Monday, December 10, 2012

Saying GoodBye

   This past Saturday, December 8, 2012 my Brother-in-Law, Steve passed away. My heart aches for my youngest sister, Tammye and my niece Mariah. Also for the rest of his family.
   Because of the distance that our families live apart I never got to be around Steve a bunch. But every time that we were around each other he was always sweet and kind to all of us.
   Steve you will be missed in our family.  Dance in Heaven with the Angels dear Brother-in-Law.
Feature Image

Steven Michael Seidelman

September 9, 1959 - December 8, 2012

God be with you all ~S~

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


     What happens when you just can't quite get that Christmas Spirit? When circumstances take your mind off of shopping and decorating? Or off of the true meaning of Christmas?
     This has been an emotional week for our family. My brother-in-law Steve, (husband to Tammye) had a massive stroke. He has been in intensive care for five days now and my sister has had to make some very tough decisions. I can't begin to understand what she is having to go through right now, but I do know that my heart aches for her and I lift her and my niece up daily before the throne of God. We pray for a miracle for Steve, and that God's will would be done. For strength, comfort and wisdom.
      It has made it hard to focus on Christmas with so much going on right now.  Our first priority is Jesus.
     My sister Veronica had one of the best ideas that I have seen in response to not buying a lot of stuff for Christmas this year. I love it so much that I am going to do the same thing under our tree. Thank You Veronica for your inspiration.
     She used some scrap wood, craft paints, a fine brush, various pieces of raffia or ribbon and a small sheet of carbon paper. Oh, you will need a computer and printer also. The blocks of wood were cut to look like small packages which she painted different colors. She printed out various gifts from God in beautiful script and then using the carbon paper traced them on the blocks. She painted the words on them and wrapped them with raffia and put them under her tree as reminders that these are the forever gifts that we have received. "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:19-21 I am including the pictures that she sent to me. I can't tell you how much I love this. Hope that you all like them too.
Blessings to All and May your Christmas be filled with the Joy that is the true meaning of Christmas.

The Greatest Gift!

Sorry this one is so small. Can't seem to blow it up and keep the picture from being blurry.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Getting to Know Each Other

   All too often I hear stories of couples that divorce after their children have grown up. My Hubby and I have made up our minds that, that is not going to happen to us.
   Last weekend we left our grown and teenage children at home and went for a day trip to the northern part of our state just to see the fall colors. It was so gorgeous! Along the 300 + miles up and back, we talked and laughed and shared our concerns. Oh how I needed that time! Thought that I'd share a few pictures that we took along the way.
  Blessings to All ~S~

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Birthday's & Bumble Bee's

  OK, So last Friday was my Birthday. Those that know me know how old and I am, the rest will have to guess. :-) Anyway, I had a wonderful day! My family made me feel very loved with calling and cards and cleaning and cooking. The last two could easily be my favorites!
   My sweet Hubby let me order something that I had been wanting for a while. I'll write about that later.
   The only other thing that I wanted was to go to an arts and crafts fair that is in the northern part of our state. That was on Saturday. I was so excited when they all said that we were going!
   I woke up early and got ready and had two cups of coffee. In all of the excitement I didn't even think about eating any breakfast. We left around 9 in the morning and arrived at the fair around 10:30 or so. Traffic was terrible but expected. We got out paid our entry fee and started walking around. I was beside myself with some of the exhibits since I love to craft also. Beautiful quilts, crocheted pieces, water color paintings, and ceramics, etc. My heart was pounding, because around every corner was a new craft for me to look at. No one knows how long I've wanted to open a craft business of my own, so with each step my head exploded with new ideas.
   Oh and there was tons of food and handmade soaps and honey. Now I have a weakness for honey. Especially the raw organic kind. One of my favorite sweeteners.
   Along the way to the honey stand we bought a funnel cake to share. The only thing that I ate that morning. We stopped and looked at the ponies. That was for Jessica. She's my horse crazy kid. Finally we arrived at the honey stand. We had walked around for about 2 hours at this point. Give or take 15 minutes. And the day was beginning to warm up just a bit.
   Next to the honey booth was an old fashioned root cellar. I wandered over to have a look inside. I love history and pioneer things too. I leaned inside the window/ door opening and saw a few bees buzzing around. One flew near me and I sort of shooed him away. The next one stung me on my right hand between my second and third finger. I brushed the stinger out and noticed that it was burning just a bit. I didn't worry much about it, since I've never had an allergic reaction to stings in the past. But this day with just having coffee, sugary sweet funnel cake, that was a little greasy I might add, and the heat of the day, I started feeling a little woozy. Hubby suggested we go back to the truck where we had a picnic lunch and get a little something before we toured around a little more. I agreed and made a beeline as it were for the truck.
   Once in the truck I had a chicken wing and a couple sips of soda. Things were getting warm and I asked if we could get some air. I leaned into the air vent and said something about black spots and that was the last thing I remember until Hubby was telling me that Jessica had gone to get the paramedics.
    So the few minutes that I was out they were pulling on me, slapping me and I evidently was making noises like I was having a hard time breathing.  Which scared everyone half to death. They were very concerned that I was having a severe reaction to the sting or they thought that I was having a seizure. I know that part isn't very funny. I found out later that my girls were crying, because they thought that Mom was going to die. Very Happy to say that I didn't.
  The paramedic arrived and checked me out. Took my blood pressure and checked my oxygen levels. Told me that everything was normal except that my heart beat was a little fast. What did he expect? I mean after all I was sitting in the middle of a field with total strangers around me asking if I was allergic to bee stings or if I was taking any kind of medication, and the whole time my stomach is telling me that everything inside it is ready to revisit the daylight.  Yes, I know that he was doing his job. I am truly appreciative of that. But I wasn't coherent enough at the time to put all of my thoughts out there. In my head all I could think was: No please, no epi pens I'm not allergic! The paramedic said that I probably was suffering from a little heat exhaustion and an overload of sugary stuff. Something that I seldom load up on.
  After I threw up everything that was in my tummy and regained my senses I realized that I did have a reaction to the bee sting. Not severe though. My hand swelled up for a couple of days and I felt very tired. But the application of lavender oil to the area and washing with Cheeky Maiden lavender soap made it feel much better by Monday afternoon.
   So my grand adventure for my birthday ended with my Hubby saying Bee -1, Mom - 0. I think that I still won the war though because my family has been very attentive since then. I am LOVED!
   Just the same I think I will take it easy next birthday and just stay home.
  Blessings to All ~S~

