Friday, December 18, 2009

It's almost here!

It's almost Christmas Day!  

Happy Birthday Jesus
yes, I know that it isn't actually the real birth date, but it is the day that we celebrate the birth of our Saviour!

  Christmas carols are running through my mind, and I'm wishing that my shopping was done.   
     I'm tired and cranky today, and I really don't feel like doing much of anything. But I will. I will get the things done that need to be. I will lay something out to thaw for dinner and then I will actually cook. I used to like to cook. It was so much fun. Then, the cost of groceries started to rise. And gas went up so it cost more to drive to the market. Well it just seems to go from bad to worse. Then, Christmas shopping is a chore for people who have all that they need and really don't want just stuff to fill their homes with. 
     Some days I think I'd give it all up to move up into the mountains, in a home that is paid for and leave behind the tv, phone, computer and the rat race. Be a real pioneer. Then again this is all stuff that we have become so accustomed to. I like being able to pop in a dvd and watch a favorite movie. I like being able to pick up the phone and talk to my sister, or a friend. I like being able to log into facebook and see what's going on with my friends. Today I am feeling overwhelmed.  There are many things that I want to do and have to do, so many that I don't even know where to start. Ugh!
    This morning as I was reading my Bible, I looked up the word "order". I need order in my life. Right now everything looks like chaos to me. People to still buy for, dinners to plan, etc. Will I ever get organized? Who knows.
   Well, God knows. He knows what I need exactly when I need it. So as I read this morning  the peace of Jesus came. I know that everything will be done in it's time and if it isn't then that will be ok too. These verses really spoke to me, and I Hope that they touch your heart too.
"Dominion and awe belong to God; he establishes order in the heights of heaven. Job 25:2
But be sure that everything is done properly and in order. 1Cr. 14:40
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace. As in all the congregations of the saints, 1Cr. 14:33
Merry Christmas Everyone. I pray for you peace and contentment, Joy and Love.  The wonder that is Christmas, and the awe that comes from knowing that Immanuel (God with us) is in control of all.  May the God of the universe be with you.

 Love and Blessings to all, S 

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Quilt is Finished!

YaY! The quilt for Rebecca Grace is finished. I am pleased with the outcome and grateful to my sweet husband who bought EQ (a computer quilt design progam) for me several years ago. Any way, just thought that I'd share a couple of pictures of the quilt. 
Blessings, S
front of quilt

back of quilt
The scripture in the square is Zep. 3:17
The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

More Tests

Quick post tonight
First I have to say... Roll TIDE Roll!!!
Next I have to share about the second part of Kelly's core test that she took on Friday. She had to roll hair and show how she would put color in hair, etc.. Many thanks to my dear Sister in Love who spent the day letting Kelly put stuff in her hair. Today she got the results of that part of the test. She scored a 95! Another "A"! So excited for her. She is going to be a wonderful stylist!

   She also got her hair cut this week. It's a very short pixie cut. It looks really cute on her. It will take me a while to get used to her hair being this different. I guess I'm just a sucker for the soft feminine look. However it's only hair and it will grow out and I know that she will change her style many times over the years.
   Blessings, S

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


   I'm a proud parent! Yes, I know that pride is wrong.At least the kind of pride that says you're better than anyone.  But, there are times when your children do things that make you so excited that you could just burst from the joy inside! I think that kind of pride is really JOY and not pride. Perhaps I should say that I'm a blessed parent!
    Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Kelly had to study for a test at school. I helped her a little by asking questions from her notes. Like all parents her Dad and I were a little anxious for her to pass this test, especially since not passing meant taking the core classes again and paying extra tuition. She and I prayed before she left the house and I read and prayed Ps. 121 with her.  I had asked a couple of others to pray for her also, that she would be calm while taking the test, and that all the answers would not race out of her mind. I knew she could pass the test but, the desire was that she pass with a high score.
    Well, she took the test yesterday morning and had the results by 5 P.M. yesterday afternoon. She scored a 99! We were so excited! She worked hard and studied hard and trusted God to guide her along. Yep! I'm a very BLESSED parent! God is Awesome!
 Blessings to all, S

