Thursday, September 30, 2010


     Sometimes when I have a project going. I have a hard time keeping focused on what I need to be doing. That's the way it has been this past week.
      A couple of years ago I bought a cross stitch pattern.Search for geisha cross stitch 
Kelly likes Japanese decor and I thought that she would like this. So I went out and got all the colors that I didn't have in my box, and the fabric. Then I got distracted by other things. (If you knew the crazy things that happen in this house it wouldn't surprise you.) Any way, It took me a while to get back to it. I think that I needed two years to mature, because this pattern has a lot of half stitches and is worked on a 28 count fabric. My eyes tell me I should have gotten to it sooner. Magnifying tools are never to be under rated in this house. It's been a long time since I have done any cross stitching and I have had to take a few stitches out along the way, so I am trying very hard not to mess up. The pattern is beautiful, and lately it's all I've wanted to do. I have had to make myself set it down and do the things that needed to be done this last week.
      Of course I get great motivation to work from all the voices around our home that tell me they need clean clothes or that they are hungry. They are all grown up! I taught them to do laundry and cook, but for some reason they think that I still have to do it for them. I guess that's the price you pay for being Mom. And that's OK too. It's good to be needed and I sure do love all these wonderful people that fill my home with such joy!
     The weather has turned cool down here, finally. I am very glad, I love soup weather! This week I made a gumbo that was delicious! My Sister shared her recipe with me and since she's a great cook I thought that I'd try it. She got the recipe from a Paula Deen cookbook. It was also on I changed the recipe up just a little and added shrimp and celery to mine. I didn't have okra so that was left out. It was still yummy though. I think that the next time I may leave out the shrimp.
    Hope that everyone has an awesome weekend!
Blessings and Love to all ~ S ~ The Quilted YaYa

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hearts, Hearts, Hearts

    Not long ago, a dear friend's Son was married. He is a missionary in Honduras and he has married a beautiful young woman. They will be home soon for the reception. I wanted to do something really special for them, so I did what I do best, make blankets. Either quilted or crocheted. I called his Mom and asked what colors they liked. His Mom said, "He's a big Alabama fan, so make it red!" Well red it is! While the pictures that I'm posting don't really do the color justice, I wanted to share the afghan. The color is a very red red. While the color is for Zach, the hearts are for Rina. I know that she must be very special to be included in their family. For when this family loves you, it's an awesome thing!
    Looking forward to giving it to them. Praying that God will richly bless this family.
   Love You J!
Blessings to all ~ S (the Quilted YaYa)

Hearts on Fire Crocheted Blanket

Friday, September 10, 2010

God Bless the USA!


     Tomorrow is September 11, 2010.
     How many are sitting and thinking back about where they were nine years ago. I was at home teaching my children, my son was at a friends home, and my husband was at work. My oldest daughter and her children were at their home.
     A friend called and was crying so hard that all she could say was TV News! I turned on the news and sat in shock at the scene unfolding before my eyes. I wanted to gather up all of my family and make sure they were safe, even though what was happening was hundreds of miles away.
    My heart still breaks today for the lives that were lost in those terrible events. It aches more for those that died without Jesus as their Savior. I am saddened even more by the way things are today.
    My Great-Grandfathers came to this country to get away from tyranny and socialism. I believe that they would be standing in front of their homes today shaking their fists at our socialist government if they were still alive. How sad that the freedom that they came to this country for is leaving so quickly.
   I pray that God will open the eyes of all that they may see the Truth. That they will wake up before it is too late. I pray that the Christians will stand in Jesus' name and be counted as those that pray for our country.
    It's still the best country to live in, why else would everyone want in?
    Blessings to All ~ S. The Quilted YaYa

Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land. 2 Chr. 7:14