Friday, October 12, 2012


   How Great and Awesome is our God! Oh my goodness, but nothing can compare to His Goodness!
  A little over a month ago when Kelly and Nick got engaged I was so excited! Then we were told that we had a budget of $2000. I sort of got panicked.  Emotions have run high this month with all that is happening.
   But then Kelly and I started putting our heads together. At first we thought that she could get a dress free through Brides Across America. When that didn't work out we went to David's Bridal and found one on sale for under $600! A little worried because that was more than 1/4 of our budget. But then we found that the church and fellowship hall were free. Next Kelly told me that Nick's Aunt Katey was going to bake the cake as a wedding gift to them! Kelly decided to use regular dresses for her brides maids. Each dress is different and so far only $45 has been spent on them. The shoes to go with the dresses were a little more but even those were on sale. Decorations for the church and fellowship hall are being kept simple. We are doing most of the cooking for the reception and a sweet and precious friend and her daughter are having a bridal shower for Kelly.
   I guess the big question is: Why do I worry? So, Pray! do your part and trust God to place or already have placed the people and things in your life that need to be there. Yes, I still get anxious some days but I know that when I go to my knees and into His presence I will have comfort and discernment. Thank You Father God for holding onto your child and for all the blessings that you have poured out on us.

Blessings to All ~S~

Friday, September 28, 2012

This Little Piggie

Just a quick post. Have to share these cute little piggie hats that I crocheted for a friend, who is giving a baby shower. She found a picture and I couldn't find a pattern so I improvised. They turned out so cute!

I know they aren't the best pictures in the world. I'm not great with my cell, but you get the idea. 
Blessings to all ~S~

Monday, September 10, 2012

An Engagement, and a Wedding!

 Wow! It's been a busy time in our lives. So much has been happening. School has started back. Aimee isn't thrilled, but that is O.K. She is getting into the swing of things. And despite how she feels about it, she is doing very well.
   My youngest brother and his wife are expecting their first baby in a few months. A little boy. I have made a cute pair of little booties for him.  
I've also crocheted a little bear cocoon and cap for him. I may make a couple more things if I have the time.
  I may not have time though, since Nick and Kelly got engaged this past weekend! I am so excited for my Kelly. But part of me is hurting because she will be moving to another state after the wedding. Only about 3 - 4 hours away. But away from me, none the less. Even her Dad is fighting back the tears some. I'm sure on the wedding day which is about 4 months away, we will both need a box of tissues. 
 Time is short for this post, but I just had to share. Hope that everyone has a wonderful week. I'll post more later on the planning and events.
Blessings ~ S~


Thursday, July 26, 2012


Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God, and everyone who loves the Father loves whoever has been born of him. 1 John 5:1

  The news this last week has hit hard on so many levels. Shootings in Colorado, government with no controls, and one company president who is willing to stand his ground for truth.  The one man who has stood his ground will lose some business because of his stand but I believe he will gain much more, because God will bless his willingness to stand for His truth. I will continue to pray for victims and for brothers in Christ and also for those in authority.

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

In my study this week, I've read a couple of interesting things. The first one had to do with priorities. To set as a priority is to prefer. I am choosing to make Christ my priority. I prefer to spend time with Him first. The book that I have been gleaning information from is by Elizabeth George - A Woman after God's Own Heart It's an older book but it is wonderful. 
 The second thing is one that has resurfaced. I used this as my theme for school one year. It is a quote by Maya Angelou ~ “A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her.”  
   I've given a bit of thought to this quote. How can my heart be hidden in God? I can hide God's word in my heart.  I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Ps. 119:11  How is it that a man will have to seek God to find me? 
   I think it goes back to my first priority. When I am preferring to spend time with Christ, I will see others through God's eyes. (Often my prayer is that He will allow me to see others as He sees them.) If God is my first priority I will prefer to spend time with others who also make Him their first priority. After all, I want to talk to and spend time with those that I have something in common with.  If I am so involved with Christ, I will soon see through those that are not.  (Yes, ladies, young and old, I am talking about men who would try to convince you that you are the only one for them.) You shouldn't date someone that isn't marriage material. First and foremost he must be a Christian if you are. A man that is worthy of your attention very much needs to be growing in Christ. Not just calling himself a Christian and going to church. Any one can go to church. One of my favorite quotes from Corrie ten Boom is: Just because a mouse is in a cookie jar does not make it a cookie.  Ladies, just because a man is in a church does not make him a  Christian. Look at him through God's word, test him, make sure. Search your own heart also and ask God for wisdom and discernment. He will show you.  Just a thought, even though a man might love the Lord be sure that his mindset about things such as marriage, children, money, etc. are in line with yours. 
   Some of the other things that you should be looking for: Is he a hard worker, willing and able to support a family? Does he have a strong character? Is he protective without be over protective? Don't sell yourselves short ladies. If you belong to Jesus, you are a child of the King. You are precious in His sight and you deserve the best. Make sure that you continue to grow in Christ.
   Blessing to All  ~S~

