My girls and I made an impromptu trip to GA. this week, to visit with one of my daughters. We had a blast. Even if it was only for a couple of days.
We left home on Sunday and headed towards Georgia early in the morning. I don't mind traveling through Atlanta on Sundays. The traffic is light and I don't feel pushed to go faster than the speed limit.
We arrived earlier that K. got off from work. So we visited with her hubby for a couple of hours. That was fun. I always love talking to him.
On Monday, K decided that we should all go to a park and take the puppy dog. Well, the park/ lake was about an hour away and when we got there it was quite a drive through the woods. . And, it had started to really cloud up as we turned into the road through the woods. We started joking about it being like a drive through the bowels of Mordor. The woods were really very beautiful, but it was just a little creepy being dark and I don't think that we passed any other cars on the road we were on. Which was probably a good thing since the road was a little narrow.
I started getting a little creeped out and A. commented that it could be worse. "It could be raining."
K. and J. fussed at her and said "Don't word curse us!"
The road was rough and my bladder did not like it one little bit. We got to the end of the road, where they had an out house type port-a- potty. Upon entering I discovered that the door did not lock and on the wall was a sign that had a picture of a beaver on it. The sign said something like don't put Woodsie in, it's hard to get out. I wish that I had gone back to the car to get my phone to take a picture of it. When I exited the um... facilities, it had started to rain a little. K, had gone to a sign that had been knocked down and found out that it was a 3 1/2 mile hike to the lake. When she started walking back to the car the rain started coming down really hard. We decided to drive back to town and do a little window shopping. Much more to my liking.
I did get a few pictures of our ride out. But I didn't even think to take them until we were back on the main road that was paved. The road into the park was mostly gravel, mud, and pot holes. Not exaggerating.
The puppy dog got tired of being cooped up in the car, so we opened the window and let her stick her head out. She was having a good time. And the rain had finally stopped, or drove out of it.
ears flapping in the wind |
photo bombed by J. |
After a little bit it started raining again. Not hard but we needed to roll the windows up. She got tired and laid down in the back seat between the girls.
We were glad to get back home and kick up our feet. We watched the first half of Pride and Prejudice until N. came home. Then we had some dinner and talked for a while until bed time.
On Tuesday we went out shopping for a bakers rack for K. or a kitchen island. After going to several stores with no success we finally went to Hobby Lobby and found one that she really liked. When we found out that it was on sale, she liked it even more. So I found out that I can get four people and a bakers rack in my car! We got it home set it up and K. started cleaning out her cupboards and the counters.
I love that she is such a good home maker. I love that she has such a desire to take care of her husband and her home. So proud of all of my kids. They are hard workers and precious children of God.
We came home today (Wed.) and while it feels good to be in my own home. I miss my kids and wish that we all lived closer together. For now I guess we will have to just visit as often as possible.
Blessings to All ~S~