Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Two Things! Well three...

I have two things to post today. Well maybe three.
1.) I am so proud of Jessica! She has been doing her geometry this morning and at first she just didn't understand. It took both of us going to another place in the house and praying over this math. Guess what? When we came back God had given me the insight to explain how it worked. Then she understood and finished her math in less than 45 min. ! Yay!!!

2.) Jessica has also been taking pictures with her new camera and doing a really good job. Here are a few of her pictures. She has a dream of being a professional photographer. Time will tell, and we will continue to pray that God will guide her on the paths that He has chosen for her.

She took these this past Monday and we edited them together.

3.) Now for number three. I've really been thinking about organization this last couple of days And keeping the house cleaned. I've been praying about it too. (Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. Proverbs 31:10)
It seems that some days things (chores) catch up to me and the faster I go the behinder I get! Now we only have 3 children left at home and they are pretty self sufficient at this point. I know that my sweet husband doesn't like to come home to a messy house. While some days are so busy with school that we just don't get the dining room table cleaned off before it's time to start supper, that's o.k. We are blessed to have a small table in our kitchen area and we just sit there instead. Besides it helps Dad to know that we are working hard at learning. For the most part though we try to have the clutter at least picked up before he comes home.
Laundry is another area that gets the best of me. I still do laundry every other day or try to. When they were younger I did a load every day. I would just throw the light colored towels in with the light colored clothes if I didn't have enough. The next day I would do a load of jeans and dark colored clothes and towels.
So my Tip for the day is: A load of laundry everyday if you have a family with small children or many children, and every other day if your children are more grown up.
Until next time, Blessings to all, S

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What a wonderful week!

Well, I'm starting my week from last Friday for this post. I started my day by getting to the grocery store at 7:15 a.m. I love shopping early in the morning. The store is mostly empty, everything is freshly stocked, well pretty much any way. The employees are awake, helpful and mostly cheerful! Smile!
I came back home, unloaded the groceries, and we (the girls and I) headed out the door to run some errands, which we finished early and stopped by the Amen Corner where I found a cd I'd been looking for on sale! Also picked up the cutest little lamb rattle for baby Cayden that velcro's on the back of his wrist. We then went to dance, and up to UAB to see the baby. Well not directly, I got turned around trying to find the right parking deck, and then ended up parking in a different deck than originally planned. But, we finally made it up to the right area of the hospital and got to see the baby! He is so much more handsome than his pictures. I wanted so bad to hold on to him and snuggle up with him. Just something about a baby. I did get to touch him and pray over him, and talk to him. Soooo sweet. Well we had a nice long visit and then we headed home. Stopped by Arby's and picked up dinner. Got home turned on the laptop and about 10 minutes later we learned,via Facebook, that Cayden had been transferred out of RNICU, and to the #2 nursery. Which meant that he was doing much better. We were so excited.
All of this really made me think on God's wonderful provision for us. How beautifully He provides what we need just when we need it. I don't know why I am surprised, God says that He answers prayers. He loves us and wants good things for us.
Anyway, on Monday, Cayden got to leave the hospital at 13 days old! We are praising God for the healing miracles and the love that He has shown us.
Here are a couple of pictures of Cayden. We will continue to pray for him and his Mom & Dad. Cayden still has some hurdles to overcome, but we are trusting God for continued healing.
What a beautiful family moving up to a new nursery!
Headed home! Praise God!

Monday, September 21, 2009

More quilt Pictures

Quilts, Quilts, Quilts

Good Morning world.
Sitting here this morning drinking my coffee and reading quilting blogs. Felt like sharing a few of the quilts that I have made. It's been a busy year, and I've been crocheting or quilting a lot. But I love it! So many beautiful babies being born.

The quilt above is one that I made for a very special little boy named Cayden. * These pictures aren't the greatest in the world. There is hand embroidery on each of the centers and down the sides. Cayden's Mom loves apples so I did a running stitch apple on each square. On the sides I wrote (also in running stitch) Apple of my eye, one apple-two apple-red apple- blue apple, The top says applelicious, and the bottom has apple bottom baby embroidered. I made one extra square and pieced it into the backing and machine embroidered scripture. Psalm 17:8 says Guard me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings. I think every baby should be wrapped in Gods love and be covered by His word. I try to put scripture on most everything but my crocheted blankets. Those get prayed over and the Mamas, Daddies and babes get prayed for while I'm making them. Every baby is special, a beautiful gift from God.
*Cayden was born on Sept. 15th, and had trouble responding at birth. He was taken to UAB hospital and placed in a hypothermia state. He has now been warmed back up and is doing much better. So many people have been praying for baby Cayden. If you have Facebook you can check out his special web site at: Prayers for baby Cayden
Blessings to all