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Hottest Modest

 Also, the women are to dress themselves in modest clothing, with decency and good sense, not with elaborate hairstyles, gold, pearls, or expensive apparel, but with good works, as is proper for women who affirm that they worship God. 1Timothy 2:9-10 (HCSB)

   As I write this today, my sister is serving on a jury. The case is a criminal case of rape. She has asked that I be in prayer with her that the truth would come out in this case and that she would have wisdom and discernment during the proceedings.
    That said, I want to share some thoughts on modesty. Modesty is very important. This is something that took me many years to learn. So I speak from experience. The verse above also speaks of not drawing undo attention to ourselves but to clothe ourselves with good works so that they may know that we worship God.
    Men are pretty visual creatures. I know this because my own husband has told me, but also I don't think that Jesus would have mentioned about looking at a woman with lust if they weren't visual or if it didn't matter. (Matthew 5:27-28) Now men you need to take warning, be careful where your heart and eyes look. Ladies you are responsible also that you can draw too much attention to yourself. Be careful what you wear. Does this mean that we are to walk around wearing burlap bags? Not hardly. You need to look nice. Carry yourself with confidence, dignity and integrity. But cover up the parts that could cause a man to stumble. Layer your clothing if you need to.
    When my daughter went to cosmetology school one of the dress code rules was the 3B rule. No boobs, No belly, No butt. This has been the rule in our home for many years, although we didn't say it in quite the same manner.
    I know that it is hard to find clothing that covers. But it can be done. The two outfits below were created on Polyvore. Which do you prefer? Which do you think would draw proper attention? Yes, I know my taste may not be what yours is, however the point is that you can look nice be comfortable, and cool in the summer without drawing the wrong kind of attention.


no by quiltedyaya featuring pink shorts


This song by Barlow Girl says a lot. Listen closely.

Young girls, Teens and Ladies. What message are you sending with your clothes? Take a few minutes to think about what you are putting on. If your heart belongs to Christ, then you are a child of the King. That makes you a Princess. How do you think God would want you to look? 
Blessings to All
An after thought, the world tells you things are one way. Ex.: it's ok to dress a certain way, look, or act a certain way. Look to God's word first. If you are a Christian and you feel convicted about something that you are putting on or a way that you are acting, listen to the Holy Spirit. Don't do it! Think about it first. Don't let the world or your friends tell you what is. Hang in there and keep your standards high. Love and Blessings to All ~S~

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Loving my Husband

   I've been studying my Bible lately trying to learn how to be a better wife and mother. There are any number of books out there that teach in regards to this subject. The ultimate authority on this is of course, God's word. However, I've been reading some other books and looking articles up on line to help me understand from other perspectives. I will try to list some of these books as I write about what I have learned from them.
  In the meantime I ran across this video in regards to the love of a husband and wife. Robert McQuilken's wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's and he resigned as President of Columbia Bible College in order to care for his wife.
   My heart broke as I listened to this video. The love that he has for his wife is evident as he speaks.
   With that I will post the video and write more later of my studies.
Blessings to all ~S~

Monday, July 9, 2012

Table Runner

My sister recently made a quilted table runner, and place mats that are just too awesome. I wanted to share with you all. She does such a great job.

Blessings to All ~S~

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life!

    It's been a wonderful weekend. Well mostly it was. Nick came in to see Kelly, but she had to work every day. It really broke my heart for them both. That was the sad part. Kelly did get to spend all of Monday morning with him before he had to leave. Long distant relationships are tough, but they make for strong relationships if they survive. I pray for them each day, that God will use their time apart from each other to make them stronger and to draw them closer to His heart.
   Ronald and Nick spent some time together on Saturday. They made some bar-b-que rub and a basting sauce for grilling and smoking.
   Ronald got up on Sunday morning and put on a brisket and not to brag but it turned out delicious.
   On Sunday, Nick taught about Being an Ambassador: True Knowledge at our church. He did such a great job and I was so proud of him. His Mom (Colleen) and Aunt Katie and brother(Chris) also came in from GA. to see and hear him teach. It was so great to meet them.
Cutest couple!
    First impressions - beautiful people after my own heart. Christians and crafters! Both his Mom and his Aunt crochet! I love it. Aunt Katie made a beautiful prayer rag for my kitchen, and Colleen brought a bag of dark chocolate pomegranates for us. I have become so addicted to these things. I am hoping that they will be able to come back again soon and stay a little while so that we can get to know each other better and share some patterns and recipes. Nick brags often about his Mom's cooking, so I know it has to be good.
     Sharing a few pictures that Aunt Katie took at church Sunday. Nick had to shave his beard off before going back to work on Tuesday. : ( That was sad. But we are praying that his orders will be in soon and he will be out of the Army. Then the beard will be back. We all think the beard looks great. Well... Kelly loves it!

 I hope that everyone has a very blessed week. Love you all!

Until next time. Blessings to All ~S~

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Oh, the Thinks you can Think!

    Think, think, think. Study, study, study. My head has been swimming lately with so many new things. Wonderful things! Weighty thoughts, and fun things!
    Just a few of the things that have been flowing through my mind. And some other odd things.

