Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Whole Grains and Bread Beckers

   I had a great time last night with three of my girls. Jessica, Jessica and Aimee.
   Last night we attended a seminar/workshop for Bread Beckers.  What is Bread Beckers?  Oh My! It's only the most wonderful place to order whole grains and mills and all sorts of things that are very healthy for your family. And since they are just over in Woodstock, Ga. they are practically local! Well, local to us.
   Mrs.Sue Becker spoke to us about the wonderful attributes of whole, freshly milled grains. It's hard not to catch her enthusiasm! She is very knowledgeable and sweet and lively when she speaks.
   She also brought to our attention several verses of scripture that speak directly to our health and regarding bread and milling of wheat. One of the verses was:  “Do not take a pair of millstones or an upper millstone as security for a debt, because that is like taking a life as security. Deut.24:6    She shared this verse last night and pointed out that to take a man's way of milling grains was to take his life. Pretty serious stuff, I'd have to say. Also some history of processed white bleached flour. And also the way our bodies work with real foods. Goodness, it's no wonder that we are such a sickly nation.  If you ever have a chance to hear her speak, please do! You will not regret it.
    Now before anyone starts thinking that I've just jumped on the latest bandwagon that is passing by. You are wrong this time. I've always tried to eat healthy, and I try to get my family to eat healthy. Not that they always want to. We've spent too much of our lives eating whatever was pushed at us as healthy by the processing plants and the grocery stores. Yes, I know that these things taste yummy, but so does real living food.
   Anyway, I could get up on my soapbox and go on for awhile about this, but I really just want to share how wonderful this company really is.
   My head was absolutely brimming over with information last night. And since some lovely ladies baked some goodies with the whole grains for us to try, my tummy was more than content last night.
  We bought a loaf or two of Crunchy Seed Bread, delicious! And, a cookbook so that we could make the bread at home.
   One of the things that I ate was blueberry muffins. On their website they have a recipe for Chocolate Chip Muffins, which is their basic muffin recipe only with chocolate chips or in this case blueberries. They were so good I had to not walk back up to the table because I was afraid that I'd get too many. I love sweet things and when it's sweet things that are made with natural good for you stuff instead of the processed sugars...
 Well, I just had to walk away so that others would have some too. :)
    Anyway if you read my blog and you live near Woodstock, Ga. or you follow the links above to their website, do yourself a favor. Check them out! I know if you do, you will love it too!
Blessings to All ~S~

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Hugs for All!

 What is it about HUGS that make one feel secure and loved?
  In the last week so many people have needed hugs. I love hugs. Hugs let people know that we love them, that we care. We need to sometimes be the arms of God and let people know that He loves them too. It's been a rough day, I need a {{HUG}} ! We greet those that we haven't seen in some time with a big HUG!
  Open your arms and wrap them around the person that needs comforting. Why does it work?
  Children run up and Hug Mama and Daddy. A hurt child clings to a Mama, arms wrapped around them keeping them safe. Hugs give us the warm fuzzies that make us feel all good inside.
   The truth is that God designed us to need touch. We need that interaction with each other and sometimes a hug can be the touch that is needed without being too in your space. Some people don't need hugs as much as others. But I've noticed that most of the friends that I have all need hugs! I'm so glad.
  Blessings to All ~S~

