It's Monday! Well it hasn't been bad, just long so far. My Kelly had to be in Prattville this morning by 7:30 to take her practical exam for the Cosmetology State Board. That meant that we as a family go together. I have been determined to be extra supportive. Well, actually.... Kelly doesn't drive that early after only a few hours of sleep and not knowing exactly where she is going. And since the weather was threatening today and I didn't want the others home alone, we went together. It was a good thing. And I am supportive. : /
I thought that I was going to have a hard time getting everyone up. Not so this morning. Jessica and Aimee I guess were excited about a road trip even if it was only an hour away. They were both awake by 4 this morning. I was up at 3:30 even though my alarm was set for 4:30 a.m.. My sweet husband forgot to turn off his alarm and it went off at 3:25. I sure would have liked that extra hour of sleep. But that is OK too. Kelly was up at 5. Actually I think she was up before that because she was awake when I called her at 5. At any rate, we were all up and ready to go out the door at 6 a.m. So off we went all the little women on our way to Prattville. : )
The State Board people said that the test site was a Holiday Inn. Problem was we couldn't find a Holiday Inn when we got there. Sure was glad that we gave ourselves extra time. The name of the place was changed to The Prattville Inn. We arrived around 7 and had to wait until 7:30. They weren't allowed to check in early. So at 7:30 Kelly went into the exam site and then we went to Target, Books-A-Million, PetSmart, and Ross. We had fun shopping, even if we didn't spend anything. Well, I didn't spend anything. Aimee found a cute shirt at Ross for $9 and Jessica got a coffee at Starbucks. We got back to the test site about 45 minutes before Kelly was finished and sat in the car and read our books.
We were home by 12:45. Just in time for some lunch. Now I have to come up with something for dinner. Hmmmmmm have no idea. But I guess I'd better get off of the computer and go see what a good meal might be for the family.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sore Muscles
I know I didn't post anything yesterday. Well, for one thing I was busy. Had to get a little grocery shopping done and then went to a Pampered Chef Party, and by the time I got home it was time to get another load of laundry in the washer and dryer. Then onto supper and downstairs for some exercise.
I decided to not walk on the elliptical last night and do some dancing with Julianne Hough
. I'm here to tell you that you will definitely get a workout! I couldn't even keep up with this young girl, but what I did manage to do has left new muscles sore this morning. All I kept thinking while working out with the dvd was that I'm still on the step and she's three moves ahead of me. I got more of a workout trying to keep up! : /
The good news is that I have lost 2 lbs. this past week! : ) Still much to go, but I'm headed in the right direction. Maybe later I will try Zumba
. We will see...
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
I decided to not walk on the elliptical last night and do some dancing with Julianne Hough
The good news is that I have lost 2 lbs. this past week! : ) Still much to go, but I'm headed in the right direction. Maybe later I will try Zumba
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 5
Well, I'm changing things up again today. Life has a funny way of disrupting a routine. But that's ok.
There was a line of storms that came through our area last night and woke us up shortly after 1 A.M. I'd barely fallen back to sleep when it was time for my husband to get up and get ready for work. So I got up with him and had coffee and then read my Bible.
I had to get the house cleaned up a little bit before my neighbors daughter came over for the morning. I'm taking her to school this morning. Then when I get back from my errands I have to go to work this morning. When I get back from that it will be time to run more errands and then home again to tutor reading. Supper to prepare and then when everything is cleaned up I will go down and walk on the elliptical.
In the meantime I have started out my morning with a good breakfast smoothie. Blueberries, apples, cranberry, pomegranate, carrots, parsley and ground flax seed. Very Yummy!
I really thought that I'd be missing meat a lot more at this point but it really hasn't bothered me that much. With the exception of being a little irritable on Wednesday, I have done ok so far. Hope it continues this way. As far as the weight loss... well, I'm avoiding the scales for now. When my clothes become loose then I will step on the scale. : )
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
There was a line of storms that came through our area last night and woke us up shortly after 1 A.M. I'd barely fallen back to sleep when it was time for my husband to get up and get ready for work. So I got up with him and had coffee and then read my Bible.
