Monday, October 31, 2011

Charging for Love

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

    This week, I was showing someone that I met one of the cocoons that I have been crocheting. She asked if I could make one for her to give to a friend. I said, "yes". She started pricing the yarn and then it dawned on her that this could get expensive. After all yarn costs any where from $2 - $6 a skein, depending on the kind that you buy. Baby yarns and specialty yarns tend to cost a little more than everyday sport yarns.
   Then there is the cost of my time. I tend not to put a high price on my time. But, even if I didn't charge but $4 an hour, some projects tend to take between 15 and 20 hours to make. So at this point it's up to $80 plus the cost of yarn, which was around $25.  Most people don't want to, or can't afford to pay that price for a gift, or even for themselves. I can't say that I blame them. I can't afford to pay high prices for gifts, but I want to give nice things to the people that I love.
     I make things one of three ways. I am moved by the Holy Spirit to make it specifically for someone, or I just want to make it and when I'm done it reminds me of someone or someone will ask me to make something in particular. When I make gifts for people, it's a labor of love. That makes it priceless. Each person that gets a handmade gift from me, has something that has been prayed over with each stitch.
     So how do you put a price on that kind of gift? You don't. You put your heart and prayers into it and hand it over to the new owner. Every person that I've ever made a gift for or that I have personalized a store bought for is someone that I love dearly.
     The most precious things that I've ever been given are the things that people took the time to make for me, because I know that they cared enough to put their thoughts and love into it. Even if it was something that was bought and then personalized in some small way.
    I have a beautiful handkerchief that a friend bought in Australia and had her Mom crochet around. I keep it in a special place and pull it out and pray for that precious family every time I look at it.
    You just can't charge for Love. God has never put a price on love,  but He did put a face on love - Jesus.
 Jesus paid a price for my sin, so that I wouldn't have to. Oh how much LOVE He has for me and for YOU.
 Blessings and Grace to All ~S~

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baby Roses

The newest baby cocoon!
Making another one now almost like it. It will be the same colors and style but just a little different. No two exactly alike.
 Blessings to all ~S~

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Another Project Finished

  My fingers have been flying lately. Although I started this project several weeks ago, I have worked on it only off and on. Had some things that took precedence. Namely my kids. But also a few other projects jumped in there.
  However, I finished it and can hardly wait to send it to the Mama to be. I'm now ready to start another project and work on a quilt that I started a couple of months ago. Crocheting just seems to go so much faster for me, and right now it seems to be the craft that I'm in the mood for.
   So having said all that... Here are a few pictures of the project that I just finished today. Actually I finished the blanket today. The sweater and bonnet have been finished for awhile. Every time that I look at it, it makes me think of cotton candy. I used a pattern from Leisure Arts leaflet 2019 - Crocheted Layettes for Baby
The pattern that I used was the green and white shell pattern. But since this is for a girl I changed the colors.

Blessings to All ~S~

Monday, October 17, 2011

Baby Cocoon!

 This weekend, I started Friday afternoon, I made a baby cocoon for Jessica to use when she takes pictures of little baby girls. The pattern book called for peach and orange, but I couldn't find those colors. So I chose to use light yellow and a darker yellow. I finished the cocoon on Sunday morning and the bonnet this morning. It is just too cute!
   So currently if you have a baby girl 4 months or younger and would like to have pictures taken let us know. I am going to make one for boys soon. At least as soon as I finish a baby blanket that I'm making as a gift. I'll post pictures of it later.
   Any way, just had to share!
Blessings to all ~S~

My sweet neighbors let me borrow a
 cabbage patch doll for a model.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

