blessed with a really great Librarian and we like to visit our library.
Blessings to all ~ S Monday, March 22, 2010
On Sunday, it was Aimee's birthday. It was also a great day for learning something new. Aimee and Jessica took a CPROX 1st / AED course. It stands for CPR with Oxygen, first aid, and Automated External Defibrillator. They learned a lot and also had fun. The instructors were great! Jessica & Aimee both passed and received their certification. I'm very proud of both of them.
After the class we came home and I quickly fixed Shrimp Scampi and a peanut butter pie for Aimee's birthday dinner. Then she opened her gifts and we played a new game called "Funglish". Once we figured it out it was pretty fun.
How very blessed that I am to have such wonderful daughters and a great Son.
Love and Blessings ~ S

After the class we came home and I quickly fixed Shrimp Scampi and a peanut butter pie for Aimee's birthday dinner. Then she opened her gifts and we played a new game called "Funglish". Once we figured it out it was pretty fun.
How very blessed that I am to have such wonderful daughters and a great Son.
Love and Blessings ~ S
Friday, March 19, 2010
I've posted an updated on The Quilted YaYa2
Blessings ~ S
Blessings ~ S
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Trying to get FIT!
Last week we invested in a new toy. A Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board
. I have been wanting to start working out again, but have not had the funds to go to the gym. I have also been embarrassed to let anyone see how bad I've let myself become. I have exercise equipment in my basement which I do use occasionally, but not as often as I should.
About a month ago I really started praying earnestly for God to help me get out of my rut. When I'm out of shape I don't feel good, I don't have motivation for much of anything, and my self image is awful. We were able to save our money and finally buy the WII Fit Plus. I don't think the weight thing is accurate, at least I hope that it isn't! But I figure as a gauge that it can't be all that off. So I decided to do a little something to help me keep motivated to workout on a daily basis. I am going to try to record my progress on here or my other blog.
I won't give my weight, but I will log the number of lbs. lost each week. Going slow and steady. Also the amount of time that I put in each week. I'm shooting for an hour each day, but I realize that there will be days when I only can fit in 30 minutes. That will be OK too, the point is to keep moving each day. Yesterday I worked out for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then the girls and I went to the park and we walked on the trails for about 3 miles. It really was fun and we laughed almost as much as we walked.
Since last Thursday (6 days ago) when we bought it I've put in 6 hours, and gone down 1 and 1/2 lbs. I've also been watching what I eat. That is the hardest part. I love to eat and I love my chocolate. The other thing I've been doing is drinking more water, no soda's and only 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning.
The whole thing about the WII is that it really doesn't feel like I'm working out. I'm just playing games. Plus I'm really a pretty competitive person and my daughters are too. So we are always trying to best the others scores and time.
As I'm writing this I am watching one of my daughters workout on it. I love seeing them active too. The benefits of exercise are great and I've always known that. I think I've heard it all my life "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." Of course that goes for many areas of your life. I know that if I don't workout and stay active I will lose muscle tone and much more. If I don't read my Bible daily, I will lose my spiritual tone.
More later.
Blessings ~ S
About a month ago I really started praying earnestly for God to help me get out of my rut. When I'm out of shape I don't feel good, I don't have motivation for much of anything, and my self image is awful. We were able to save our money and finally buy the WII Fit Plus. I don't think the weight thing is accurate, at least I hope that it isn't! But I figure as a gauge that it can't be all that off. So I decided to do a little something to help me keep motivated to workout on a daily basis. I am going to try to record my progress on here or my other blog.
I won't give my weight, but I will log the number of lbs. lost each week. Going slow and steady. Also the amount of time that I put in each week. I'm shooting for an hour each day, but I realize that there will be days when I only can fit in 30 minutes. That will be OK too, the point is to keep moving each day. Yesterday I worked out for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then the girls and I went to the park and we walked on the trails for about 3 miles. It really was fun and we laughed almost as much as we walked.
Since last Thursday (6 days ago) when we bought it I've put in 6 hours, and gone down 1 and 1/2 lbs. I've also been watching what I eat. That is the hardest part. I love to eat and I love my chocolate. The other thing I've been doing is drinking more water, no soda's and only 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning.
The whole thing about the WII is that it really doesn't feel like I'm working out. I'm just playing games. Plus I'm really a pretty competitive person and my daughters are too. So we are always trying to best the others scores and time.
As I'm writing this I am watching one of my daughters workout on it. I love seeing them active too. The benefits of exercise are great and I've always known that. I think I've heard it all my life "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." Of course that goes for many areas of your life. I know that if I don't workout and stay active I will lose muscle tone and much more. If I don't read my Bible daily, I will lose my spiritual tone.
