I came back home, unloaded the groceries, and we (the girls and I) headed out the door to run some errands, which we finished early and stopped by the Amen Corner where I found a cd I'd been looking for on sale! Also picked up the cutest little lamb rattle for baby Cayden that velcro's on the back of his wrist. We then went to dance, and up to UAB to see the baby. Well not directly, I got turned around trying to find the right parking deck, and then ended up parking in a different deck than originally planned. But, we finally made it up to the right area of the hospital and got to see the baby! He is so much more handsome than his pictures. I wanted so bad to hold on to him and snuggle up with him. Just something about a baby. I did get to touch him and pray over him, and talk to him. Soooo sweet. Well we had a nice long visit and then we headed home. Stopped by Arby's and picked up dinner. Got home turned on the laptop and about 10 minutes later we learned,via Facebook, that Cayden had been transferred out of RNICU, and to the #2 nursery. Which meant that he was doing much better. We were so excited.
All of this really made me think on God's wonderful provision for us. How beautifully He provides what we need just when we need it. I don't know why I am surprised, God says that He answers prayers. He loves us and wants good things for us.
Anyway, on Monday, Cayden got to leave the hospital at 13 days old! We are praising God for the healing miracles and the love that He has shown us.
Here are a couple of pictures of Cayden. We will continue to pray for him and his Mom & Dad. Cayden still has some hurdles to overcome, but we are trusting God for continued healing.

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