When I started learning how to quilt I watched every quilt show on tv, looked up everything I could on line, (there wasn't much back then because the web wasn't then what it is now) and I read every book that I could find in the library at the time. Everything that I could find at the time said when you make triangular pieces you cut the little tips off of the triangle. I call them "bunny ears". So that is what I've always done.
I discovered something this weekend. If I leave the bunny ears on the blocks it is easier to match the points up. This block is called "Kings Crown". I'm going to use the monkey fabric on the back of the quilt. I just couldn't seem to find a way to put it in the front without cutting it too small and loosing the cute monkeys.
As you can see from the picture of the completed block that I'm still not perfect at it, but it looks better than any that I have done in the past.
Looking forward to getting the front and back done. The center square will have the baby's name in it and on the back I will put scripture. Don't you just love big block quilts. They work up fast and easy.
Blessings to All ~ S ~ The Quilted YaYa
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