  • Still reading/digesting a wonderful book - Tactics -A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions. 
  • The Apologetics Study Bible, I went to 2nd and Charles last week with my kids and found it on the shelf for $21! It was in very good shape with only a few marks on the pages. Couldn't pass it by. Excited each day when I get up and read my Bible.
  • Curriculum shopping for some new books for Aimee. Most of our subjects are covered, but there are a few extra that I'd like to get. Building Thinking Skills -figural  and Building Thinking Skills - verbal 
  • I have plans for the summer and it's already getting away from me! I need like a three or four week stay-cation with Aimee to get the things done that I wanted to accomplish.
  • Working out is still going good. I'm managing to stay away from the scales and not be obsessed with weight. But, I know that I'm loosing the inches because my clothes are loose now. YaY!
  • Kelly and Nick are still seeing each other. That's a wonderful thing! Love having that young man around. He makes Kelly smile and laugh. I love seeing the joy that he brings to her.
  • Nick still makes the conversation interesting around our home!
  • There isn't enough time in my life to read all of the books that I want to read. Some of the authors that I want to read, re-read or at least research: C.S. Lewis, Greg Koukl, Ravi Zacharias, William Lane Craig, J.P. Moreland, Lee Strobel, Josh McDowell... 
  • The more I read, the more curious I become. Staying focused on one thing has been hard lately.
  • Much prayer as always for friends and family.
Looking forward to next weekend. Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there. I pray that each of you are drawn to the heart of our Heavenly Father.
  Blessings to All, ~S~

Sunday, May 27, 2012

It's a Date!

  Last night I went on a date with my husband. We've been able to do this a bit more lately, but because we try to watch our spending and budget we don't do it too often. But that's ok I really appreciate it when we do get to go out.
   Our date last night was a double date with some of our bestest friends. I love YOU Judi and Dale!
   We went to Red Lobster, with a coupon of course, and spent about two and a half hours eating and talking. Mostly talking and catching up on all of the things that have been going on in our lives. While we do keep in touch weekly, via Facebook and e-mails, there are just some things that are best discussed in person.
    I'm sure the poor waiter was ready for us to leave so that they could sit someone else at our table. However we were so enjoying the conversation and time spent with friends that we were in no hurry to leave. Even when we did leave the table we continued the conversation outside in front of the restaurant.
    I really hope that we get to do this again before this summer is over. I love date night with my hubby, and getting together with good friends is always the best.
    It's Memorial Day weekend. We are spending time with family and making BBQ. I like long weekends but unfortunately for Kelly she has to work the whole weekend. (She was recently promoted to asst. manager where she works!)  Jessica, gets the weekend off because the daycare where she works is closed this holiday. We are very proud of Kelly and Jessica! I love all of my kids more than they will ever know.
    Thank you to all that serve and have served. May God Bless each of you.

Blessings to All ~S~

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Here Lately

  Here lately: I've been working on a quilt for a young girl. It's taking me forever because I have been working on other stuff too. I will get it finished soon. I messed up 4 of the blocks so I had to take the blocks apart and sew them back together. Then a couple of weeks ago, my wonderful sister, gave me a pattern for something called snap bags. Well, these things are so much fun! I get down in my sewing room and just forget the rest of the world is there while working on these things.
    The biggest thing is, I love, LOVE fabric! Yes, I'm a fabri-holic. (sheepish grin) I also love yarns or threads so crochet and cross stitch are right up there.  Big thing for me right now is sewing and fabric.
Snap Bags measure about 6 1/2" x 7 1/2" 
  See, I told you they were cute!  You use the little tabs on the sides to pull the bag open. When you let go, they snap back. The color of the band at the top is the color of the inside.
  Here lately: Kelly went to Ga. to meet Nick's family. I can't tell you how much I missed my girl, but I missed Nick being around too. They came home yesterday, and for a whole afternoon our home was filled with lively and deep conversation, and lots of laughter. That's not to say that there isn't laughter when Nick isn't around, just seems to be more when he is.  Nick brought a gift for me. Yea! A book by Greg Koukl called "Tactics".  I am looking forward to reading it. So much that I want to learn. So much that I have to learn!
  Here lately: My biggest problem is that when I learn something, I get very excited and want to share it with everyone! I know in my mind that I need to not overwhelm people with my enthusiasm. I just can't help it sometimes. I want them to be as excited as I am. Like the woman at the well, when she met Jesus and He told her all the things she had done, she went back and told everyone come see and meet Him. I think I can understand her feelings. My heart swells and I want to know more but I want to share with others so that they too can know how wonderful the feeling is. I need to remember that I am an Ambassador.  I will be praying that God will use me in such a way that I am truly an effective ambassador for Christ.
  Here lately: I've been working hard at losing weight and inches. I've lost 15 lbs. not sure how many inches, because I haven't taken measurements. But, I know that I've lost them because my clothes fit much better now. I even went to TJ Maxx and used the gift card that Kelly gave me for Mother's Day to buy a couple of new skirts and a new top. I also found a pair of new jeans at Wal-Mart on sale that were a size smaller than I had been wearing. Big Grin! The biggest hurdle has been not allowing myself to get discouraged when things don't move along as fast as I would like for them too. Ronald reminds me that I didn't put my weight on over night and I won't take it off over night. It's taken about 10 weeks to lose the weight so far. I will continue to work. The best part is that I've created a habit in the last ten weeks of walking on my elliptical or walking in our neighborhood when the weather is not sweltering. Even Nick, and my girls have been very encouraging. I'm very thankful for that. I love them all so much!!!
   Here lately: I've been feeling like I wanted other changes in my life too. Mostly something like a job change. I don't really mind the job that I do, well I sort of do. I love the people that I work for but I want to work for myself. Yes, I know that it makes no sense. I sort of work for myself since I clean houses. I'd just rather work from home or set the hours that I want to set. Several things have entered my mind that I might like to do. But I think the biggest thing for me right now is the waiting part. The house cleaning thing is flexible enough that I am able to take my time or take a helper and get done a little quicker. Since it is only one or two days a week, it's not like a full time job. I just don't like having to leave my home for several hours on those days. In a couple of years, I will no longer be homeschooling, then I will have time for a little more work. Hmmm Maybe I will volunteer somewhere. Who knows what my hearts desire will be by then.
 Blessings to All ~S~