I had to get the house cleaned up a little bit before my neighbors daughter came over for the morning. I'm taking her to school this morning. Then when I get back from my errands I have to go to work this morning. When I get back from that it will be time to run more errands and then home again to tutor reading. Supper to prepare and then when everything is cleaned up I will go down and walk on the elliptical.
In the meantime I have started out my morning with a good breakfast smoothie. Blueberries, apples, cranberry, pomegranate, carrots, parsley and ground flax seed. Very Yummy!
I really thought that I'd be missing meat a lot more at this point but it really hasn't bothered me that much. With the exception of being a little irritable on Wednesday, I have done ok so far. Hope it continues this way. As far as the weight loss... well, I'm avoiding the scales for now. When my clothes become loose then I will step on the scale. : )
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Rough Day
Well, I had a rough start to today. I got up at 5 and as usual got my coffee. Read my Bible and my devotional. My day was getting off to a great start! Then it happened.... The Wii didn't want to co-operate. I warmed up with it for about 5 minutes and then it spit the disc out at me. So I went over and put it back in. Two minutes later it was back out wagging it's tongue at me. After about 30 minutes of this I decided to do a few exercises without the Wii. However that meant that I didn't have time to walk on the elliptical, because I had to go to work this morning. So I gave up for this morning and decided that I could walk on it this afternoon.
So here I am getting ready to go for a 30 min. walk on it.
Oh yea, I forgot the wicked Wii also said that I gained 2/10 of a pound back. : (
I just don't get it. I will not get discouraged! It's only the fourth day!
Say a prayer for me, or maybe for the Wii. I might decide to do battle again this evening with it.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
So here I am getting ready to go for a 30 min. walk on it.
Oh yea, I forgot the wicked Wii also said that I gained 2/10 of a pound back. : (
I just don't get it. I will not get discouraged! It's only the fourth day!
Say a prayer for me, or maybe for the Wii. I might decide to do battle again this evening with it.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
It's the Third Day!
Well it's day three and I made it again. I'll admit that I didn't really want to get up this morning. My alarm went off at 5 A.M. and I turned over and turned it off. The next thing that I knew it was 5:30. I pulled myself out of the bed and had my one cup of coffee for the morning and went downstairs to read my Bible and devotional and then check my e-mails while I drank my coffee. By 6:15 I was warming up. Thirty minutes on the elliptical was a little long this morning. I think that the little computer thing must have been adding seconds every time that I looked away from it. I did feel better after it was over with though. I feel much more energized when I finish the walk each morning.
I was very pleased to see that, at least by the Wii fit, that I had lost 1 lb.this week!
OK, I know that it isn't a bunch, it's only 1 pound. But it's a start! The diet is going well. Well, I'm doing ok as far as staying with it. I can tell today that I am having some withdrawal from meat. I've been a little grouchy today. I think the only saving grace this day has been that I started out the day with God's word and a devotional.
After the morning routine we all got ready and went to get Jessica's Sr. pictures taken. When that was done it was off to do a little shopping. We had a great time, and even went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get a few things for the house that we needed and wanted.
All in all it has been good.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
I was very pleased to see that, at least by the Wii fit, that I had lost 1 lb.this week!
OK, I know that it isn't a bunch, it's only 1 pound. But it's a start! The diet is going well. Well, I'm doing ok as far as staying with it. I can tell today that I am having some withdrawal from meat. I've been a little grouchy today. I think the only saving grace this day has been that I started out the day with God's word and a devotional.
After the morning routine we all got ready and went to get Jessica's Sr. pictures taken. When that was done it was off to do a little shopping. We had a great time, and even went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get a few things for the house that we needed and wanted.
All in all it has been good.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Day 2
It's only the second day but, I managed to get up this morning and after a cup of coffee, I started my work out.
Yesterday was very good. After the workout and some quilting, I went upstairs and got the laundry started and then figured out what to have for dinner. Breakfast consisted of a cup of yogurt with blueberries, lunch was a mango with a bottle of water, and whole grain bagel chips. Dinner/supper was Indian Chick Peas over rice. I got the recipe from a cook book that was purchased at Abundant Living Lifestyle Center . Even my sweet Hubby thought that it tasted pretty good. He did only have a taste though.