More later.
Blessings ~ S
Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. 1 Ti. 4:8 |
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I'm ready for Spring!
We picked out our anniversary present a little early this year. My sweet hubby let me get a comforter set for our bed that I liked from Belk, and I absolutely love it.Well, one thing leads to another and with the new covers I decided that I needed new sheets to fit with it.
I love to fix up my home and feather my nest. I like having pretty things around. Now they don't have to be fancy or expensive, just pretty. So I have been shopping for bed sheets this week. I don't have a big king size bed so I didn't figure that it would be hard to find a sheet set for less than $30. I want plain white or ivory ones that I can attach lace to or put some embroidery on. I tried to find some with lace already on them and that was around $100. So after an hour of shopping around online, I did find some at Amazon Jessica Sanders Soft Touch As 1200 Thread Count Sheet Set QUEEN
I am also considering getting rid of some of my books. That is a hard thing for me to do since books are like babies to me. I really have a hard time parting with some of them. But, I do have many school books that I am no longer using, I think I will be clearing them out soon. Some are in pretty good shape so maybe I can sell them at a used book sale.
Blessings ~ S
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Sunbonnet Sue
With the snow last week and just generally feeling like I wanted to be working on a quilt, I decided to start one. Occasionally I feel the need to sit in a chair and do a little applique work. So I pulled out the quilt scrap book that my Grandma started and gave to me and found the sunbonnet sue pattern that she had traced in it. I made a couple of copies and started pulling out my fabric scraps. There is just something very peaceful about creating a quilt with applique.
What fun I have had this week!
Blessings ~ S
What fun I have had this week!
Blessings ~ S
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy St. Valentine's Day
Happy St. Valentine's Day! Do something special with your Sweetie today. It doesn't have to be extravagant or expensive. Whatever you do needs to be done with heart and thought.
Have a wonderful Day!
Have a wonderful Day!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Winter Wonderland
We have snow in the south! I love it. We had such fun playing in the snow yesterday. It's not often that we get the kind of snow that we had this year. It was soft and fluffy with big flakes falling at one point. Our back yard looked like a winter wonderland. It was beautiful and almost surreal.
This morning there is still snow on the ground. Don't know if we will get out and play again today though. Seems like a good day for working on a quilt!
Blessings ~ S
This morning there is still snow on the ground. Don't know if we will get out and play again today though. Seems like a good day for working on a quilt!
Blessings ~ S
Monday, February 8, 2010
Play Dough
OK, well, I didn't get pictures of the process. However we did try the play dough that said most like the real stuff.(recipe below) It was pretty good and really did remind you of the real stuff. Because of the vanilla, it even smelled better than the real stuff! Brodie said it was better because it was squishier than what they have at home.
Alum doesn't cost that much if you buy the off brand. Not a product that I use a lot in this house. We split it into 4 pieces and colored one pink, one green, one purple, and one yellow. I suggest you use a disposable glove to mix the color in or you'll have multi colored hands. :)
You can use it just like the real stuff too. We have some old jello cut out forms that we've had for jigglers in the shape of letters and several old cookie cutters that I no longer use for food prep. They used it to make all kinds of stuff and when they got tired of playing we put it in ziplock sandwich bags and stored it in the fridge.
So my recommendation if you want pretty close without the cost try that recipe. The little ones here liked it.
Have fun. Blessings ~ S
1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon powdered alum
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons vanilla
food coloring
Mix all dry ingredients. Add oil and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until reaching the consistency of mashed potatoes. Remove from heat and add vanilla and food coloring. Divide into balls and work in color by kneading the playdough.
Alum doesn't cost that much if you buy the off brand. Not a product that I use a lot in this house. We split it into 4 pieces and colored one pink, one green, one purple, and one yellow. I suggest you use a disposable glove to mix the color in or you'll have multi colored hands. :)
You can use it just like the real stuff too. We have some old jello cut out forms that we've had for jigglers in the shape of letters and several old cookie cutters that I no longer use for food prep. They used it to make all kinds of stuff and when they got tired of playing we put it in ziplock sandwich bags and stored it in the fridge.
So my recommendation if you want pretty close without the cost try that recipe. The little ones here liked it.
Have fun. Blessings ~ S
Just Like the Real Playdough (so they say)
1 cup flour1 cup water
1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon powdered alum
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons vanilla
food coloring
Mix all dry ingredients. Add oil and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until reaching the consistency of mashed potatoes. Remove from heat and add vanilla and food coloring. Divide into balls and work in color by kneading the playdough.
