1.) I am so proud of Jessica! She has been doing her geometry this morning and at first she just didn't understand. It took both of us going to another place in the house and praying over this math. Guess what? When we came back God had given me the insight to explain how it worked. Then she understood and finished her math in less than 45 min. ! Yay!!!
2.) Jessica has also been taking pictures with her new camera and doing a really good job. Here are a few of her pictures. She has a dream of being a professional photographer. Time will tell, and we will continue to pray that God will guide her on the paths that He has chosen for her.

She took these this past Monday and we edited them together.
3.) Now for number three. I've really been thinking about organization this last couple of days And keeping the house cleaned. I've been praying about it too. (Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. Proverbs 31:10)
It seems that some days things (chores) catch up to me and the faster I go the behinder I get! Now we only have 3 children left at home and they are pretty self sufficient at this point. I know that my sweet husband doesn't like to come home to a messy house. While some days are so busy with school that we just don't get the dining room table cleaned off before it's time to start supper, that's o.k. We are blessed to have a small table in our kitchen area and we just sit there instead. Besides it helps Dad to know that we are working hard at learning. For the most part though we try to have the clutter at least picked up before he comes home.
Laundry is another area that gets the best of me. I still do laundry every other day or try to. When they were younger I did a load every day. I would just throw the light colored towels in with the light colored clothes if I didn't have enough. The next day I would do a load of jeans and dark colored clothes and towels.
So my Tip for the day is: A load of laundry everyday if you have a family with small children or many children, and every other day if your children are more grown up.
Until next time, Blessings to all, S