Thursday, February 27, 2014

House Cleaning Tips

   There are many things in life that I really like doing. There are also some that I really dislike doing. One of those things is cleaning house. Sad to say since I occasionally clean house for other people. When I clean for other people though their homes are all picked up and in order. All that I have to do is go in and clean. Unfortunately, I don't have someone to come and clean my home. So that means that either my home doesn't get cleaned every week or it only gets picked up weekly.
    Don't get me wrong, I love the end result. I just hate moving tchotchkes and dusting under and around them. Dusting is my least favorite chore. I have far to much stuff in my home. I think that it is time to get rid of much stuff! Except my books. I love my books! And I love crafting. I'd much rather spend my time creating that cleaning. But herein lies another problem. I create best when my space is clean and organized. It's really a vicious cycle.
    Now having said all of that. I have learned a few things while cleaning other peoples homes for them. Some of those tips I have implemented in my home so that I only really have to do a deep clean every two to three weeks.

  1. Keep wipes near your bathroom sink to wipe the counters with every couple of days.
  2. Car detail rags from the dollar store can be dampened and used without cleaning products on mirrors for a lint free clean
  3. A squeegee in the shower used after every shower will keep hard water build up off of the glass and shower walls, making it easier to clean once a week.
  4. A duster, such as a feather duster is great for a once over, once a week.
  5. At least once a month pull furniture away from the wall and dust behind it with the vacuum hose. (Dust holds odors and can make your home smell not clean even when it looks clean)
  6. Throw a load of laundry in the washer at least every other day so that it doesn't get piled up.
  7. Microfiber rags clean and dust everything really great and they are inexpensive at the dollar store.
These are just a few tips that come to my mind. If you have any to share, feel free to leave a comment.
Here are a few sites that I really like too.
Real Simple
Woman's Day
Molly Maid
How to Clean Anything
Or you can just Google House Cleaning Tips and there are a multitude of sites that give wonderful tips.
Pick and choose what works best for you.
Blessings to All ~S~

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