Thursday, October 23, 2014

Here I Am

  Yep, I'm still here. Even though it's been a while since I posted anything. I'm Here.
  I've just been very busy with family stuff.
   Stuff = My Dear Husband was sent to a cardiologist about three weeks ago and told that he needed a heart catheter. That took place a week ago now and two stents were inserted into his heart. Yes, I was freaking out on the inside but trying my best to be cool, calm, and collected on the outside. Staying strong for my husband and my children. He is doing much better now and I have actually calmed down. I am researching daily new recipes that are heart healthy and we are exercising / walking every day. I love that God has used this to bring all of us even closer than before.
   Now that things are getting into our new routine, I am back to working on my business. Stitches From My Heart will soon be opening on Storenvy I am in the process of setting up everything and getting pictures of my items loaded.
   Also I want to share with you a blog that a sweet girl, who happens to be dating my son, writes. It's called Spiffy Eats & Giggle Water  I hope that you will check it out!
   Other things that I've been doing is: Crocheting! Here are a couple of pictures of things that I've done lately.

Newborn Baby Cocoon and Hat

Little Lamb Hat and Diaper cover.
Still working on a few other things. Always busy. The more that I sew and crochet the closer that I feel to my two Grandmas who taught me to be a crafter and always busy with my hands.

 Blessings to all ~S~

Friday, October 3, 2014

Searching the Web

 I've been on line this morning. Searching for new patterns that are quick and easy to make and post for Stitches from My Heart .
  I typed in a search for free crochet patterns and ran across one that I had signed up for a long time ago and hadn't been to in almost  a year now. Shame on me! It is a wonderful sight and has more than just crochet. I'm sure most of you have already heard about it or at least visited the site. But, just in case you haven't... Go check out   Free Patterns. com
   One of the best sites around for lots of cross stitch, crochet, quilting, knitting, sewing, and so much more.
   Have fun and have a blessed day!

Blessings to All ~S~

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What was I Thinking?

    Ok, so about a year ago I sat down and crocheted over a couple of weeks time a cute little girl pinafore. I had some pretty mint green yarn and thought that it would make a beautiful dress for a little girl.
  The other day, when I set out to take pictures of the dress to post on my business page: Stitches from My Heart, I realized that the three skeins of yarn that I had used had come from two different dye lots. It wasn't until I put it under the florescent lights that I noticed the difference.
   I just wanted to cry. I couldn't believe that I didn't notice it until now. It's been hanging up all of this time. I will probably end up practically giving it away. Even though the work was the same as I have always done. I just can't in good conscience sell something that is not 100%.
    So if you know of anyone that wants a pretty pinafore for a little girl sized 3T , let me know.
    I know that the difference in color isn't noticeable in this picture, but trust me it's there. Just the slightest difference in shades of mint green.
    My Grandma always told me to make sure to buy enough to make a project and make sure that it was all from the same dye lot. I will pay closer attention from here on out.
     Well, other than being upset about the dress, the days are blessed and I love that God is working in so many lives.
    Blessings to you all ~S~