Last week we invested in a new toy. A
Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board
. I have been wanting to start working out again, but have not had the funds to go to the gym. I have also been embarrassed to let anyone see how bad I've let myself become. I have exercise equipment in my basement which I do use occasionally, but not as often as I should.
About a month ago I really started praying earnestly for God to help me get out of my rut. When I'm out of shape I don't feel good, I don't have motivation for much of anything, and my self image is awful. We were able to save our money and finally buy the WII Fit Plus. I don't think the weight thing is accurate, at least I hope that it isn't! But I figure as a gauge that it can't be all that off. So I decided to do a little something to help me keep motivated to workout on a daily basis. I am going to try to record my progress on here or my other blog.
I won't give my weight, but I will log the number of lbs. lost each week. Going slow and steady. Also the amount of time that I put in each week. I'm shooting for an hour each day, but I realize that there will be days when I only can fit in 30 minutes. That will be OK too, the point is to keep moving each day. Yesterday I worked out for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then the girls and I went to the park and we walked on the trails for about 3 miles. It really was fun and we laughed almost as much as we walked.
Since last Thursday (6 days ago) when we bought it I've put in 6 hours, and gone down 1 and 1/2 lbs. I've also been watching what I eat. That is the hardest part. I love to eat and I love my chocolate. The other thing I've been doing is drinking more water, no soda's and only 1 or 2 cups of coffee in the morning.
The whole thing about the WII is that it really doesn't feel like I'm working out. I'm just playing games. Plus I'm really a pretty competitive person and my daughters are too. So we are always trying to best the others scores and time.
As I'm writing this I am watching one of my daughters workout on it. I love seeing them active too. The benefits of exercise are great and I've always known that. I think I've heard it all my life "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." Of course that goes for many areas of your life. I know that if I don't workout and stay active I will lose muscle tone and much more. If I don't read my Bible daily, I will lose my spiritual tone.
More later.
Blessings ~ S
| Physical exercise has some value, but spiritual exercise is much more important, for it promises a reward in both this life and the next. 1 Ti. 4:8 | | | | | | | | |