Baby Sitting?
We are baby sitting today. That sounds funny because the little fellow that we are keeping isn't a baby. He's 4 years old. But we are going to have fun today. We are making play dough and using cookie cutters and letter shapes to learn while we are having fun! We found a bunch of recipes for play dough on about.com
There are a couple of recipes that I think I might make. But first I have to run to the store because I don't keep 2 cups of baking soda in my home at one time. But since I have to make a library run today that shouldn't be a problem.
I'll post pictures after the fun today.
Blessings - S
There are a couple of recipes that I think I might make. But first I have to run to the store because I don't keep 2 cups of baking soda in my home at one time. But since I have to make a library run today that shouldn't be a problem.
I'll post pictures after the fun today.
Blessings - S
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Monday, February 1, 2010
Brrrr! It's cold outside
Brrrr! It's been cold here in the south. We aren't used to these cold temps around here.Now, I don't mind the cold as long as I don't have to go anywhere. But, our home seems to be hard to heat I The biggest problem being is that our basement gets cold at night and since we don't have heat downstairs, it doesn't warm up during the day very much. Our basement is where my sewing room is (really a sewing corner) and the game area for the kids. It's not fancy or anything like that. I have a corner that is mine with my sewing machine set up and a table for cutting. We have a tv for the Wii and our deep freeze. I think we need to buy a space heater to put down there but with the fabric I am always afraid of fires. Maybe we will be able to find a safe one that isn't too expensive.
Anyway, we recently found out that a dear friend who is expecting, is going to have a little girl. So I am wishing that it would warm up so that I can get started on her quilt. I am so excited for the parents! Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks the weather will warm up enough during the day that I will be able to get downstairs and work. If not, I may just have to brave the chilly temps down in my little sewing room. Maybe if I had one continuous hot flash it wouldn't be so bad! : ) Then the basement would feel quite good.
In the mean time, I've been busy babysitting, cleaning houses and teaching my girls. Pride and Prejudice
is such a wonderful book. It lends itself so well to a unit study. Especially for Bible, Literature and Grammar. Pre-algebra and Geometry are going well, but we struggle with biology. It's a wonderful subject and lots of fun but like most kids, mine like the hands on part the best. I have to admit, that it is my favorite part too. Soon the spring will be here though and we will be able to get back outside. Then we can study the bugs, and plants and other living things. I am also saving the dissecting for the spring so we can do that on the back deck. Preservatives just tend to smell yukky. : (
When I do get started I will post pictures of the quilt and the biology.
Blessings to all, S
Anyway, we recently found out that a dear friend who is expecting, is going to have a little girl. So I am wishing that it would warm up so that I can get started on her quilt. I am so excited for the parents! Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks the weather will warm up enough during the day that I will be able to get downstairs and work. If not, I may just have to brave the chilly temps down in my little sewing room. Maybe if I had one continuous hot flash it wouldn't be so bad! : ) Then the basement would feel quite good.
In the mean time, I've been busy babysitting, cleaning houses and teaching my girls. Pride and Prejudice
When I do get started I will post pictures of the quilt and the biology.
Blessings to all, S
Monday, January 18, 2010
After 2 weeks of the building where we meet for Church, being too cold, we finally got to come together again as a church yesterday (Sunday, 17, Jan. 2010). Frank spoke this week and taught on prayer. He read passages from a book by Derek Prince called "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior". Excellent teaching. Thank You Frank for sharing with us what God has laid on your heart.
This really weighed on my mind last night and about 3:30 this morning I woke up and felt strongly that God was calling me to get up and pray. Not only for my family but also for our Government and those in authority.
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Ti.2: 1-4
I prayed for my family members that have not come to a relationship with Jesus yet also. I was thinking about something that happened several years ago.
My husband had a friend at work who would constantly tell him that he believed in Jesus but would say and do things that were contrary to scripture. My husband who watched how I worked with the kids as we homeschooled and how we acted around our home, finally told me about his friend. ( I should say here that at the time my husband wasn't saved. He still doesn't go to church with us but, I see evidence of a changed heart and know that God is working in his life.) I told him that even Satan believes in Jesus, but I don't believe that he will be in Heaven. There is a difference in just believing and having that relationship, that love of Jesus that makes your heart swell with joy. Someone once told me that the difference between a belief and a relationship is a few inches. The difference from your brain to your heart. Doesn't seem like much, but it is a world of difference.
We are the Bride of Jesus. What a beautiful thought.