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know that we have so much to be thankful for. At the risk of sounding common, there's - Family, good Friends, homeschooling, food in our home, a home to live in, my sweet Hubby, and the list could go on. Mostly I am thankful for a God that gives grace, forgiveness, and love. 
 We had a wonderful Thanksgiving day. I had to laugh at my husbands Grandmother (97yr.), I fixed her plate and set it in front of her. She looked up at me and said, "Well you are getting nice!" I laughed and told her I've always been nice, she's just always been a do it myself type of person who wouldn't let anyone help her. She really is a sweet precious lady.
  On Friday, we put up our Christmas tree. Our girls love setting it up and putting up the Christmas village on our sideboard. We have just a few more decorations to put out and then we will be ready to start our Christmas baking in about a week. I have been working on crocheting dish cloths and small doilies. These are going to be put in little tea cups along with a little sampling of baked goodies for my neighbors. I am heading to a wonderful little thrift store to buy the tea cups. 
   Well I am off to go clean and then work on the pink and white baby quilt.
   Blessings to all, S

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's Monday

Wow, it's Monday already. What happened to the weekend? Saturday we worked in the yard, cleaning up branches and burning them. Then turning the compost pile and adding mulched up leaves to it. I'm planning on having an herb garden this spring. Yummy basil, oregano, thyme, etc for cooking with and maybe some lavender and such to use for potpourri and mint for tasty tea.
 Today, I have to go to the pharmacy for my dear husband who isn't feeling to well. I think that he has caught the cold that everyone else in the house has had for the past two weeks. I feel bad for him today, but yesterday I wanted to punch him. Why does my husband do this? I guess he wasn't feeling well yesterday and was cranky and fussy. But, I didn't realize that and yes... I was being a little self centered.  I would like to defend myself and say that I was focused on doing the right things, but I really must call it as I see it. I was thinking of myself and not being sensitive to him.
   Let me tell you about yesterday (Sunday). I felt like it was going to be the greatest day ever. Then, Aimee decided that she wasn't feeling well enough yet for church and decided to stay home with her Daddy. Daddy got fussy about that (I think God is convicting him about the example that he sets). I wasn't quite ready for church yet and I hate to be late for things, and when people don't do like I want or expect them to I get irritated. Then a few minutes later Jessica came in and said I think the laptop has a virus. Well, this just put the icing on the cake! We use our computers for so much. Seems that she had tried to open something on a facebook page that had been hacked and downloaded some malware. I was so upset at this point that I had almost decided not to go to church. I knew I didn't need to drive with the attitude that I had now developed.
    Kelly came in and gave me a hug, encouraged me to finish getting ready and to leave everything in God's hands. So, trying to be a good Mommy and realizing that she was right, I made myself take a deep breath and turn it all over to God.  Well, don't you know that God is awesome and the God of ALL things! Wes and Bobby were at church and both know more than a thing or two about computers. We now have virus protection, the malware is gone and the computers are back up and running better than ever. We watched an awesome movie, The Mysterious Islands (an Erwin Brothers Movie). Everyone was full of hugs and laughter. Just what I needed to get my week going. And today I have insight into why Hubby was so fussy. (He really doesn't like getting sick because he carries the weight of this family on his shoulders and worries that he might have to miss work) So today I pray that he will be quickly healed of this cold. That God will give him the strength he needs and protect him from the worries of this world.
   I will make him some chicken soup, and cater to his needs and be the wife that he really needed yesterday. I will work on the quilt, clean the house and teach the girls. Look out Literature, Geometry, and Algebra! I love our Bible time too, it really helps us to keep focused on Who is truly at the center of and in control of our world.
The LORD is my strength, my shield from every danger. I trust in him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving. Psalm 28:7
Praising Jesus, S

