Wednesday, December 2, 2009


   I'm a proud parent! Yes, I know that pride is wrong.At least the kind of pride that says you're better than anyone.  But, there are times when your children do things that make you so excited that you could just burst from the joy inside! I think that kind of pride is really JOY and not pride. Perhaps I should say that I'm a blessed parent!
    Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Kelly had to study for a test at school. I helped her a little by asking questions from her notes. Like all parents her Dad and I were a little anxious for her to pass this test, especially since not passing meant taking the core classes again and paying extra tuition. She and I prayed before she left the house and I read and prayed Ps. 121 with her.  I had asked a couple of others to pray for her also, that she would be calm while taking the test, and that all the answers would not race out of her mind. I knew she could pass the test but, the desire was that she pass with a high score.
    Well, she took the test yesterday morning and had the results by 5 P.M. yesterday afternoon. She scored a 99! We were so excited! She worked hard and studied hard and trusted God to guide her along. Yep! I'm a very BLESSED parent! God is Awesome!
 Blessings to all, S

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