I remember when I got married, how excited I was walking down towards my husband to be. Thoughts running wild in my head, of getting to know him more, sharing a life together, and that I would finally be able to write Mrs. L--- on official papers. We went from just believing in each other to a real relationship. Actually putting our belief in each other to walking it out in everyday life.
Well, now I am a Christian. I have been for almost 20 years. I am Mrs. CHRISTian. I have become a part of Christ, I have taken his name and I am His Bride! What a love that is! To know that He loves me enough that He died for me before I was even born. That He knew me, and already knew the mistakes that I was going to make. It didn't matter, because He loved me so much that He went to the cross anyway. His Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness overwhelm me sometimes.
There is a song that comes to mind by Michael Card called the "Chorus of Faith". In the last verse there are two lines that stand out to me,
He loves us with passion, without regret, He cannot love more and will not love less. How awesome!
Thank You God for loving us so much that even though you know us and know our shortcomings, You still love us. Thank You for your grace and mercy. I pray for all those that I love, that don't have a relationship with you yet, that each one will be drawn to Your heart and a real relationship with You. For those that belong to You now I pray that You would strengthen them. Protect their hearts from all anxiousness and evil. For those that You have allowed or placed in authority over us I pray that they would come to the knowledge that You are the perfect and holy one and that they would model our Government after Your Kingdom. That we would live peaceful and quiet lives.For those that are hurting spiritually, emotionally or physically, Father I pray for healing. In the name of our Saviour Jesus, I pray. Amen
Blessings, S
This really weighed on my mind last night and about 3:30 this morning I woke up and felt strongly that God was calling me to get up and pray. Not only for my family but also for our Government and those in authority.
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Ti.2: 1-4
I prayed for my family members that have not come to a relationship with Jesus yet also. I was thinking about something that happened several years ago.
My husband had a friend at work who would constantly tell him that he believed in Jesus but would say and do things that were contrary to scripture. My husband who watched how I worked with the kids as we homeschooled and how we acted around our home, finally told me about his friend. ( I should say here that at the time my husband wasn't saved. He still doesn't go to church with us but, I see evidence of a changed heart and know that God is working in his life.) I told him that even Satan believes in Jesus, but I don't believe that he will be in Heaven. There is a difference in just believing and having that relationship, that love of Jesus that makes your heart swell with joy. Someone once told me that the difference between a belief and a relationship is a few inches. The difference from your brain to your heart. Doesn't seem like much, but it is a world of difference.
We are the Bride of Jesus. What a beautiful thought.
I remember when I got married, how excited I was walking down towards my husband to be. Thoughts running wild in my head, of getting to know him more, sharing a life together, and that I would finally be able to write Mrs. L--- on official papers. We went from just believing in each other to a real relationship. Actually putting our belief in each other to walking it out in everyday life.
Well, now I am a Christian. I have been for almost 20 years. I am Mrs. CHRISTian. I have become a part of Christ, I have taken his name and I am His Bride! What a love that is! To know that He loves me enough that He died for me before I was even born. That He knew me, and already knew the mistakes that I was going to make. It didn't matter, because He loved me so much that He went to the cross anyway. His Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness overwhelm me sometimes.
There is a song that comes to mind by Michael Card called the "Chorus of Faith". In the last verse there are two lines that stand out to me,
He loves us with passion, without regret, He cannot love more and will not love less. How awesome!
Thank You God for loving us so much that even though you know us and know our shortcomings, You still love us. Thank You for your grace and mercy. I pray for all those that I love, that don't have a relationship with you yet, that each one will be drawn to Your heart and a real relationship with You. For those that belong to You now I pray that You would strengthen them. Protect their hearts from all anxiousness and evil. For those that You have allowed or placed in authority over us I pray that they would come to the knowledge that You are the perfect and holy one and that they would model our Government after Your Kingdom. That we would live peaceful and quiet lives.For those that are hurting spiritually, emotionally or physically, Father I pray for healing. In the name of our Saviour Jesus, I pray. Amen
Blessings, S
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
On getting organized
I've been trying to get organized this year. One of my goals. Much easier said than done. I keep hitting these invisible speed bumps along the way, and it's driving me crazy! Ok, first I cleaned out a lot of my fabric that I couldn't or wouldn't use for quilts. There's still a ton left. But then my sweet husband moved the Wii into our basement and now that is taking up space. Well sort of. The Wii doesn't take up the space but the space needed to play has to be left open. So now I have to rearrange in order to have room for my sewing machines and cutting table. Plus it's just a little cold in the basement with the weather being unusually cold this winter. Brrrr... Winter in the South. Gotta Love it. Oh well, Spring is on the way, and I will try to spend some time getting things arranged the way I want them soon enough.