With You Always

   It's been a bit of a rough week. This past Monday was the family dental cleaning day. Every time we go for our cleaning checkup I end up with a headache the next day. Mostly because as they hold my mouth open it moves my jaw bone joint (tmj) and then my jaw and head hurt for the next day or so. But with the help of a couple of ibuprofen this passes and I am fine. Sometimes it takes more than a couple though. The good news is we all passed with flying colors and no cavities! YEAH!
   On Tuesday, some people came out to clean and inspect our heat pump. It was not a good day. My head was throbbing from the day before, and I had people roaming in and out of my home all morning. It was definitely an Aleve type of day.  It seems that the coils that we just replaced last year have gone out again. So, rather than repair this unit for the fourth time in five years, we are taking estimates on replacing it.
   Wednesday! My birthday! It was mostly quiet this day. My sister called me, and I had tons of sweet wonderful friends wish me Happy Birthday on Facebook. Later that afternoon, one of the guys that we were getting an estimate from came and sat with us for a little while. Seemed like a nice guy, but not sure this company is the one that is going to be replacing our heat pump.
    Thursday. Another estimate. Lining more up for next week. I like talking on the phone to family and friends, but this kind of stuff drives me crazy!
     Then finally Friday arrived! I got up at 5:00 a.m. and had my coffee, while reading my Bible. These words gave me so much comfort.    ...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20  It was suddenly like the world had been lifted up! Jesus is strong, I don't have to carry the load alone. I knew before that everything would work out. That He was in control, but it is always wonderful when He comes along and says "I am with you always".  At 6:00 I was on my way to the grocery store and back home by 7:30. Had two sweet little boys waiting for me. (I was watching them for a good friend) Got Aimee up and ready for dance and then we took off. The best part of the day besides watching my sweet Aimee at ballroom dancing was getting to go to Hobby Lobby and buy some thread and a new crochet pattern book. I bought one this week for baby cocoons.

I also bought one a few weeks ago from Hobby Lobby, but it is put out by Annies Attic.
  The cocoons are the cutest things and I am making up a few of them for Jessica to have as props when she takes baby pictures.

    Then later on Kelly treated my to a birthday dinner. She had to work on my birthday so she planned a little family get together for her day off. Tony, came by to have dinner with us and Aimee baked and decorated my birthday cake. She put several scripture verses on the cake that are my favorites. I have the best kids ever!  Thank You God for my awesome blessings. Later that evening Kelly took her sister to the Hope homecoming game for the Senior walk out. Jessica's friend Melissa is graduating this year.  

   So as my week winds down and we are at the weekend, I praise God our almighty, our comforter, healer and Saviour for the blessings and the grace that He has given. I thank Him for my Grandmas, who taught me to crochet and quilt, and a dear friend who taught me cross stitch.
 Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. 1 Thes. 4:11 
When you are working with your hands it's hard to not mind your own business. 
  Blessings to All ~S~

Thursday, October 6, 2011


   This past Tuesday we had a bowling field trip for our school group. This was great fun and Aimee and I both bowled four games, Jessica bowled two.
    Now, you must understand that it's been over a year since we've been bowling. I used to bowl all of the time, but now there is hardly time for it. Any way, none of us are really great at it but, we did laugh a lot!
    The last two days though I've felt muscles that I had pretty much forgotten were in my body. ^+^ They have most assuredly let me know that they are there now!
    Even with the soreness and the achy knees, I think that I want to go back again next week. I mean after all I can only improve, I hope, and it sure wouldn't hurt to use these muscles and let them get toned up. So, maybe this might become a fun thing for my family to start doing once a week for awhile. hmmm...
here we go!
great Throw!
lining up
didn't get a strike :(

Monday, October 3, 2011

God's Children

  Jessica decided to take some pictures again the other day. Everyone was busy doing something so, she was her own model. She has a fancy little remote control for her camera, that she is learning to use. She got some good shots. Of course she had a beautiful model. (yea, I know I'm a little on the prejudice side here)
  I look at my children getting all grown up and marvel at how much love one can feel. A friend of mine posted on her site a few day ago, that she wondered if this is how God feels when He looks at us. I think, He must and then even more. What a precious gift He gives us, when He loans us these precious children.
  Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. Ps. 127:3
Blessings to All, ~S~

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Jessica's Turn

  Yesterday was an exciting day for my Jessica. Actually this past week has been good for her. She was asked by some friends, to go to a concert at Calvin's Cafe and take some pictures of a band. She was so excited to get the experience. She got some really good shots. Thought I'd post my favorite one here. The name of the band is "Joanie Hears Voices".
Then later in the week I decided to model for her. She again got some really good shots.

Did I mention what a proud Mama I am? 
Yesterday, she was babysitting at the neighbors and while outside with the girls they found a little baby ringneck snake. They all got so excited! They got it caught in a bucket and observed it, while they googled it to find out what it was. Once they learned that it was a non-poisonous snake they released it back out in the woods. 

 The pictures make it look kind of big, but it really was a tiny thing. I love that they get so excited over researching one of God's little creations.  God made all sorts of wild animals, livestock, and small animals, each able to produce offspring of the same kind. And God saw that it was good. Gen. 1:25

 How wonderful to see the world and the works of God through the eyes of children. Thank you Father for your precious blessings.
Blessings to All ~S~