Father God,
 I thank you for all the blessings that you have given, for your love and salvation. For each family member and friend that you have allowed to come into our lives.  I pray that you would keep each of those that I love close to your heart, wrapped in Your loving arms. That each one of us would have open minds and hearts and a teachable spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


  It's amazing to me how hearts can be so excited, proud, and breaking all at the same time.
  I've tried over the years to raise my children to be young adults that would honor God and bring glory to Him. I have done ok with God's constant help and much prayer. We still can be dysfunctional, but we do Love God and He's still working with us to grow and mature us in many ways.
   This weekend I watched as my  middle daughter, grew closer to her young man and I had to step out to the edge of her life. I really thought that I had prepared myself for this. I knew it would come one day. It is what I have trained them for, to be wives and mothers. Or in my son's case, a husband and father. I thought that I would be able to handle these feelings with grace. I'm afraid that I'm not doing so well at this.
    Don't get me wrong. I love this young man already and see many wonderful character traits in him that I really like. They look so cute together and I love the way that he watches over her and guards/protects her. I love that he is such a Godly young man and is concerned about her character and reputation also. When he left after this weekend visit, I cried for her. It gets harder and harder for her to say bye after each visit. I watch his face, and see in his eyes that it is harder for him too. I watch him as he sees her come into the room. His face lights up and his smile shows me so much. He might be talking to me but I know that it's just respect for me as her Mom at that point. His mind is on talking with her and spending time with her from that moment on. And while I might like the lively conversation, it gets hopeless after awhile.
    I guess that I'm just having a hard time giving up my friend. I spent  years being her Mom and then she finally got old enough that she and I were sharing things and becoming best friends. Now that dynamic is changing. I'll always be her friend, but she is possibly developing a friendship that will last another lifetime. One that Mom will always be on the outside of. I know this because I did the same thing to my Mom. When I started falling in love with my husband, time with Mom just wasn't a priority any more. I still loved her and still do very much. But, next to Jesus, my husband will always be my best friend and confidant. Yes, that's the way it should be, but it still hurts a little. I'm so excited for my girl and there is much joy that God has placed such a sweet and loving young man into her life.
     I'm thankful that He has placed Nick in our lives and turned our world around. Like a snow globe that has been shaken I suspect that it will be awhile before things settle. But, that is good too. I've always asked God to keep our hearts and minds active for Him, that we would have teachable spirits. That we would not become complacent and stop growing for Him. Well, God answers prayers. Sometimes He answers them by putting a Nick into your life. Thank you Lord for all that you do for us. Thank you for the blessing of this young man, who loves you.
    Blessings to all ~S~
My sweet Kelly and Nick


Monday, April 16, 2012

Rattle, rattle, Shake, shake

   Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.Col. 4:6 

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience, so that those who speak maliciously against your good behavior in Christ may be ashamed of their slander. 1Peter 3:15-16
    There are times when I wish that God would just rewind time and let me have a do over. The last couple of weekends have been that way for me. I've either not been able to get my thoughts organized well enough to express myself coherently, or I've just opened my mouth and let out words that I didn't even know that I was thinking. My brains are just rattling around and shaking in my head.
    The verses above have been going through my mind this morning.
    I've been accused of over analyzing things on more than one occasion and this may be one of those times. But...
    Let me rewind.
    The weekend started off well enough. It actually started on Thursday for me. I cleaned a house, with the help of one daughter. School went well.  Then another treated me to my first ever pedicure and a manicure. Friday was dance for Aimee, and shopping at Hobby Lobby for me. I only bought quilt batting for a project that I'm working on, but I love to shop in that store! On the way home from dance I picked up some begonias to plant in the flower bed, then on home.
     Saturday morning I got things moving in our home, Aimee was cleaning the kitchen, Jessica doing laundry, and I was headed to the door when the door bell rang. Jehovah Witnesses. Most days I take the time to pray when I see them coming to the door. This time I was caught off guard and I let myself get rattled. I gave some fair answers but not ones that I should have given. There was a little girl with them and in my mind I kept thinking that they were so misleading her. I was gentle and loving to them but felt flustered and my mannerisms I'm sure, were less than hospitable. I often ask them if I can pray with them in the name of Jesus, but didn't even think to do this. All I really wanted to do was get in my flower beds, dig in the dirt, plant my flowers, and talk with God. I didn't have time for all these interruptions! Then a phone call came in and after I got off of the phone with this person, I started thinking about the missed opportunities. So many things that were said that I should have been able to refute or confirm with scripture.
     Fast forward to Sunday. In church I shared how they came to the door and I was so not prepared with answers to their comments. After church I felt like I really hadn't expressed my thoughts in a coherent way at all. All I could think was, "What an idiot I sounded like!" Like I was a new baby Christian or something. I know God's word, it is in my heart and in my head. Although I do forget where the verses are at more often than I care to admit. (shame on me) I do know it is in there because I have read it many times over. For all of the reading that I've done, I know that I need to study even more. There is so much more that I need to learn and so much more growing that I need to do.
      So here it is, Monday and we are off to the dentist. Before going out the door this morning, my daughters and  I will pray that God will give us wisdom and that He will put the words in our heart and head that He wants us to say. I will pray for strength and guidance from Him, that His word will be active and we will use it with grace and gentleness. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. James 1:5 
 I pray that His Holy Spirit will fill us and shine through so that all we do and say will glorify Him.
      I will take this weekend as a reminder that everyday must be hemmed in prayer, so  that it doesn't ravel away.
     Praying that you have a blessed week and that with each day God draws you closer to His heart.
  In His Grace ~ S ~

