Friday, October 18, 2013

Stress and Prayers

    This has been a stressful week for me. We had to have some work done on our home. We had vinyl put up on the fascia and soffit around our home. The gutters and downspouts were not installed properly the first time. So, we ended up with some rotting wood from rain that sat or backed up into the eaves.
 Like any home owner I wanted everything to look nice and be done the proper way. So as the workers worked I made at least one-hundred trips out the door to check on the progress each day. They only worked for three and a half days putting up the vinyl.  I know that I drove them crazy and probably made them a little nervous.
    Originally my husband and I had wanted, and it was agreed that certain things would be done. When the original sales person had to step down because of sickness, his supervisor took over and started trying to talk us out of some things. Then we were told that the color we wanted wasn't available, so we picked a new color. Then after thinking about it and looking at some other homes that had brick a similar color to ours we changed our mind. Only to find out that the new color we picked didn't have bead board for our porch.
    When the workers were almost done I asked about the other things that we had originally wanted and they said they weren't on the work order. I told the workers to please ask their boss about it and if needed he could call me.
    Now anyone that knows me knows that I really don't like confrontation. Not that I'm not capable of it, I just don't like it and will work diligently to find a peaceful way of working things out. I was ready to stand my ground on this one though and had started getting myself ready for a battle. A battle that kept me from a peaceful nights sleep and caused me to have a miserable stress headache the last morning of the work.
    I sat and rocked and crocheted and rocked some more. Then I got up and cleaned some. All stress relievers for me. None of it was working. The more I played out in my head the way the conversation might go if I had to talk to their boss, the more stressed I became. Yes, I'm one of those that prepare and try to think of every scenario that might happen. Sometimes to the point of making myself sick or angry about things. O_o   Did I tell you I really don't like confrontation?
     Finally I sat in my rocking chair and picked up my Bible. We have been studying Romans and since that is where my bookmark was I opened it at that point and started reading Romans 2. After reading two chapters I flipped over to Romans 12.  As I read chapter 12, it became apparent to me that I had not prayed about things and turned them over to God. I was carrying everything on my shoulders that morning. So I sat and prayed about it and asked God to go before me and to work things out. About 10 minutes after I prayed I heard the worker outside speaking on the phone with his boss. A few minutes after that I looked out the door to see the work that I had wanted done being completed. My heart just jumped for joy as I praise God! I knew that He had heard my prayer! Confrontation avoided and best yet I never had to say one word.
     The work is not quite finished, there are still gutters that need to be put up. But, the majority of the work is done and the gutters and downspouts should only take one day.
    I will be so glad when everything is completed and things get back to something that resembles normal around here.
    So any way the moral of this story is, Trust God, don't stress and pray, Pray, PRAY!
 Blessings to All ~S~


Sunday, October 13, 2013

A Wife and Mother

    Recently, I've noticed that my daughters are being made to feel bad because they don't want to go to college. "You'll never make good money for your husband if you don't go to college." , and  "What if you get a divorce? Then what will you do?"
     These comments come from people that profess to be Christians.
    First of all, the two daughters that were being spoken to aren't even married. They both live at home and one is still in high school.
   No, she doesn't want to go to college either. I have homeschooled my children for 23 years. My son was taught a strong work ethic. He works very hard and has only asked once for money. He paid for his own education and I couldn't be prouder of him. My 22 year old daughter went to cosmetology school and guess what? She worked for two years and saved up the money to pay for it herself. She graduated from that school debt free! Yeah, I'm one proud Mama there too! She is married now and working hard to put money up while her husband is in medical school, so that when they have children she can be a stay at home wife and Mommy.
    My daughters were taught to be wives and Moms. What is so wrong with that? Every time this gets shoved at them they come home feeling belittled, like there is something terribly wrong with them. Then their Dad and I have to do damage control and remind them that the greatest calling on their lives is to be Godly wives and mothers.
    Now that I've had my rant. Let me say this, I do not have anything against girls that go to college, or work outside the home. That is certainly their prerogative. I worked outside our home for many years. But during that time my heart hurt for my children and my husband. I wanted so bad to be with them that I cried almost every week for two months.
    My daughter works in a daycare and she sees first hand the results of children who need to be home with their Mama's. It is so important in the formation of their character. Yes, I realize that there are some Moms out there that don't have a choice but to work. Where it is because of a Dad that doesn't work or has left and isn't helping support his children, then SHAME on them. But if Dad is working hard and things are still tight on the budget, (I know that they can be in these trying times), then I understand that sacrifices have to be made. But sometimes I think that sacrifice might just have to be fewer splurges. And yes I know that, that isn't always the case either.
      We really need to focus as a society on what is really important. Let me tell you, the government knows exactly how important children are. Why do you think that they are so insistent on gaining control of them. They know exactly what they are doing!  So Christian Moms/ parents, even if you work outside the home by choice or because you have to,  please consider the amount of time that you train your children in what the scripture teaches. Just taking them to church may not be enough. Model Christianity for them.  Pray with them daily. Read scripture with them.
    I have a sweet friend that has worked since before her children were born and is still working outside her home now that they are grown. Both of her children are sweet precious Christians that are missionaries. So yes, it's possible to have children that love the Lord, while having a working Mom. God is gracious and will help you along, when you seek to do His will. I chose to stay at home and teach my children at home. That is where God placed me, that is the desire of my heart. It also happens to be the desire of my daughter's heart.
   So folks if you meet a young lady whose desire is to be a wife and mother, and not go to college, don't make them feel bad. Encourage them to further the kingdom of God.
   Blessings to All ~S~

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Prayer and Trust

 Two passages that I feel need to be shared in these troubling times. I know who it is that I pray to. I know that He is bigger than any anxious thought that I might have. My heart breaks for those that don't know Jesus.

    First of all, then, I urge that petitions prayer, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good, and it pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1 Timothy 2:1-4

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; 
And the government will rest on His shoulders; 
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, 
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, 
On the throne of David and over his kingdom, 
To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness 
From then on and forevermore. 
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this.  Isa. 9:6-7
Blessings to All ~S~