This morning I incorporated my Wii Fit
for my warm up, plus thirty minutes on the elliptical. The elliptical is easier with music playing. This morning it was Skillet - Comatose
I don't know about weight loss but, right now my body aches. My saving grace is that I've done this before and about the fifth day the soreness does start to go away.
So there is my report in for the second day.
Blessings to All ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Yesterday was very good. After the workout and some quilting, I went upstairs and got the laundry started and then figured out what to have for dinner. Breakfast consisted of a cup of yogurt with blueberries, lunch was a mango with a bottle of water, and whole grain bagel chips. Dinner/supper was Indian Chick Peas over rice. I got the recipe from a cook book that was purchased at Abundant Living Lifestyle Center . Even my sweet Hubby thought that it tasted pretty good. He did only have a taste though.
This morning I incorporated my Wii Fit
I don't know about weight loss but, right now my body aches. My saving grace is that I've done this before and about the fifth day the soreness does start to go away.
So there is my report in for the second day.
Blessings to All ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Monday, February 21, 2011
Here we go again!
Here we go again. I have started my diet and exercise program again. In the past I have started and stopped so many times it's ridiculous! This time though I have enlisted some accountability. Also I really would like to be thinner when Jessica graduates.
I'm tired of being tired from carrying around extra weight. I might check out the gym for a class or two if I can afford it. Not sure yet. I am cleansing my body for at least 21 days with a vegetarian diet. If I do really well I may stick with it. I went vegetarian for a few years several/many years ago when I was in my teens. But then eventually went back to my terrible habits of bad eating. At 50 + now I really want to get into shape and enjoy time spent with my kids and with my husband as we begin to get ready for the empty nest. I don't look forward to an empty nest, but I know that it is inevitable.
I figure too if I blog about it that it might help me to stay with it too. I know the biggest motivator is going to be when I see the first few pounds melt away. I'm trying to keep my goals simple, and short term to start with. If they are reachable then I will continue to push forward.I hope. Scratch that, positive thinking only! I will!
: )
I did exercise for one hour this morning. Walking on my elliptical and aerobics. So day one is down. Now to go figure out what to fix for supper since my family won't be joining me in my vegetarian diet. This, I think, will be the hardest part. Two meals each day. Breakfast and lunch will be no problem. Supper, well... that's a whole different story. Say a prayer for my family as I detox and withdraw from junk food and meat.
Well, best be off of here. I have much to do today and part of my new healthier, attitude is less time spent on the computer.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
I'm tired of being tired from carrying around extra weight. I might check out the gym for a class or two if I can afford it. Not sure yet. I am cleansing my body for at least 21 days with a vegetarian diet. If I do really well I may stick with it. I went vegetarian for a few years several/many years ago when I was in my teens. But then eventually went back to my terrible habits of bad eating. At 50 + now I really want to get into shape and enjoy time spent with my kids and with my husband as we begin to get ready for the empty nest. I don't look forward to an empty nest, but I know that it is inevitable.
I figure too if I blog about it that it might help me to stay with it too. I know the biggest motivator is going to be when I see the first few pounds melt away. I'm trying to keep my goals simple, and short term to start with. If they are reachable then I will continue to push forward.
: )
I did exercise for one hour this morning. Walking on my elliptical and aerobics. So day one is down. Now to go figure out what to fix for supper since my family won't be joining me in my vegetarian diet. This, I think, will be the hardest part. Two meals each day. Breakfast and lunch will be no problem. Supper, well... that's a whole different story. Say a prayer for my family as I detox and withdraw from junk food and meat.
Well, best be off of here. I have much to do today and part of my new healthier, attitude is less time spent on the computer.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I love my Family, quilting, crocheting, cross stitch, sometimes cooking. I'm pretty good at it, cooking that is, but most of the time I'd rather be crafting. I also love reading, and teaching, and chick flicks, and hanging out with my kids. They really keep me young.
