Monday, January 18, 2010


   After 2 weeks of the building where we meet for Church, being too cold, we finally got to come together again as a church yesterday (Sunday, 17, Jan. 2010). Frank spoke this week and taught on prayer. He read passages from a book by Derek Prince called "Secrets of a Prayer Warrior". Excellent teaching. Thank You Frank for sharing with us what God has laid on your heart.
     This really weighed on my mind last night and about 3:30 this morning I woke up and felt strongly that God was calling me to get up and pray. Not only for my family but also for our Government and those in authority.   
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone- for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1Ti.2: 1-4
    I prayed for my family members that have not come to a relationship with Jesus yet also. I was thinking about something that happened several years ago.
    My husband had a friend at work who would constantly tell him that he believed in Jesus but would say and do things that were contrary to scripture. My husband who watched how I worked with the kids as we homeschooled and how we acted around our home, finally told me about his friend. ( I should say here that at the time my husband wasn't saved. He still doesn't go to church with us but, I see evidence of a changed heart and know that God is working in his life.)  I told him that even Satan believes in Jesus, but I don't believe that he will be in Heaven. There is a difference in just believing and having that relationship, that love of Jesus that makes your heart swell with joy. Someone once told me that the difference between a belief and a relationship is a few inches. The difference from your brain to your heart. Doesn't seem like much, but it is a world of difference.
   We are the Bride of Jesus. What a beautiful thought.
    I remember when I got married, how excited I was walking down towards my husband to be. Thoughts running wild in my head, of getting to know him more, sharing a life together, and that I would finally be able to write Mrs. L--- on official papers. We went from just believing in each other to a real relationship. Actually putting our belief in each other to walking it out in everyday life.
   Well, now I am a Christian. I have been for almost 20 years.  I am Mrs. CHRISTian. I have become a part of Christ, I have taken his name and I am His Bride! What a love that is! To know that He loves me enough that He died for me before I was even born. That He knew me, and already knew the mistakes that I was going to make. It didn't matter, because He loved me so much that He went to the cross anyway. His Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness overwhelm me sometimes.
     There is a song that comes to mind by Michael Card called the "Chorus of Faith". In the last verse there are two lines that stand out to me, 
He loves us with passion, without regret, He cannot love more and will not love less. How awesome! 
     Thank You God for loving us so much that even though you know us and know our shortcomings, You still love us. Thank You for your grace and mercy. I pray for all those that I love, that don't have a relationship with you yet, that each one will be drawn to Your heart and a real relationship with You. For those that belong to You now I pray that You would strengthen them. Protect their hearts from all anxiousness and evil. For those that You have allowed or placed in authority over us I pray that they would come to the knowledge that You are the perfect and holy one and that they would model our Government after Your Kingdom. That we would live peaceful and quiet lives.For those that are hurting spiritually, emotionally or physically, Father I pray for healing.  In the name of our Saviour Jesus, I pray. Amen
Blessings, S

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On getting organized

     I've been trying to get organized this year. One of my goals. Much easier said than done. I keep hitting these invisible speed bumps along the way, and it's driving me crazy! Ok, first I cleaned out a lot of my fabric that I couldn't or wouldn't use for quilts. There's still a ton left. But then my sweet husband moved the Wii into our basement and now that is taking up space. Well sort of. The Wii doesn't take up the space but the space needed to play has to be left open. So now I have to rearrange in order to have room for my sewing machines and cutting table. Plus it's just a little cold in the basement with the weather being unusually cold this winter. Brrrr... Winter in the South. Gotta Love it. Oh well, Spring is on the way, and I will try to spend some time getting things arranged the way I want them soon enough.
     There never seems to be enough time at home right now. How sad, as I really am a bit of a homebody. Today however is a full day at home and I get to put on the hats that I love the most. Mommy, teacher, and the maker of my home. We are finally going to get back into our routine after Christmas break. We plan on getting our chores completed, laundry done, and a cheesecake made for dessert tonight. Plus we get to start back reading our Jane Austen books again, and doing our Algebra and Geometry. I love home schooling my kids!
     Now it is time to get the day moving, coffee is finished and breakfast should be getting made right now. So I'm signing off until another day.
Blessings to all, S
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Ps. 8:9

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a New Year

   Happy NEW YEAR! to all my friends!

It's a new Year! Full of hopes, dreams and goals. I have hopes of finally loosing weight, getting organized and unplugging from the computer for longer periods of time. Well Facebook any way. I want to get caught up and work on typing up the unit study that the girls and I are doing this year for school.  I have a  quilt that I want to work on for a baby and a blanket to crochet for a young lady that I've been praying for.
   I think that my biggest goal this year is to commit to pray for my family on a daily basis. Several years ago a friend of mine challenged me to pray from the Psalms each day for my family. It was wonderful, and taught me how to pray from God's word. So with that in mind I will try to do it again this year.
   She started me out with Psalm 1 to teach me how. I have saved this over the years and I'm posting it today.
Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with scoffers. But they delight in doing everything the LORD wants; day and night they think about his law. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season without fail. Their leaves never wither, and in all they do, they prosper. But this is not true of the wicked. They are like worthless chaff, scattered by the wind. They will be condemned at the time of judgment. Sinners will have no place among the godly. For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction. Psalm 1 (NLT)

  Father God,
 I pray that every member of my family, my neighbors, and my friends would be blessed- choosing not to walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit tin the seat of mockers.
 I pray that we would all take desperate delight in Your Law, meditating on it day and night. May it become bound to every fiber of our being. May we all be as tress planted by streams of water- Living Water- yielding abundant fruit in every season- fruit for Your Honor and Glory- that our faith and attitudes of love and endurance never wither, that we might prosper in all our Kingdom labors.
We ask that You blow on any chaff that is on our lives- blow it away, that You will clearly show us everthing that displeases you- refine us in Your Holy Fires.
Thank You for Your continual watch over us- help us to be faithful in guarding and defending our family, friends, neighbors, etc. from all spirtiual assaults.
May this prayer rise before Your Holy Throne of Grace and resonate until every member of our family, every neighbor, every friend is walking in accordance with Your chosen Will for their lives -our lives.

Blessings & Joy to all, S