Friday, April 13, 2012

Changing vs. Training?

    I'm sitting here early this morning thinking, as I drink my 2nd cup of coffee.
    Yes, I know that it can sometimes be dangerous when I think.
     But my thoughts are good thoughts this morning. I'm thinking about my family, my life so far and about things I wish that I could change. Since I can't change the past I will not dwell on it, but ask that God will use my past to teach me. I pray that my heart will always be soft to His touch. That He will find it open to His will, always.
      So, as I said in the past and will say again, God is so very awesome!
      I say that  because, I am amazed always at the things that my sweet children say and do that are profound and wise. I guess I shouldn't be amazed, because God is so faithful! I have prayed over  my children their whole lives. I know that God's promises are true. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it. Pro. 22:6  If you look up the word "train" in the concordance, it also means - to dedicate. I heard a teaching on this verse once, and was told that the word is used here in a unique way, that means to create an environment for life. The NLT says, "Direct".
   I'm not the perfect parent, but God is. So when we ask Him for something for our children or for ourselves, if it is in His will, we will receive it in His time. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7   I've prayed for wisdom and discernment for my husband and myself as well as our children. I continue to pray for them still. 
    God will often show me that He has and  is answering my prayers. Yesterday, Kelly and I were talking about a conversation that she had with the woman who was giving her a manicure. The woman had commented that you have to train the man in your life. This made Kelly upset. She said "You don't train men like they were dogs, you adjust to each other as husband and wife and adjust in order to accommodate each other. One spouse is not training the other, or even really changing the other. Rather, if you are a Christian, God will mold you to fit each other, so that your family will ultimately glorify Him. Such wisdom coming from a young woman of twenty one. 
    I know of so many women that have dated someone and said, "He's not very romantic", or "He's such a lazy man", but that's ok, I'll change him. If he isn't a romantic now you will not make him romantic later. If his Mom tells you he doesn't pick up his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor and it stresses you out now, run the other way. He won't necessarily change. But the one that drives me really crazy... "It's ok that he isn't a Christian." I will marry him and change him to my way of thinking. Sweetie, if he isn't a Christian now you won't force him to be one later. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Cor.6:14   If you are a Christian and he is not, get out now! Step back pray for him and let God do His work. But, be willing to wait. God's timing is not ours. And God may have someone else for you that you haven't met yet. 
    My husband and I were not Christians when we got married. I became a Christian after we had been married for four years. God changed me/my heart first. God changes us, we don't really change each other. I help him to see things the way I see them and he helps me to see things the way that he sees them. We both have made it a habit to try to use gentle words and not blow up at each other. (If you are wondering, no, it doesn't always work. Sometimes we just react.) A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Prov. 15:1 In case you haven't noticed God wired men and women totally different. And that's a good thing. I saw my husband through different eyes.   My husband is not the most romantic person in the world, but he does surprise me every now and then with his thoughtfulness. I knew this going into our marriage, and while I love romance I also love the fact that he's down to earth and stable. Qualities that I needed in my life. He's a good provider and hard working man. He makes me feel secure, and I know that if everything that we had was gone tomorrow, we would stand by each other and rebuild our life together. I would rather have security than romance everyday.  I thank God for this wonderfully sweet man that He has put into my life. I pray that each of my children will be blessed in the same way. I told a friend yesterday that I had the best husband in the world. She said, "No, You have the best husband for you." She's absolutely right! I love him and I thank God for him and the blessing that he is in my life. I also thank God for the wisdom that He has given my children and how He teaches me through them also. 

   Blessings to All, in His Grace ~S~

Monday, April 9, 2012

Resurrection Weekend

 Christ the Lord is risen today! This weekend was Resurrection Sunday, or you may call it Easter Sunday. We Love this time of the year because without it we would have no relationship with our Creator.  I hope that everyone had an awesome weekend.
   It was also a good weekend because we got to know Nick a little better and he got to know us a little better.  It's funny how he seems to fit into the family already after just a few short visits. As usual Ronald is reserved and watching.  And that's ok. He takes his roll as Dad quite seriously. I love that about him, he is such a solid part of my life. I, on the other hand, am out there with all my heart and emotion. Quick to trust and to love. Much like my daughters I wear my heart on my sleeve, although I see some of their Dad's reserve in them too.
   Today Nick left to go back home, and Kelly went to work. Jessica and Aimee were off in the other room and our home was so quiet. I love the laughter and the lively discussions that happen when he is around. Not that we don't have laughter when Nick isn't around, it's just different. We have some really great discussions about Biblical things too. Such as: predestination, the rapture of the church, God's sovereign will, and morality. I learned some things this weekend about myself and realized that I still have a lot of growing and learning to do as a Christian. This is a really good thing. I still have questions as I read and ask God always for wisdom as I read His word. I am glad that God has placed Nick in our lives, here to allow me to throw out questions and give me feed back as I read. Thanks Nick. ^.^ He also loaned us some cd's to help us in our Bible study. Such a sweet guy!
    Oh, as promised in my last post a picture of Nick and Kelly.
    I almost forgot to tell about dance class. So, Aimee takes ballroom dancing once a week and I found out about a dance/cardio class in Hoover that is at the same time each week as Aimee's class. So I thought that I'd check it out and give it a try.  I was so nervous the first time. Kelly and Jessica went with me (they didn't participate) to make sure that I didn't chicken out. Well, I decided that I liked it. Although I thought that the instructor was trying to make me loose all of the weight I wanted to loose in that first hour. So I've been back twice more, well every time that the class has been held. I'm actually learning and it's so FUN!
     Blessings to All ~ S~

