Friday, July 19, 2013

It's been a long day

 It's Friday! But it's been a long day. Friday's are usually my day to run all of my errands. So today I loaded up a ton of stuff that didn't sell in our yard sale and got ready to take it to the thrift store. So with my list in hand and the tail of the Rav4 loaded up I set out.
 First stop the bank. Second stop the bank. Third stop the thrift store. It hadn't opened yet, because I started out my day early. Next on to the dentist for Aimee's braces appointment. (Now my baby's mouth hurts and there isn't much that I can do except feed her tylenol and super soft foods.) Next stop was Hobby Lobby, where I went in to find wood to make a frame for the crocheted name thingy that I made for Kelly and Nick's wedding gift.
I have been looking for a frame that would fit it. No one ever had one. Until today that is. And they were 1/2 off! How happy I was! 
   Next I was off to pay a couple of bills. That done I headed off to my In-Laws to pick up some fresh veggies from their garden. I was on the road when I decided I needed to call and let them know. So glad that I did. It turns out that they didn't have any that were ready to be picked. So I turned around and headed back to the thrift store. Cleaned out the back of my car and then off to Wal-Mart for some soup for my baby girl, whose mouth is hurting by now.
   Home again for some late lunch and then a little rest. 
  Tomorrow we clean the house for in a week Nick and Kelly will be visiting and then a few days after they leave my sister will be here for a visit. Our summer has been so busy that I think I am looking forward to autumn when we can slow down just a bit and maybe catch our breath.
  Blessings to All

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