Monday, November 2, 2009

Just Old Fashioned

I know there are many quilters out there who will go buy new fabric when they want to make a quilt. I sometimes wish that I had this option. But then again, in the spirit of my Grandmas, I don't think that would be good either. At least not for me. My Grandma, would go to yard sales and spot old blankets that could be cut up or clothes that would make beautiful quilts. She often saved my Dad's and his brothers and sisters clothes to recycle into beautiful quilts. When she went to yard sales she would only take $30 or $35 and never spend over that. Sometimes the old blankets were used for batting. Always thrifty, she would often tell me that beauty doesn't have to cost. I have inherited her love for fabrics. I love to look at fabrics, and touch them, to think about what a piece of fabric will look like cut up into a quilt.  
  I have been given much fabric and sometimes struggle with how to turn them into quilts like my Grandma did. I second guess myself often, thinking that two fabrics might not go together. What came naturally to my Grandma, I have to work at. Sometimes I think that I suffer from information overload. Too much to be seen on the web. Grandma often took her cues from Gods creation on how to put colors together and what pattern to use.  So I've been thinking this weekend as I worked on the baby quilt that I must take many of these fabrics and allow God to show me what to do with them. How to combine them into beautiful masterpieces. He is the ultimate Creator after all. I pray that He will help me turn them in to  many quilts for children and grandchildren. I hope that someday my daughters and future daughter-in-love will want to sit and spend time quilting and sharing and praying together. (no, Tony isn't seeing anyone, but I still pray for the one that God has chosen for him as I do for the girls future husbands, for He knows who they are.)
  Yes, I know these are old fashioned thoughts but, I guess I am just an old fashioned type of girl.
  Blessings, S

A couple more pictures

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Saturday, October 31, 2009

New Quilt!

Last Saturday I finished working on a crochet project. Today I started laying out the baby quilt for Rebecca Grace. I haven't decided yet whether or not I want to leave the setting triangles white or to add more color to them. I love the two color quilts there is something so simple and beautiful about them. I think I will look at it for a couple more days before I commit and sew the squares together.
Blessings, S
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Monday, October 26, 2009


As you can see, I've changed my background and template again. I just like the idea of a cozy country home with a visitor being welcomed. I would have preferred something a little more farmhouse country, but since I am not creative enough to design my own, I went with one that had a country feel to me.  
  Well tomorrow my Kelly starts school at the beauty academy. I am excited for her and sad for me. She has grown so much. My prayers will be for her to do well, and to stay firm in her love and commitment to Christ Jesus. 
   Today we are going to deliver the baby blanket that I made to Evelyn Ruth. I am so excited about it. I look forward to meeting her in person. I'm also planning on getting started on the new quilt now. I will post pictures as I get steps done. Always excited to work on a new creation for a baby!

    Now going back one more day. I spent the weekend also working on the Unit Study that I am doing with my girls using Pride and Prejudice. And getting my scribbled notes off of the paper and onto the computer into something that resembled order. I don't think I realized how hard it would be to actually write a Unit Study out. I've always just had a goal in mind and done the work and followed the rabbit trails. Then I wrote down what we did in our lesson plan book. It was stuff that was accomplished. The rabbit trails kept the learning exciting because I take my cues from what interests the girls. Perhaps we will buy a couple of straw hats and decorate them as Jane and Lizzy did in the story. You never know what might peak your interest as you read a good book. Especially as you read it together as a family.Until next time, Blessings and Love, S

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's finished

I am so excited! I finished another project. The crocheted baby blanket is finally finished. Now I can move on to my next project a baby quilt for a little girl. I think I even have it narrowed down to one or two pattern ideas. Here is a picture of the completed blanket. Blessings to all, S

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A great recipe!

Thought that I would share a recipe that a friend of mine shared with me a while back. It is really Yummy! Thanks Sharon, this has been a big hit at church

Veggie Salad
3 bunches of broccoli, chopped fine
1 head cauliflower, chopped fine
1 cup white raisins
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup crumbled bacon or bacon bits
( I like to use a cup of McCormick salad toppins)
1 sweet onion, minced

Mix together in large bowl

1 Cup Mayonnaise
1/2 Cup sugar
2 Tbs. white vinegar

blend dressing ingredients together and pour over veggie mixture. Mix well, chill and serve