I guess my biggest passion though, is Jesus! There is just always something new in His word that I discover. I can read the same passage over and over for a week and each day God will show me something that is new.
It's like digging for treasure or gems. At first there is just a little bit of the gem showing and then you chip away a little more and there is more of it. You realize that it is bigger than what you first thought. So you read again (chip away a little more) and you discover that it is bigger still! How awesome is our God that He would send such a beautiful love letter to us. Something exciting every day!
I hope that you take the time today to read your love letter from God.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
I guess my biggest passion though, is Jesus! There is just always something new in His word that I discover. I can read the same passage over and over for a week and each day God will show me something that is new.
It's like digging for treasure or gems. At first there is just a little bit of the gem showing and then you chip away a little more and there is more of it. You realize that it is bigger than what you first thought. So you read again (chip away a little more) and you discover that it is bigger still! How awesome is our God that He would send such a beautiful love letter to us. Something exciting every day!
I hope that you take the time today to read your love letter from God.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Saturday, February 5, 2011
This post is to all the young men out there who hope to court any one of my daughters.
These Young Ladies have been raised to put their trust, hope and hearts to Jesus. Their Dad and I have protected them( i.e. their character), guarded them and prayed over them all of their lives. And we will continue to do so until the day that Jesus calls us home. If you think that you can just waltz into their lives and sweep them off of their feet, you have another thing coming! There are a few rules that will be followed. PERIOD!!!
1. You must belong to Jesus! With all of your heart. When Jesus is the Owner of your heart then I know that my daughter will be first in your thoughts through His Heart.
2. You should be of good character with a good reputation. Don't compromise God's word.
3. You will not ask of my daughters to do anything that would compromise their reputation.
4. I would appreciate if you are friends with them on any social network that you would also help guard their hearts, eyes, ears, and minds by being mindful of what you post. You should be guarding your hearts, eyes, ears, and minds also. (I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all crooked dealings; I will have nothing to do with them. Ps. 101:3)
5. If you are asking to court them, you should understand that 98 - 99% of the time you will be supervised by either a parent or a sibling. Yes, we call them the watch dogs. There is safety in numbers.
6. Don't think of trying to steal the kiss that belongs to Jesus and will only belong to you the day you say "I Do"
7. Understand that my daughters are my best friends. One day they may be your best friend. But until that day do not ask of them to do anything to betray my trust in them. Doing so will result in your being out of the picture completely. Trust once broken is very hard to earn back. I know that for a fact.
Just be aware that the love of this Mama will do what ever it takes, because my love for my children comes from Jesus.
Now having said that, Don't be afraid to ask to see our daughters. They are not perfect and neither are you. (For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23) I just want you to know that our standards are high because our children are children of the King. We want what is best for them, what God wants for them. We approach all things in our lives prayerfully including who our children see. Also be assured that if you are the one that God has for one of our daughters that when she walks down the aisle to be your bride you will be getting the 100% pure princess that God intended her to be.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa and DAD
These Young Ladies have been raised to put their trust, hope and hearts to Jesus. Their Dad and I have protected them( i.e. their character), guarded them and prayed over them all of their lives. And we will continue to do so until the day that Jesus calls us home. If you think that you can just waltz into their lives and sweep them off of their feet, you have another thing coming! There are a few rules that will be followed. PERIOD!!!
1. You must belong to Jesus! With all of your heart. When Jesus is the Owner of your heart then I know that my daughter will be first in your thoughts through His Heart.
2. You should be of good character with a good reputation. Don't compromise God's word.
3. You will not ask of my daughters to do anything that would compromise their reputation.
4. I would appreciate if you are friends with them on any social network that you would also help guard their hearts, eyes, ears, and minds by being mindful of what you post. You should be guarding your hearts, eyes, ears, and minds also. (I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all crooked dealings; I will have nothing to do with them. Ps. 101:3)
5. If you are asking to court them, you should understand that 98 - 99% of the time you will be supervised by either a parent or a sibling. Yes, we call them the watch dogs. There is safety in numbers.
