About four months ago, I started tutoring a young man in 3rd grade. We have been working on his reading skills.
When his Mom first asked if I would tutor him I questioned whether or not I could do this.
Yes, I know I've been teaching my own children for the past 19 years. And, while I had high expectations for my children, I questioned whether they were good enough for the public school system. My motives for teaching were and are from a different perspective than the public school system. I teach my children to read so that Gods word can be read and passed on. I teach math so that they won't get cheated or cheat someone. I teach science to show the wonder of Gods marvelous creation. etc...
I listened to this young man read on his first day at my home and my heart went out to him, and I became determined to help this young man. I love to read and I wanted him to be able to love it as much as I did.
Oh, He could read the words well enough, but while reading he stumbled over words and skipped some words all together. It sort of sounded like a spoken train wreck at first. The first thing that I noticed when he read was that he stabbed each word with his finger as he read it. I encouraged him to keep his finger on the page and glide from word to word. This helped some, and the first two weeks went by rather quickly. I started researching more on reading and talking to people that had taught for many more years than I have. I checked books out at the library about teaching reading, reading problems, and dyslexia. I've learned much in the last several weeks.
The more that I read the more that I started to think that this young man might be mildly dyslexic. So I introduced Scrabble cubes that I bought at the local thrift store from a game that had some pieces missing. I think that I'm going to go back and see if I can't find more. With encouragement from a dear friend and former teacher of mine, we used the game pieces to work on his word attack skills. I started showing him how to break down words phonetically and sound them out.
After three months I started seeing some improvement, but was still concerned because I had really wanted to see more. Soon I started integrating index cards and flashy games that I made up to help him along. His Mom told me that he had been moved up to the more advanced reading group at school. Yea! Big boost for my little student and it eased my concerns also.
Fast forward. It's been four months now and I am seeing more improvement. He's reading with much more fluidity and also sounding out tougher words. Yesterday, when his Mom came to pick him up, she told me that his teacher was impressed because he had sounded out two very large words without her help in the reading group. My heart jumped and I praised God for his guidance and grace in using me to teach this young man.
Oh yeah, I keep a verse sitting on the table in front of us the whole time as a reminder that with Christ, we can do everything! I can do everything with the help of Christ, who gives me the strength I need. Phil. 4:13 When we begin to doubt ourselves, start getting tired, or waiver just a little we read this verse and remind ourselves that He gives us the strength that we need to move on.
I'm very proud of my little student, I'm proud of my children. But mostly I'm praising God! Without Him I wouldn't be able to teach. I pray each day that I will be emptied out and that God's spirit will fill me and that He will teach the lessons that need to be taught.
Blessings and Merry Christmas to all, Sheryl ~ The Quilted YaYa