Thursday, July 26, 2012


Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. 1 John 5:1

  The news this last week has hit hard on so many levels. Shootings in Colorado, government with no controls, and one company president who is willing to stand his ground for truth.  The one man who has stood his ground will lose some business because of his stand but I believe he will gain much more, because God will bless his willingness to stand for His truth. I will continue to pray for victims and for brothers in Christ and also for those in authority.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

In my study this week, I've read a couple of interesting things. The first one had to do with priorities. To set as a priority is to prefer. I am choosing to make Christ my priority. I prefer to spend time with Him first. The book that I have been gleaning information from is by Elizabeth George - A Woman after God's Own Heart It's an older book but it is wonderful. 
 The second thing is one that has resurfaced. I used this as my theme for school one year. It is a quote by Maya Angelou ~ “A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.”  
   I've given a bit of thought to this quote. How can my heart be hidden in God? I can hide God's word in my heart.  I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Ps. 119:11  How is it that a man will have to seek God to find me? 
   I think it goes back to my first priority. When I am preferring to spend time with Christ, I will see others through God's eyes. (Often my prayer is that He will allow me to see others as He sees them.) If God is my first priority I will prefer to spend time with others who also make Him their first priority. After all, I want to talk to and spend time with those that I have something in common with.  If I am so involved with Christ, I will soon see through those that are not.  (Yes, ladies, young and old, I am talking about men who would try to convince you that you are the only one for them.) You shouldn't date someone that isn't marriage material. First and foremost he must be a Christian if you are. A man that is worthy of your attention very much needs to be growing in Christ. Not just calling himself a Christian and going to church. Any one can go to church. One of my favorite quotes from Corrie ten Boom is: Just because a mouse is in a cookie jar does not make it a cookie.  Ladies, just because a man is in a church does not make him a  Christian. Look at him through God's word, test him, make sure. Search your own heart also and ask God for wisdom and discernment. He will show you.  Just a thought, even though a man might love the Lord be sure that his mindset about things such as marriage, children, money, etc. are in line with yours. 
   Some of the other things that you should be looking for: Is he a hard worker, willing and able to support a family? Does he have a strong character? Is he protective without be over protective? Don't sell yourselves short ladies. If you belong to Jesus, you are a child of the King. You are precious in His sight and you deserve the best. Make sure that you continue to grow in Christ.
   Blessing to All  ~S~

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Hottest Modest

 Also, the women are to dress themselves in modest clothing, with decency and good sense, not with elaborate hairstyles, gold, pearls, or expensive apparel, but with good works, as is proper for women who affirm that they worship God. 1Timothy 2:9-10 (HCSB)

   As I write this today, my sister is serving on a jury. The case is a criminal case of rape. She has asked that I be in prayer with her that the truth would come out in this case and that she would have wisdom and discernment during the proceedings.
    That said, I want to share some thoughts on modesty. Modesty is very important. This is something that took me many years to learn. So I speak from experience. The verse above also speaks of not drawing undo attention to ourselves but to clothe ourselves with good works so that they may know that we worship God.
    Men are pretty visual creatures. I know this because my own husband has told me, but also I don't think that Jesus would have mentioned about looking at a woman with lust if they weren't visual or if it didn't matter. (Matthew 5:27-28) Now men you need to take warning, be careful where your heart and eyes look. Ladies you are responsible also that you can draw too much attention to yourself. Be careful what you wear. Does this mean that we are to walk around wearing burlap bags? Not hardly. You need to look nice. Carry yourself with confidence, dignity and integrity. But cover up the parts that could cause a man to stumble. Layer your clothing if you need to.
    When my daughter went to cosmetology school one of the dress code rules was the 3B rule. No boobs, No belly, No butt. This has been the rule in our home for many years, although we didn't say it in quite the same manner.
    I know that it is hard to find clothing that covers. But it can be done. The two outfits below were created on Polyvore. Which do you prefer? Which do you think would draw proper attention? Yes, I know my taste may not be what yours is, however the point is that you can look nice be comfortable, and cool in the summer without drawing the wrong kind of attention.


no by quiltedyaya featuring pink shorts


This song by Barlow Girl says a lot. Listen closely.

Young girls, Teens and Ladies. What message are you sending with your clothes? Take a few minutes to think about what you are putting on. If your heart belongs to Christ, then you are a child of the King. That makes you a Princess. How do you think God would want you to look? 
Blessings to All
An after thought, the world tells you things are one way. Ex.: it's ok to dress a certain way, look, or act a certain way. Look to God's word first. If you are a Christian and you feel convicted about something that you are putting on or a way that you are acting, listen to the Holy Spirit. Don't do it! Think about it first. Don't let the world or your friends tell you what is. Hang in there and keep your standards high. Love and Blessings to All ~S~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Loving my Husband

   I've been studying my Bible lately trying to learn how to be a better wife and mother. There are any number of books out there that teach in regards to this subject. The ultimate authority on this is of course, God's word. However, I've been reading some other books and looking articles up on line to help me understand from other perspectives. I will try to list some of these books as I write about what I have learned from them.
  In the meantime I ran across this video in regards to the love of a husband and wife. Robert McQuilken's wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and he resigned as President of Columbia Bible College in order to care for his wife.
   My heart broke as I listened to this video. The love that he has for his wife is evident as he speaks.
   With that I will post the video and write more later of my studies.
Blessings to all ~S~

Monday, July 9, 2012

Table Runner

My sister recently made a quilted table runner, and place mats that are just too awesome. I wanted to share with you all. She does such a great job.

Blessings to All ~S~