There never seems to be enough time at home right now. How sad, as I really am a bit of a homebody. Today however is a full day at home and I get to put on the hats that I love the most. Mommy, teacher, and the maker of my home. We are finally going to get back into our routine after Christmas break. We plan on getting our chores completed, laundry done, and a cheesecake made for dessert tonight. Plus we get to start back reading our Jane Austen books again, and doing our Algebra and Geometry. I love home schooling my kids!
Now it is time to get the day moving, coffee is finished and breakfast should be getting made right now. So I'm signing off until another day.
Blessings to all, S
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Ps. 8:9
There never seems to be enough time at home right now. How sad, as I really am a bit of a homebody. Today however is a full day at home and I get to put on the hats that I love the most. Mommy, teacher, and the maker of my home. We are finally going to get back into our routine after Christmas break. We plan on getting our chores completed, laundry done, and a cheesecake made for dessert tonight. Plus we get to start back reading our Jane Austen books again, and doing our Algebra and Geometry. I love home schooling my kids!
Now it is time to get the day moving, coffee is finished and breakfast should be getting made right now. So I'm signing off until another day.
Blessings to all, S
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Ps. 8:9
Monday, January 4, 2010
It's a New Year
Happy NEW YEAR! to all my friends!
It's a new Year! Full of hopes, dreams and goals. I have hopes of finally loosing weight, getting organized and unplugging from the computer for longer periods of time. Well Facebook any way. I want to get caught up and work on typing up the unit study that the girls and I are doing this year for school. I have a quilt that I want to work on for a baby and a blanket to crochet for a young lady that I've been praying for.
I think that my biggest goal this year is to commit to pray for my family on a daily basis. Several years ago a friend of mine challenged me to pray from the Psalms each day for my family. It was wonderful, and taught me how to pray from God's word. So with that in mind I will try to do it again this year.
She started me out with Psalm 1 to teach me how. I have saved this over the years and I'm posting it today.
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers. But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper. But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. Psalm 1 (NLT)
Father God,
I pray that every member of my family, my neighbors, and my friends would be blessed- choosing not to walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit tin the seat of mockers.
I pray that we would all take desperate delight in Your Law, meditating on it day and night. May it become bound to every fiber of our being. May we all be as tress planted by streams of water- Living Water- yielding abundant fruit in every season- fruit for Your Honor and Glory- that our faith and attitudes of love and endurance never wither, that we might prosper in all our Kingdom labors.
We ask that You blow on any chaff that is on our lives- blow it away, that You will clearly show us everthing that displeases you- refine us in Your Holy Fires.
Thank You for Your continual watch over us- help us to be faithful in guarding and defending our family, friends, neighbors, etc. from all spirtiual assaults.
May this prayer rise before Your Holy Throne of Grace and resonate until every member of our family, every neighbor, every friend is walking in accordance with Your chosen Will for their lives -our lives.
Blessings & Joy to all, S
It's a new Year! Full of hopes, dreams and goals. I have hopes of finally loosing weight, getting organized and unplugging from the computer for longer periods of time. Well Facebook any way. I want to get caught up and work on typing up the unit study that the girls and I are doing this year for school. I have a quilt that I want to work on for a baby and a blanket to crochet for a young lady that I've been praying for.
I think that my biggest goal this year is to commit to pray for my family on a daily basis. Several years ago a friend of mine challenged me to pray from the Psalms each day for my family. It was wonderful, and taught me how to pray from God's word. So with that in mind I will try to do it again this year.
She started me out with Psalm 1 to teach me how. I have saved this over the years and I'm posting it today.
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers. But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper. But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. Psalm 1 (NLT)
Father God,
I pray that every member of my family, my neighbors, and my friends would be blessed- choosing not to walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit tin the seat of mockers.
I pray that we would all take desperate delight in Your Law, meditating on it day and night. May it become bound to every fiber of our being. May we all be as tress planted by streams of water- Living Water- yielding abundant fruit in every season- fruit for Your Honor and Glory- that our faith and attitudes of love and endurance never wither, that we might prosper in all our Kingdom labors.
We ask that You blow on any chaff that is on our lives- blow it away, that You will clearly show us everthing that displeases you- refine us in Your Holy Fires.
Thank You for Your continual watch over us- help us to be faithful in guarding and defending our family, friends, neighbors, etc. from all spirtiual assaults.
May this prayer rise before Your Holy Throne of Grace and resonate until every member of our family, every neighbor, every friend is walking in accordance with Your chosen Will for their lives -our lives.
Blessings & Joy to all, S
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