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Too Busy

Life has been too busy and lately too rainy! I feel kind of squishy.
This past Monday was my birthday (I'm 52 now). Yesterday was a dentist appointment for braces and getting another child enrolled in Xcell Beauty Academy. I really don't like having to write out such large checks. Even in the money was saved up by my child for this purpose. She really is amazing though, she has worked so hard to not have to borrow money to go to school. I am so proud of her.
I've been working really hard on getting a baby blanket finished for a friends daughter whose baby was born last month. I am so behind on getting things completed. I have been asked by a friend to make a special baby quilt for someone and I have so many ideas running through my head. Now I have to narrow them down to one. I have to make myself finish one project before I can begin another, and I've been chomping at the bit to get the quilt started. I just wish that all I had to do was stay home and teach and quilt and crochet. Oh well, such is life. Plus I have to cook, clean, do laundry, and work too. I think I need a vacation.
Below is a picture of the center panel of the baby blanket that I have been crocheting and cross stitching on. I am almost finished with the side panels and then just stitching it together and I will be done!
Blessings to all, S

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Just a few more pictures

Just thought that I'd post a few pictures that Jessica took of her sisters. Love, S

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two Things! Well three...

I have two things to post today. Well maybe three.
1.) I am so proud of Jessica! She has been doing her geometry this morning and at first she just didn't understand. It took both of us going to another place in the house and praying over this math. Guess what? When we came back God had given me the insight to explain how it worked. Then she understood and finished her math in less than 45 min. ! Yay!!!

2.) Jessica has also been taking pictures with her new camera and doing a really good job. Here are a few of her pictures. She has a dream of being a professional photographer. Time will tell, and we will continue to pray that God will guide her on the paths that He has chosen for her.

She took these this past Monday and we edited them together.

3.) Now for number three. I've really been thinking about organization this last couple of days And keeping the house cleaned. I've been praying about it too. (Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. Proverbs 31:10)
It seems that some days things (chores) catch up to me and the faster I go the behinder I get! Now we only have 3 children left at home and they are pretty self sufficient at this point. I know that my sweet husband doesn't like to come home to a messy house. While some days are so busy with school that we just don't get the dining room table cleaned off before it's time to start supper, that's o.k. We are blessed to have a small table in our kitchen area and we just sit there instead. Besides it helps Dad to know that we are working hard at learning. For the most part though we try to have the clutter at least picked up before he comes home.
Laundry is another area that gets the best of me. I still do laundry every other day or try to. When they were younger I did a load every day. I would just throw the light colored towels in with the light colored clothes if I didn't have enough. The next day I would do a load of jeans and dark colored clothes and towels.
So my Tip for the day is: A load of laundry everyday if you have a family with small children or many children, and every other day if your children are more grown up.
Until next time, Blessings to all, S

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What a wonderful week!

Well, I'm starting my week from last Friday for this post. I started my day by getting to the grocery store at 7:15 a.m. I love shopping early in the morning. The store is mostly empty, everything is freshly stocked, well pretty much any way. The employees are awake, helpful and mostly cheerful! Smile!
I came back home, unloaded the groceries, and we (the girls and I) headed out the door to run some errands, which we finished early and stopped by the Amen Corner where I found a cd I'd been looking for on sale! Also picked up the cutest little lamb rattle for baby Cayden that velcro's on the back of his wrist. We then went to dance, and up to UAB to see the baby. Well not directly, I got turned around trying to find the right parking deck, and then ended up parking in a different deck than originally planned. But, we finally made it up to the right area of the hospital and got to see the baby! He is so much more handsome than his pictures. I wanted so bad to hold on to him and snuggle up with him. Just something about a baby. I did get to touch him and pray over him, and talk to him. Soooo sweet. Well we had a nice long visit and then we headed home. Stopped by Arby's and picked up dinner. Got home turned on the laptop and about 10 minutes later we learned,via Facebook, that Cayden had been transferred out of RNICU, and to the #2 nursery. Which meant that he was doing much better. We were so excited.
All of this really made me think on God's wonderful provision for us. How beautifully He provides what we need just when we need it. I don't know why I am surprised, God says that He answers prayers. He loves us and wants good things for us.
Anyway, on Monday, Cayden got to leave the hospital at 13 days old! We are praising God for the healing miracles and the love that He has shown us.
Here are a couple of pictures of Cayden. We will continue to pray for him and his Mom & Dad. Cayden still has some hurdles to overcome, but we are trusting God for continued healing.
What a beautiful family moving up to a new nursery!
Headed home! Praise God!

Monday, September 21, 2009

More quilt Pictures

Quilts, Quilts, Quilts

Good Morning world.
Sitting here this morning drinking my coffee and reading quilting blogs. Felt like sharing a few of the quilts that I have made. It's been a busy year, and I've been crocheting or quilting a lot. But I love it! So many beautiful babies being born.