Friday, August 16, 2013


   This morning I read a post from another blog called Common Cents, about an 8th grade test from Kentucky schools in 1912. I realized how much I didn't know, in looking over this test. So I set out to find answers. In the process of finding the answers I ran a bit of a rabbit trail. Home school Moms tend to do this sometimes.
   Any way, I was reading about the Commonwealth States. There are four of them Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Massachusetts. Which led to looking at their flags. Which brings me to the title of this post. Vexillology  -( Vexillology is the "scientific study of the history, symbolism and usage of flags or, by extension, any interest in flags in general" (Smith 31) The word is a synthesis of the Latin word vexillum ("flag") and the Greek suffix -logia ("study"). It is formally defined by the International Federation of Vexillological Associations (known by its French acronym FIAV) constitution as "the creation and development of a body of knowledge about flags of all types, their forms and functions, and of scientific theories and principles based on that knowledge." ) 
  Amazing the things that you find out when you look at a states flag!  Some things I knew from earlier studies of flags and states. Like, each color means something. But then I started digging a little deeper, what did the symbols mean. Why St. Andrews cross on the Alabama flag? Why the motto: Sic semper tyrannis on the flag of Virginia? Fascinating! 
   If you are studying state history or American History this year I encourage you to throw in a little of the study of the flag(s). They really tell a lot about our forefathers and what was going on during the time that each state became a member or was ratified as a state.
   As always have fun teaching and learning with your kids! Enthusiasm is contagious. If you love learning so will your kids. 
  Blessings to All ~S~

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fig Jam

This past weekend, I went to my in-laws and picked some figs. I love figs, but I sort of over picked and had so many. So as usual I decided I'd can some of them. Fig preserves and fig jam. I saw this post of facebook a few weeks ago and decided that I might try it. Even though the jam in the recipe was for berries I thought that I'd try a different fruit. FIGS! Wasn't sure how it would turn out, but gave it a try any way. Turns out that it is pretty good with figs. So now I will have to try it with strawberries and blueberries too. The neat thing is that there was no sugar involved and no pectin. As you can see in the picture above, those are the ingredients. That's it! Figs, honey, chia seeds.  
  The recipe for No Pectin Refrigerator Jam can be found on the blog; Deep Roots at Home.  The fig color is not as pretty as the raspberry or strawberry would be, but yummy still. Give it a try. I think that you will really like it. I know that my family does. Well, most of  my family, hubby doesn't like figs. But I'm sure that if I used a fruit that he liked, he would eat it. I'm thinking peach /mango, or strawberry.
  Blessings to All ~S~

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Crafters Desires

  I've been thinking about buying a new small rug for my kitchen, just to put in front of my sink. I love the look of the country wool rugs that have a pretty country design on them. I've check them out in stores and on line. The ones that I really like are usually pretty expensive because they are hand made.
   So being someone that really likes crafts, I decided that I'd set about seeing what it would take to make my own. I may end up spending more money to buy the supplies; but right now I haven't ruled that possibility out, yet.
   You Tube is a great site and you can learn a lot from the videos that are there. I found this video on how to hook rugs.
Of course there are many more videos and much more to learn. I love to learn and may end up taking a class on it. If I can find one locally. I think I need to find a job working for a craft place. I just like to try too many things. Even though I will go back to my first craft loves of crocheting, quilting and cross stitch.
 I have to insert a little Rant here. ( I think that I would love to open a craft store, but I'm never sure how that would go. I've seen so many open, and then close just as  quickly because larger stores can sell the same products for so much less. And let's face it, when you are a craft person your funds are usually limited. If I manage to sell anything that I ever make the money goes right back into buying more supplies so that I can feed the monster that is the craft desire. Most of the time I end up making something to give as a gift rather than to sell. 
  There is a lot of time and love put into hand made items and to even get a fraction of what it is worth you would have to mark it up beyond what anyone really can afford. Craft Fairs are great places to go when you are a crafter. And I am guilty of going so that I can get ideas for new things or sometimes just to see whats out there and what sells. As someone who has tried to sell things at craft fairs it's very hurtful for someone to look at something that I've made only to toss it aside and say, "Well, I can make that". My advise is, then go make it. Remember, be kind to other crafters. They took a lot of time away from other things that they could have been doing to make the items and it is a labor of love. They aren't getting paid anywhere near what the item is actually worth.)  Rant over.
  Now back to YouTube. You can find instructions for almost everything on there! Crocheting, Quilting, Zentangle, even Algebra tutoring! So the next time you are interested in learning a new craft, or just something new about the craft that you have already learned, do a search on YouTube and see what you can learn.
  Blessings to All ~S~

