Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Take time to Read!

    I just bought a new book this week. It looks like it is going to be promising. Secrets of a Prayer Warrior I think that it is going to be a really good book. 
    I finished the book Inkheart by Cornelia Funke (Hardcover) about two weeks ago and have been trying to finish the sequel Inkspell (Inkheart) this week. My youngest daughter got me started reading them after we bought the movie Inkheart a few months ago and liked it. We decided to check the book out at our local library and the book is so much better than the movie. Don't get me wrong the movie is really good, but as usual it didn't stick with the book. Anyway, the book Inkspell is a bit longer than the first book and I haven't had a bunch of time to read like I would like but I've been finding about 30 min. to and hour in the evenings. 
     I love to read and I highly encourage my daughters to read also. So take time to read today. Visit your local library. We have been blessed with a really great Librarian and we like to visit our library.
     Blessings to all ~ S 

Monday, March 22, 2010


On Sunday, it was Aimee's birthday. It was also a great day for learning something new. Aimee and Jessica took a CPROX 1st / AED course. It stands for CPR with Oxygen, first aid, and Automated External Defibrillator. They learned a lot and also had fun. The instructors were great! Jessica & Aimee both passed and received their certification. I'm very proud of both of them.
After the class we came home and I quickly fixed Shrimp Scampi and a peanut butter pie for Aimee's birthday dinner. Then she opened her gifts and we played a new game called "Funglish". Once we figured it out it was pretty fun.
How very blessed that I am to have such wonderful daughters and a great Son.
Love and Blessings ~ S

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trying to get FIT!

   Last week we invested in a new toy. A Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board . I have been wanting to start working out again, but have not had the funds to go to the gym. I have also been embarrassed to let anyone see how bad I've let myself become. I have exercise equipment in my basement which I do use occasionally, but not as often as I should.
   About a month ago I really started praying earnestly for God to help me get out of my rut. When I'm out of shape I don't feel good, I don't have motivation for much of anything, and my self image is awful. We were able to save our money and finally buy the WII Fit Plus. I don't think the weight thing is accurate, at least I hope that it isn't! But I figure as a gauge that it can't be all that off. So I decided to do a little something to help me keep motivated to workout on a daily basis. I am going to try to record my progress on here or my other blog.
   I won't give my weight, but I will log the number of lbs. lost each week. Going slow and steady. Also the amount of time that I put in each week. I'm shooting for an hour each day, but I realize that there will be days when I only can fit in 30 minutes. That will be OK too, the point is to keep moving each day. Yesterday I worked out for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then the girls and I went to the park and we walked on the trails for about 3 miles. It really was fun and we laughed almost as much as we walked.
   Since last Thursday (6 days ago)  when we bought it I've put in 6 hours, and gone down 1 and 1/2 lbs. I've also been watching what I eat. That is the hardest part. I love to eat and I love my chocolate. The other thing I've been doing is drinking more water, no soda's and only 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning.
   The whole thing about the WII is that it really doesn't feel like I'm working out. I'm just playing games. Plus I'm really a pretty competitive person and my daughters are too. So we are always trying to best the others scores and time.
   As I'm writing this I am watching one of my daughters workout on it. I love seeing them active too. The benefits of exercise are great and I've always known that. I think I've heard it all my life "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." Of course that goes for many areas of your life. I know that if I don't workout and stay active I will lose muscle tone and much more. If I don't read my Bible daily, I will lose my spiritual tone.
   More later.
Blessings ~ S
Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. 1 Ti. 4:8        

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I'm ready for Spring!

     I'm ready for Spring and all that goes with it this year. Walks in the sunshine and even spring cleaning.  We've been in our home for four years and I am ready to start making it decidedly ours. I want to paint and add carpets and accessories. I've been in the process of de-junking our home for the last couple of months and still have more to go. It's amazing how much stuff we can collect in no time at all. 
     We picked out our anniversary present a little early this year. My sweet hubby let me get a comforter set for our bed that I liked from Belk, and I absolutely love it.Well, one thing leads to another and with the new covers I decided that I needed new sheets to fit with it.
     I love to fix up my home and feather my nest. I like having pretty things around. Now they don't have to be fancy or expensive, just pretty. So I have been shopping for bed sheets this week. I don't have a big king size bed so I didn't figure that it would be hard to find a sheet set for less than $30. I want plain white or ivory ones that I can attach lace to or put some embroidery on. I tried to find some with lace already on them and that was around $100. So after an hour of shopping around online,  I did find some at Amazon Jessica Sanders Soft Touch As 1200 Thread Count Sheet Set QUEEN .  I also found some with an 820 TC, Jessica Sanders Soft Touch 820 Thread Count Sheet Set QUEEN .
    I am also considering getting rid of some of my books. That is a hard thing for me to do since books are like babies to me. I really have a hard time parting with some of them. But, I do have many school books that I am no longer using, I think I will be clearing them out soon. Some are in pretty good shape so maybe I can sell them at a used book sale.
   Blessings ~ S