I still get pretty excited when I order books and they come in the mail. I love books! Always have, guess I always will. When I was a teenager, I designed a room for myself with floor to ceiling bookshelves on three of the four walls. I don't have that room / library, but I do have a ton of books.
Over the years I have learned to be a bit more particular about the books that I put on my shelves. And I have even gotten rid of a few of them. Really just a few. My Husband will tell you that I didn't get rid of any since I usually go to 2nd and Charles to replace any that leave. I have craft books, and many classics and special children's books that I read to my kids when they were young. Now I read them to children that come to visit. Also are favorite curriculum books that I have used over the years that my children loved so much that I was told I'd better not get rid of them because they wanted to use them when they had children.
With that said, I ordered Writers INC earlier this week to go with our curriculum "Where the Brook and River Meet". I was so excited today when it came in three days earlier than Amazon tracking said that it would!
So, Aimee and I opened it up and did a quick browse through it. I think that we are going to LOVE this book! Since it is our last year to home school there will be a lot of writing going on.
Now we can start school next week like I wanted to, just because all of our curriculum is here!
Blessings to All ~S~
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