Friday, August 9, 2013


  I still get pretty excited when I order books and they come in the mail. I love books! Always have, guess I always will. When I was a teenager, I designed a room for myself with floor to ceiling bookshelves on three of the four walls. I don't have that room / library, but I do have a ton of books.
   Over the years I have learned to be a bit more particular about the books that I put on my shelves. And I have even gotten rid of a few of them. Really just a few. My Husband will tell you that I didn't get rid of any since I usually go to 2nd and Charles to replace any that leave. I have craft books, and many classics and special children's books that I read to my kids when they were young. Now I read them to children that come to visit. Also are favorite curriculum books that I have used over the years that my children loved so much that I was told I'd better not get rid of them because they wanted to use them when they had children.
    With that said, I ordered Writers INC earlier this week to go with our curriculum "Where the Brook and River Meet". I was so excited today when it came in three days earlier than Amazon tracking said that it would!
   So, Aimee and I opened it up and did a quick browse through it. I think that we are going to LOVE this book! Since it is our last year to home school there will be a lot of writing going on.
  Now we can start school next week like I wanted to, just because all of our curriculum is here!
 Blessings to All ~S~

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Keepsake Blanket for a special Baby in Alaska

 I've been so busy making booties and working on this blog that I forgot to post a picture of a baby blanket that I made for a sweet couple stationed in Alaska, who had their first baby a couple of months ago. So I thought I'd go ahead and share it now. It is from a pattern book called Keepsake Baby Afghans.

Keepsake Baby Afghan for Courtney

It was easy to make and I found the pattern book at Hobby Lobby. Almost my favorite place in the world to shop.
 I hope that it will truly be a keepsake for the proud parents.
 Blessings to All ~S~

Italian Bowtie Pasta

Italian Bow Tie Pasta

1 lb. Jimmy Dean Italian Sausage or any that you prefer
olive oil
1 large or 2 small green peppers cut in chunks
1 large onion cut in chunks
1-2 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 can Rotel Tomatoes * (mild)
Italian seasoning to taste
salt and pepper to taste
1 lb. Bow Tie Pasta

In large skillet brown sausage, drain and set aside.

 Wipe out skillet, pour 2 - 3 tablespoons olive oil in skillet saute garlic, peppers and onions until tender but not mushy. Don't you just love colorful dishes!

 Sprinkle in salt, pepper and Italian seasoning. Pour can of tomatoes and put sausage back into skillet. *I use mild tomatoes but if you like really spicy you can use the hotter ones.

  Cook the pasta separately until al-dente,  drain and pour into skillet with other ingredients.


 Serve with a salad. Serves 6 generously
 *This dish can also be made vegetarian. Leave out the sausage and use a veggie pasta, and tofu. If you don't like tofu you can replace the meat with lentils and black beans cooked until tender and then seasoned with Italian seasoning.
Free Curriculum Links

K - 12  I've used the Government and Economics
 They worked very well with my girls.

Free Lapbook Templates
Great for younger kids.
Our Curriculum

     So our curriculum for this year is: Where the Brook and River Meet by: Margie Gray
We used this curriculum several years ago, but my youngest then was about 6th or 7th grade. So I didn't make her do as much at the time since it is written for High School level. We are so excited to be doing this study of "Anne of Green Gables" once again. 
     If you have high school aged daughters I encourage you to check this unit study out. If you have younger children check out the other unit studies atCadron Creek using "The Chronicles of Narnia" and  "Little House on the Prairie". I've used them all and love them. 
   Blessings to All ~S~


  So if you've visited in the last day or so then you know that I've made several changes to my blog. For starters I have changed the name from Quilted YaYa to The Quilted Hillbilly. The reason being that as a West Virginian I am a bit of a Hillbilly. I love the mountains and I would love to one day retire back to those mountains. Maybe not WV, but somewhere in those mountains would make my little heart soar.
   As I learn more about how to manage my blog there will be other changes. I am having fun with all of the new things. Hope that you are enjoying them also.
  Blessings to All ~S~

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Hey! I'm trying something new! If you notice at the top there is a new tab that says "Recipes"   From time to time I will be posting recipes that my husband and I have created or a new recipe that I am trying. I'll try to remember to take pictures and post with it also. I have one recipe posted now. I'll be making this recipe for my family tonight, so I'll add pictures later this week.
 Blessings to All ~S~

Monday, August 5, 2013

Laundry Day!