The quilt above is one that I made for a very special little boy named Cayden. * These pictures aren't the greatest in the world. There is hand embroidery on each of the centers and down the sides. Cayden's Mom loves apples so I did a running stitch apple on each square. On the sides I wrote (also in running stitch) Apple of my eye, one apple-two apple-red apple- blue apple, The top says applelicious, and the bottom has apple bottom baby embroidered. I made one extra square and pieced it into the backing and machine embroidered scripture. Psalm 17:8 says Guard me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings. I think every baby should be wrapped in Gods love and be covered by His word. I try to put scripture on most everything but my crocheted blankets. Those get prayed over and the Mamas, Daddies and babes get prayed for while I'm making them. Every baby is special, a beautiful gift from God.
*Cayden was born on Sept. 15th, and had trouble responding at birth. He was taken to UAB hospital and placed in a hypothermia state. He has now been warmed back up and is doing much better. So many people have been praying for baby Cayden. If you have Facebook you can check out his special web site at: Prayers for baby Cayden
Blessings to all

Saturday, September 19, 2009


My last post was on Tuesday after our family dentist appointment. Since then the world has turned upside down. Tuesday night my friends Karen & Stephen went to the hospital to have their baby. On Wednesday morning around 2 a.m. I woke up and felt the need to pray. Couldn't get back to sleep so around 3 I got out of bed and turned on my computer. When I signed into Face Book I realized the world had gone crazy overnight while I was sleeping. Karen had the baby shortly after 11 p.m. on Tuesday and at 2 they transferred baby Cayden James to UAB to the NICU. He was not breathing well and wasn't responding (waking up) like he should. My heart was breaking for Karen and Stephen and the rest of the family. I have been praying ever since. Stephen has been like a son to me for so many years.
On Thursday I had posted some pictures of a quilt that I had made last year and finally got the pictures on my computer. When I was looking at the pictures of the quilt that I had made for Cayden, I realized that the scripture that I had embroidered on the back was even more meaningful. Ps. 17: 8 Guard me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings.

It wasn't until Friday that I realized that God had awakened me to pray when Cayden was being transferred to UAB. I will continue to pray for this most precious baby until he comes home. I pray that God will continue to cover this precious family with His love and protection.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Day for Teeth

Ok, it was teeth cleaning day for our family at the dentist. I always schedule everyone on the same day so that we only have to go one time, in one vehicle every six months. Our dentist was in rare form today! Telling jokes, waxing philosophical, laughing at everything. I think he got too close to the gas today. On the high side (pun intended) everyone had good check ups. No cavities! Hoorah!
Now we are home after a quick trip to the sports store for hunting boots for Dad, and then by Publix for a couple of the specials. Had to get a rain check for one of them. Now it is time to go read the next chapter or two of Pride & Prejudice with my girls.
And to think I wanted to just stay home this week. Every time we go out it's an adventure!

Thank You God for this wonderful day of adventure.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Putting feet on Scripture

Today we have been super blessed. We, my daughters and I, have the privilege of helping a young Mama who is pregnant with baby #4. She is due soon, and all of her family lives quite a distance away. So we will go to her home and play with her children for a little while, help her pick up after the children and give her a little rest.
You might consider this a blessing for her, perhaps, but we're the ones who will truly be blessed. We get to share Christ, (although this young Mama is already a Christian). Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:13 We pray that God will reinforce the love of Christ through us. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thes. 2: 16-17 We get to meet a new friend, that is always so much fun. I get to watch as my daughters grow in Christ and give up self to help someone. It is a teaching/learning opportunity that many Moms/girls do not get today.
God is so very gracious to lead me as a Mom in raising my children, and I love when He leads us to other Mom's who need a little TLC. He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isa. 40:11
Thank You Lord for this day and the Blessings that you have given and are giving us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Our little homeschool group went on a field trip today to the Botanical Gardens. While I was hoping that my children were paying attention to the plants and the biology lessons that I was trying to get across, I was also looking for quilt inspiration. One thing is for certain. I know my way around Birmingham better now. (I took 2 wrong turns and had to go a mile down the road to get turned back in the right direction both times.)
It is always an adventure when we go some place that I'm not familiar with. I have only been to the gardens one other time and I really enjoyed it then. Today was a bit warm (about 89 degrees). But it was still very nice with a bit of a breeze every now and then. I love the plants especially the herbs. (cooking and medicinal) I've always been fascinated with herbs and want to start a small garden to grow my own for cooking and for medicine.
I love the gardens though for the beautiful designs that they have. The art work is equally fascinating.

