I did manage to get up and exercise and I went back to eating better yesterday. Monday I ate junk food and by the end of the day I really felt bad. Too much sugary stuff in my diet in one day. Back on track on Tuesday though. Started out the day with a fruit/green smoothie. It was really good. Cranberry juice, banana, frozen blueberries, spinach, carrots, arugula, parsley & lettuce. Don't crinkle your nose! It really is yummy and healthy for you! Almond stuffed dates for lunch and a tomato sandwich for supper. Had some popcorn for a snack later. The great news is I have lost 5 pounds!
I just started reading a new book too, Green for Life
Today it is back to quilting too. I have got to finish the baby quilt this month and have it ready for the baby shower.
I've been reading 1 Thessalonians this week and the verse that really has spoken to me is: This should be your ambition: to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we commanded you before. 1Thes. 4: 12 I like working with my hands, and my business is that of taking care of my family and ministering to people in my neighborhood with the things that I make with my hands. I love the excitement of giving someone a handmade quilt or homemade baked goods. The most satisfying feeling is knowing that a need was met and God used me to meet it. I pray that each day I am not so busy that I don't hear God's voice prompting me to do something for Him.
Well, I am off to start my day now.
Blessings to all ~ S
The Quilted YaYa
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