  It's a fact of life in our family, and in most families around the world. There is laundry to do! It is a never ending job. Even if I do the laundry this morning, tonight before bedtime there will be more laundry. Everyone knows this!
   Today, I have dirty clothes to wash and dry, and fold, and put away. Only for them to be taken out, worn and thrown back into the laundry basket in a few days.  I was getting ready to lament about the chore when I thought about a sweet Missionary that visited our church yesterday. Mrs. Laura, told us about how her family spent many years in India and now in Israel. She also spoke of the needs of the missionaries and the people of those countries. I decided that I should be thankful that my family has clothing to wear, clean and laundered. That I have clean water and soap to wash those clothes with. How blessed we are and how little that we realize as a whole that we are. I am thankful that we don't have bombs flying over our home and having to be shot out of the sky before they land on our home.
   Earlier that day we had sat and had coffee in the air conditioning and comfort of a coffee house, out of the hot humid day here in the South. We spoke about the fact that we do not worry right now of the persecution that so many countries worry about. We were able to freely speak of God and Jesus without fear. We spoke about taking care of our families and teaching our children. Also, currently without fear.
   In some states it is now against the law to mention certain things that are in the Bible. How sad, that so many do not realize that they are only doing exactly what the scripture says will happen. How my heart breaks for those that don't know Jesus.
   If we had to live with the persecution that Christians in other countries live with, would we be so quick to say that we are Christians? Would you be ready to stand and not deny Jesus? I wonder...
    I won't be complaining about the laundry today. Today I choose to have an attitude of thankfulness. Thank You Father for the clothes that we have, and the many blessings that you have poured out on us. I love that you love me anyway.
And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts. Be thankful.  Colossians 3:15

Blessings to All ~S~

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Today I Choose

When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. ~ C.S. Lewis

   Today I choose to serve God, by serving my husband and my family. By putting my husband and children ahead of myself. By doing the little things that he doesn't ask me to do, but that I know he notices.
   Today I choose to serve God, by being a Wife & Mother.

 Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord,  for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of the body.  Now as the church submits to Christ, so wives are to submit to their husbands in everything.  Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her  to make her holy, cleansing[g] her with the washing of water by the word.  He did this to present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless.  In the same way, husbands are to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.  For no one ever hates his own flesh but provides and cares for it, just as Christ does for the church, since we are members of His body.
 For this reason a man will leave
his father and mother
and be joined to his wife,
and the two will become one flesh
Eph. 5:22-31

Blessings to All ~S~

Thursday, August 1, 2013


 Oh, that Sisterly LOVE! This week one of my younger sisters came for a visit. She is the one that I have the most in common with, in that we both love country good stuff, we love cooking and canning, and quilting and crocheting. We love the mountains and country land and putting up good foods for our families. Time spent with her is usually never long enough.
  She came for a short visit this time and was here for two days. As they left today I felt like a part of me went with her. I miss my family so much some times. Not that I haven't made awesome friends here over the last twenty seven years, but there is just nothing like a sister that you've grown up with.
  In the last two days I took her to meet our Pastor and his wife, who they met via Skype when my sister would come to church with us from her home in NC. They finally got to meet in person. Such a fun time. Then we shared patterns for quilts and recipes and other crafts. We played on the wii fit and laughed so hard we almost cried. We watched the first hour of "The Truth Project" together. Shared stories of what God is doing in our lives and how He is growing us and how He has shown us grace and mercy.
   How I love my Sister.  Much like missing my Daughter and Son-in-Love, I miss my Sister and it is now too quiet around our home. again... :(
This picture is from two years ago, but not much has changed. I hope and pray that it is not two years before we see each other again.
  Hope that everyone has an awesome day.
 Blessings to all ~S~