A fountain, the lily pad pond with a sculpture at the end, one of my daughters in the Japanese garden, and another daughter standing among bamboo trees.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day

Yeah it's Labor Day weekend. We have a three day weekend together as a family. That is always exciting for me. Dad will be grilling and I plan on working on my crochet project and possibly a quilt project that I have started. The baby that I am working on the blanket for will probably be here before I finish the project, especially since she is due in 1 week. But, I am getting closer to having it finished. I will post pictures as I get it more put together. Now having said that, it is time to get off of the computer and get started on the projects so that I can post some pictures very soon!
Blessings to all, S

A song of ascents. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, and may you live to see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel. Psalm 128

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This has been a most wonderful week so far and it is only Wednesday. Monday was grocery day since last week my plans were changed. I don't really care for going to the grocery store on Mondays because the shelves are usually bare of the sales by then. But it went o.k. for the most part. Tuesday was good. The girls really started understanding their Geometry and Algebra and after school work was completed we watched Fireproof and Facing the Giants. Both excellent movies. Both movies also prompted more investigation into Gods word. I love when my children want to search scripture for answers to the questions that they have about life. En Fuego was really good last Saturday. We worked hard met new friends and saw many old friends. The music was good and we had a chance to pray for all those in attendance.

The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment. He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 9: 7-9

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


O, what a beautiful morning, O, what a beautiful day!
The bathroom plumbing is fixed! We found that the problem was a sagging pipe that allowed shampoo, conditioner and hair to build up and slow everything down. Looking forward to school today.
I've been thinking about my role as a teacher this morning. I don't think that I really have the ability to teach as public school teachers and yet my children have learned to read, write, spell, do math, and various other academic subjects.
I used my concordance this morning and looked up the word "teach". Just scanning over the listings in the NIV, it is apparent what is most important. Teach me your ways O, Lord. David said teach me your paths. When God spoke to people He said I will teach you what to say. Jesus was called Teacher. He is the teacher, as is the Holy Spirit. Over the years I have prayed over my little classroom of children as I have prepared to teach a subject or new concept. They have learned and they are growing into adults with good character and respectful manners.
Do I really teach, yes and no, I'm a vessel or a glove that God uses to teach my children. I pray that God will continue to work through me to teach my children everyday, even after school and academics are completed. That I would turn to His word to light my way in this dark world.

Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Psalm 25: 4-5

But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Back again already! I have a praise that I just had to share and I almost forgot with all the plumbing issues that have been happening.
Friday night Kelly came home from the football game and started telling me about her friend and the problems that were taking place in her family. We both prayed for her friend and then she went on to bed. The next day was Saturday (plumbing day, lots of stress) and I almost missed a very important thing that God was showing me. He is working in my sweet husband.
Ronald had been awakened by the chatter that was going on between KK and myself and he overheard part of what was being said. He didn't say anything until after Kelly went to bed when he woke up enough to ask me what was going on. I gave him a brief run down since it was after 11 p.m. and he had to get up and go to work the next morning. That night he was very restless and tossed and turned quite a bit. At 4:30 a.m. when he got up I asked him what was wrong. His reply, "I was really worried about Kelly's friend and her family so I just kept praying to God that He would be with them."
Those that know my family know that my husband doesn't go to church with me and doesn't claim to be a Christian. If you look for the fruit it may not be readily seen. I sometimes think it hides behind the leaves of the tree. What I do know though is that God is working in my husband and I love him very much. He is very much the head of our home and God is the center of our home. I will continue to pray for him and my children on a daily basis.