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring Time!

     It's March! Spring time is here. (yes, I know that it's almost April) There are leaves on the trees and the grass is green. Pollen has had its way with us this spring to varying degrees. And, since I love to open windows and let in fresh air, the pollen has covered many areas of our home. When I sweep my back porch, a yellow cloud appears. The good news is that we had some rain last week and washed most of the pollen away. Yeah! The bumble bees and wasps are back too. *frowny face* Just part of spring!
    March is a busy month for us. My Sister had a birthday, my Niece, my baby girl turned 16, Haley (a friend of my daughter Kelly) will have a birthday this month and Nick had a birthday. Nick is also a friend of Kelly's. We had a family get together for Aimee's birthday and she wanted homemade spaghetti and sauce so I spent the morning making the dinner for her. It was a lot of fun.
    Aimee made her own birthday cake. It was amazing, and calorie laden! But it was good. I've only had two very small pieces.
The cake was dark chocolate with white icing, m&m's and kit kat bars. 
 Jessica has been busy taking pictures and learning more about her camera each time that she uses it. 

Here are a couple that she took using a magnifying lens. Love the look! So proud of my kids!
     Nick has been to visit Kelly and the family three times now, and we like this young man very much. Still getting to know him, but so far so good. Love the lively conversations that happen when he is around, but even the silence is o.k. as he just seems to fit into the family. Even though we've all only recently met, he and Kelly have been getting to know each other for several months now. 
      He has asked permission to court our Kelly and we have given it. Nick is a Christian young man and that is one of the first requirements we have of anyone that wants to see our daughters. 
    We continue praying for wisdom and guidance as we watch this relationship in the early stages. We seek to be in God's will in all that we endeavor, especially in relationships. We want to honor God in all that we do.
     If he will sit still for a photo the next time he visits I will post a picture of him and Kelly together. 
     Last week, a sweet dear friend called with an urgent prayer request. Her son had been injured in an accident, and lost part of his ring finger and broke another finger on the same hand. Oh, how I ached for them, so many memories came flooding back of my sweet son. We are praising God that it wasn't any worse. How I love this family and I praise God that He has given me such an awesome Family in Christ. I love you Joan! Continuing to pray daily.
     April is almost here and we are looking forward to Resurrection Sunday. How beautiful that day that we celebrate the most precious gift that God gave us. 

  May your life be filled with the love, grace and joy that comes from walking hand in hand with Jesus, our resurrected Saviour!
  Blessings to All ~ S~

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Gospel, Books, Movies, and 'ism's

  "If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land."Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to the prayer offered in this place.  2 Chronicles 7:13-15