6. Don't think of trying to steal the kiss that belongs to Jesus and will only belong to you the day you say "I Do"
7. Understand that my daughters are my best friends. One day they may be your best friend. But until that day do not ask of them to do anything to betray my trust in them. Doing so will result in your being out of the picture completely. Trust once broken is very hard to earn back. I know that for a fact.
Just be aware that the love of this Mama will do what ever it takes, because my love for my children comes from Jesus.
Now having said that, Don't be afraid to ask to see our daughters. They are not perfect and neither are you. (For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23) I just want you to know that our standards are high because our children are children of the King. We want what is best for them, what God wants for them. We approach all things in our lives prayerfully including who our children see. Also be assured that if you are the one that God has for one of our daughters that when she walks down the aisle to be your bride you will be getting the 100% pure princess that God intended her to be.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa and DAD
Friday, February 4, 2011
It's Friday
I'm usually glad for Fridays. It means that it's the weekend and I don't have to worry about teaching or several other things. But lately Fridays have meant that I'm extra busy. Friday has always been my grocery day, but now it is also the day that I clean a house every other week, and take my youngest to ballroom dancing every other week. I didn't get to drop grocery day or move it to another day. I just added everything else onto it. I think that I need to add more time into my day. I'd really rather be quilting or crafting. But since I will be out and about on this lovely cold Friday I think I will shop a few other stores also.
Hobby Lobby is very close to where my daughter takes dance. Recently my husband challenged me to not buy quilting fabric. And I will try very hard not to. But I think that I do need a few quilt supplies. There are a couple of rotary rulers that I've been eying for a while and I think that I may look much closer today. I sometimes talk myself out of things before I get to the check out counter, but today I am armed with a coupon. I love coupons! And rulers are not fabric.
I also need some cotton batting. Having just read that polyester batting can ruin a cotton quilt. Something that I never knew before. Seems the polyester will make the cotton fabric disintegrate faster. So sad, but that explains what has happened to a few of the quilts that I made in the past. I've had to go back and repair them a couple of times. So from here on out it is cotton batting only for me.
I've also been thinking about trading my wonderful sewing machine in on a newer version. This will take much thought though, since they are really expensive and my desires are almost always bigger than my budget. In the mean time though, I am content with the machine that I have. It's a wonderful Janome 9000. And since my machine has sentimental value it will be hard to part with it. Well, I think that I just talked myself out of that one. hehe.
So many things to do today, I think that I will have another cup of coffee and get a few more things ready for today. I must clip a few more coupons for the grocery store. Did I tell you that I just LOVE coupons? : )
Blessings to All ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Hobby Lobby is very close to where my daughter takes dance. Recently my husband challenged me to not buy quilting fabric. And I will try very hard not to. But I think that I do need a few quilt supplies. There are a couple of rotary rulers that I've been eying for a while and I think that I may look much closer today. I sometimes talk myself out of things before I get to the check out counter, but today I am armed with a coupon. I love coupons! And rulers are not fabric.
I also need some cotton batting. Having just read that polyester batting can ruin a cotton quilt. Something that I never knew before. Seems the polyester will make the cotton fabric disintegrate faster. So sad, but that explains what has happened to a few of the quilts that I made in the past. I've had to go back and repair them a couple of times. So from here on out it is cotton batting only for me.
I've also been thinking about trading my wonderful sewing machine in on a newer version. This will take much thought though, since they are really expensive and my desires are almost always bigger than my budget. In the mean time though, I am content with the machine that I have. It's a wonderful Janome 9000. And since my machine has sentimental value it will be hard to part with it. Well, I think that I just talked myself out of that one. hehe.
So many things to do today, I think that I will have another cup of coffee and get a few more things ready for today. I must clip a few more coupons for the grocery store. Did I tell you that I just LOVE coupons? : )
Blessings to All ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Latest Quilt Top
I said in my last post that I had designed the quilt on EQ5. It dawned on me that some might not know what it was so I thought that I'd share this with you all too. The newest one EQ7 is supposed to be really great. However it isn't in my budget yet. So I stick with what I have and use it for many ideas.
Have a Blessed Day~ S
Have a Blessed Day~ S
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