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.Psalm 141: 2

Of Ladies and Powder Rooms

Well where do we start. This past Saturday,all I wanted to do was clean my home and work on crocheting a baby blanket. KK got ready for work and the shower was draining slow and the toilet was perking. My first thought was flush the toilet and make everything go down the line. WRONG! Our weekend that was supposed to be quiet and peaceful was anything but. There were several trips to Lowe's and Marvin's. One super plunger (that's what it said on the tag), three different types of plumbing snakes, some pvc cleaner, glue, a few odd looking pieces of pvc piping, and a little over $100 we are a little closer to having it fixed. Well that is what I thought on Sunday. Don't get me wrong, Dad is very capable of doing the work & I will sing out about what a wonderful handyman he is, it's just that I am a bit squimish when it comes to such things, and not a capable plumber or helper in this case. The clog is just out of reach of the snakes and the super plunger. So here it is now, Tuesday and we are still down to one bathroom and one half bath. With 4 girls in the house and poor Dad, he's feeling the pressure to get the second bath working in a hurry. I think back on growing up we had a 4 bedroom, 1 bath home with 6 children(4 girls, 2 boys) and our Mom, and she still managed to have everyone bathed and ready for bed before 9 P.M. Wish I had inherited some of her management skills.
But not to fear, God is good. We have friends who have done plumbing before and are super sweet to come help us. The problem should be 100% solved by this evening. (The girls and I are all praying). Don't laugh, God is the God of all things even trials such as this. It has tried our patience, but we persevere and cope. No tempers have flared and no potty emergencies even with all the extra children that have been here over the weekend. My concern now as this is coming to an end, is that I won't be able to clean the metal marks out of the bottom of the toilet from the plumbing snake that was sent down. (KK would say I was OCD in this) Oh well, such is life. One day that toilet will be replaced, and we will have forgotten all about the issues of this time. Our focus will be on the things of God. We are all a little closer now for this trial has helped us to understand that we can get through anything with prayer and love for one another. : ) Today our home will get cleaned, the powder room repaired and draining properly, school work done and all will be right in our little bit of the world, because we know the One in control.
Praises to our God!

Friday, August 14, 2009


I know we raise (train up) our children to be grown ups. To be responsible adults. The problem is not my childrens', it is mine. I do not like this growing up stuff. Why can't they just stay little a little while longer? Our Kelly is off at a football game tonight with friends and Jessica & Aimee just got home from babysitting. The really sad part is, I don't know exactly when they grew up. It really does seem like yesterday that they were just crawling around on the floor and calling Mama for every little thing. I miss those days so much. I thank God that they are growing into Godly young women that will one day be wives and Mama's themselves, but sometimes it just seems like the time goes by faster than it should.
Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the LORD. Ps. 34:11

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Rambling thoughts about Titus 2

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God. Titus 2:3-5
Teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live... I've been thinking about this scripture a great deal this morning. The greatest priority in a home is Love. My most important ministry is my home. I set the temperature in my home. Is it peaceful? Is it harmonious? Have I respectfully placed my husband first? As an older woman, have I taught a younger woman this week? Well I have 3 daughters still living at home. Which means I have to daily lay my life before Christ so that I don't teach them anything wrong. Have I lived my life in a reverent way? Deeply respectful of the things of God.
On the other side of the coin, Have I learned anything from another older woman? So often God puts Godly women in our lives and we over look them. I have been blessed with many women in my life, some in my church and some that I have met through homeschooling. Many that have written wonderful books that teach me through their words. But the most precious are those that I know personally because they teach me with their actions.
I pray this day that I would have a teachable heart, that I would not malign the word of God.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Just one step

Don't you just hate when things get backed up? OK, Bring your mind back to the blog. I'm talking about projects and house work! My house needs to be cleaned because I haven't had a chance to clean since a week and 1/2 ago. I need to sit and work on my lesson plans for school and my literature unit study. But what I'd rather be doing today is crocheting.
I guess it is time to practice what I preach to my children. When looking at algebra problems, it's like having a large hamburger in your hands. You don't eat the whole thing in one bite, you take several little bites. In my case I have a mountain of projects, so I don't climb over the mountain in one step. Just take the first step, and then the next step. God will take care of the rest and I will climb over one step at a time. Yea! Problem solved! Life is good, God is Awesome!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Before & After

We did it! Aimee and I got our hair cuts. Our stylist does such a good job! Check it out. Here are the before and after pics.