  You probably thought that there wasn't going to be a post in February. I didn't think that there was either. It's just that God has been so busy in our lives! Like a whirlwind, there has been much learning going on.
   We've been busy! He has been showing us so much as a family. So much is going through my mind right now and I want to share it all with you. The hard part is going to be organizing my chaotic thoughts so that it makes sense.
   I'll start with books. I love books! Mostly I love my Bible! But there are so many books and so little time. I try to read only the best. Here are a few that I have been reading or am reading right now.
    If you know me very well at all, you probably know that I am usually reading two or three books at one time. Not as hard as you think it is. I have one that I am reading out loud with my kids, one that I am reading for pleasure, and one that I am reading for information and will share with my children later, maybe sooner...
   Out loud - What is the Gospel - by Greg Gilbert God has been teaching us apologetics.
     (Apologetics - (n) the branch of theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity)
    Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15 
   For information - What He Must Be if he wants to marry my daughter - by Voddie Baucham
 As my daughters reach an age where they will be ready to marry, I am realizing that there is so much more that I want to teach them. Yes, they have learned to cook, and clean and have certain social graces, but I worry that I have not trained them enough in their walk with our Lord and Saviour. They are all grown up now and Yea, I know it's probably late in the game for that, but we never stop learning. As long as I have them I will continue to teach. When they move out and begin their own lives I will continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will teach them. God despises divorce, He wants us to raise up a generation for Him that is grounded in His truth. Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. Eph. 6:4) I hope that you will check this book out of your local library, borrow it from a friend or buy it. Teach your daughters what to look for and train your sons what they need to be.
     In the meantime, God has shown me some amazing things about my daughters, that I wasn't aware of. ~ i.e. one of them is writing down tons of scripture as she reads her Bible daily, one has shown me that she has such a heart for God and His creation that I get overwhelmed sometimes, and all of them have such tender hearts for family that they lift up their brother, sisters and other family memebers in prayer regularly. All of these things have been going on in the background with out my being totally aware of them. (But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6)  I am constantly amazed at the maturity and love that each of them possess for Christ. As much as I would like to take credit for this, I can not. I have to give the credit to God, for I have prayed daily for each of my children, (along with many other children that I love like family)  that God would hold them close and that He would be glorified through our family. We are not a perfect family, although one new friend recently called us the marshmallow family, saying we were too nice, but not in a bad way. I had to laugh at this, because we have our faults and sometimes we fall down and are dysfunctional. But we pray all the harder and place those times in God's hands. (But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. 2 Cor. 12:9)
   For pleasure - One Thousand Gifts - by Ann Voskamp
  Oh, to be thankful daily for the precious gifts that God has given to us. The smallest things sometimes are the most powerful. Thank You God for each moment that we have to learn of your grace. To see your beauty, and to hold your hand.
   Just finished reading a book by Francine Rivers - Her Daughter's Dream and the one before it that I read before Christmas Her Mother's Hope , Both of these books were courtesy of my precious Sister-in-love.
   God has not only been speaking to us through reading, we just finished watching a video at church that is called, AGENDA - the grinding down of America
   Oh my the 'ism's and 'ist's ( Marxism/ist, Socialism/ist, Communism, Feminism,  along with a few other ism's and ist's  that I haven't mentioned) that we have come to accept as the way things are supposed to be. While what we have today isn't called these ism's they are here none the less. They've been given fancy new names, but they are the same.  I recommend that you see this video and I pray that if you do that God will open your eyes and your hearts and use this to bring us to our knees as a nation, and that we will humble ourselves and pray. Trust me folks, we can humble ourselves or in the end He will humble us. Your choice.
   Also check out this website - Faith Facts
  Another video that we have watched and God has used in our lives is Time Changer The movie is funny, but the message is wonderful. You can be raised with morals, but if you don't know the foundation of those morals you can be easy prey for the world and it's ways. ("Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Matthew 7:13) 
   Other movies to check out - Courageous and October Baby
   My prayer for each and everyone this morning as I write this is that all will come to an understanding that they need a Saviour. Don't be fooled that just because you are in a church that you will one day be in Heaven or that just because you believe in Jesus. Corrie ten Boom commented  ~"Just because a mouse is in the cookie jar does not make it a cookie." My friend just because you are in a church does not make you a Christian. Ask God to examine your heart and to show you.  Just simply believing in Jesus isn't it either, satan (I didn't capitalize on purpose.) believes in Christ! Trust me, he will not be in Heaven either.  It is a relationship with Jesus that makes you a Christian. I am a sinner, I need a Saviour.
   One last thing. I know that this is lengthy, but as I said there are so many thoughts running through my head that I just have to share.  It is time to vote in this country that we call our home. America! let your voices be heard. Look at the candidates. Do they align themselves with God and have Godly principles? How can you tell? You will know them by their fruit ~ watch closely and do not be deceived. Many look good, but are used to further an 'ism, whether knowingly or not. Be careful who you align yourself with. You will be held accountable. Again there is forgiveness, but we reap what we sow my friends. Yes, I know that these are controversial subjects. But, the bottom line is that we, (those who are Christians) need to be praying, for those that God has allowed to be in authority. Regardless of party affiliation, race or gender.
(I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 1 Tim. 2:1-4)
  Praying that your day is Blessed, that you hear the voice and heart of Jesus and know of His Grace and Mercy.
 Forever in Christ ~ S~

P.S.  I'm not a great writer but I put down my thoughts, if I have confused you, I'm sorry. Feel free to ask questions.  But if I have made you think or research Gods word for the truth that is contained within. YaY! I pray that God will use this blog to bring one more to His kingdom.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Baby Wreath

  To make this baby wreath, I went to a craft store, my favorite is Hobby Lobby, and bought a hard styrofoam ring. A package of cloth diapers, you can use pre-folded or not. You can find them at baby stores, Wal-mart or Target  I bought the ones that were not. A spool of blue or pink ribbon that curls. And various baby products.
 I used:

  • lavender baby wash
  • baby lotion
  • baby thermometer
  • baby wash cloths
  • baby bottle
  • pacifiers
  • baby rattle
  • diaper pins
Fold the diapers lengthwise into thirds or fourths and wrap around the ring. I used double stick tape tabs to hold the ends in place, but you could use straight pins. Once I had the diapers wrapped, I wrapped the ribbon around to make it more secure. This is optional. Tie each gift around the wreath securely and add several curled strands at the top of the wreath for decoration. Easy and fun!
 Blessings to All ~S~

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Love the Babies!

 The last several months have been major busy with me trying to make things for babies! This past month I also started lurking on . Really cool website. But, be careful! It's sort of like a black hole that you can fall into and it will be hours before you find your way back out.
   Any way, I found a few things that I really liked and got inspired to make one of them for a baby shower that I have been invited to this weekend. It's a cute baby wreath, wrapped in cloth diapers with little gifts all the way around it.  Now, the one that I saw on pinterest was much prettier than the one that I made. But, I love the one that I made too.


I had a great time making it and picking out the stuff for it. I hope that she likes it.
I also made another cocoon for another baby that will be here next month. This one is a Polar Bear cocoon.

 This is the last of the babies for a while. So I will soon have time to purge a few more things from my somewhat cluttered home.
  Life is so much more simple when you don't have so much to take care of. When my home is clean and more organized, I can focus on taking care of the people I love instead of worrying about how clean the house is.
   Well that's what has been going on this week
Have a Great Week!
Blessings to All ~S~