Saturday, September 19, 2009


My last post was on Tuesday after our family dentist appointment. Since then the world has turned upside down. Tuesday night my friends Karen & Stephen went to the hospital to have their baby. On Wednesday morning around 2 a.m. I woke up and felt the need to pray. Couldn't get back to sleep so around 3 I got out of bed and turned on my computer. When I signed into Face Book I realized the world had gone crazy overnight while I was sleeping. Karen had the baby shortly after 11 p.m. on Tuesday and at 2 they transferred baby Cayden James to UAB to the NICU. He was not breathing well and wasn't responding (waking up) like he should. My heart was breaking for Karen and Stephen and the rest of the family. I have been praying ever since. Stephen has been like a son to me for so many years.
On Thursday I had posted some pictures of a quilt that I had made last year and finally got the pictures on my computer. When I was looking at the pictures of the quilt that I had made for Cayden, I realized that the scripture that I had embroidered on the back was even more meaningful. Ps. 17: 8 Guard me as the apple of your eye, hide me under the shadow of your wings.

It wasn't until Friday that I realized that God had awakened me to pray when Cayden was being transferred to UAB. I will continue to pray for this most precious baby until he comes home. I pray that God will continue to cover this precious family with His love and protection.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Day for Teeth

Ok, it was teeth cleaning day for our family at the dentist. I always schedule everyone on the same day so that we only have to go one time, in one vehicle every six months. Our dentist was in rare form today! Telling jokes, waxing philosophical, laughing at everything. I think he got too close to the gas today. On the high side (pun intended) everyone had good check ups. No cavities! Hoorah!
Now we are home after a quick trip to the sports store for hunting boots for Dad, and then by Publix for a couple of the specials. Had to get a rain check for one of them. Now it is time to go read the next chapter or two of Pride & Prejudice with my girls.
And to think I wanted to just stay home this week. Every time we go out it's an adventure!

Thank You God for this wonderful day of adventure.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Putting feet on Scripture

Today we have been super blessed. We, my daughters and I, have the privilege of helping a young Mama who is pregnant with baby #4. She is due soon, and all of her family lives quite a distance away. So we will go to her home and play with her children for a little while, help her pick up after the children and give her a little rest.
You might consider this a blessing for her, perhaps, but we're the ones who will truly be blessed. We get to share Christ, (although this young Mama is already a Christian). Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Romans 12:13 We pray that God will reinforce the love of Christ through us. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word. 2 Thes. 2: 16-17 We get to meet a new friend, that is always so much fun. I get to watch as my daughters grow in Christ and give up self to help someone. It is a teaching/learning opportunity that many Moms/girls do not get today.
God is so very gracious to lead me as a Mom in raising my children, and I love when He leads us to other Mom's who need a little TLC. He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isa. 40:11
Thank You Lord for this day and the Blessings that you have given and are giving us.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Our little homeschool group went on a field trip today to the Botanical Gardens. While I was hoping that my children were paying attention to the plants and the biology lessons that I was trying to get across, I was also looking for quilt inspiration. One thing is for certain. I know my way around Birmingham better now. (I took 2 wrong turns and had to go a mile down the road to get turned back in the right direction both times.)
It is always an adventure when we go some place that I'm not familiar with. I have only been to the gardens one other time and I really enjoyed it then. Today was a bit warm (about 89 degrees). But it was still very nice with a bit of a breeze every now and then. I love the plants especially the herbs. (cooking and medicinal) I've always been fascinated with herbs and want to start a small garden to grow my own for cooking and for medicine.
I love the gardens though for the beautiful designs that they have. The art work is equally fascinating.

A fountain, the lily pad pond with a sculpture at the end, one of my daughters in the Japanese garden, and another daughter standing among bamboo trees.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Labor Day

Yeah it's Labor Day weekend. We have a three day weekend together as a family. That is always exciting for me. Dad will be grilling and I plan on working on my crochet project and possibly a quilt project that I have started. The baby that I am working on the blanket for will probably be here before I finish the project, especially since she is due in 1 week. But, I am getting closer to having it finished. I will post pictures as I get it more put together. Now having said that, it is time to get off of the computer and get started on the projects so that I can post some pictures very soon!
Blessings to all, S

A song of ascents. Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your sons will be like olive shoots around your table. Thus is the man blessed who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion all the days of your life; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem, and may you live to see your children's children. Peace be upon Israel. Psalm 128

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


This has been a most wonderful week so far and it is only Wednesday. Monday was grocery day since last week my plans were changed. I don't really care for going to the grocery store on Mondays because the shelves are usually bare of the sales by then. But it went o.k. for the most part. Tuesday was good. The girls really started understanding their Geometry and Algebra and after school work was completed we watched Fireproof and Facing the Giants. Both excellent movies. Both movies also prompted more investigation into Gods word. I love when my children want to search scripture for answers to the questions that they have about life. En Fuego was really good last Saturday. We worked hard met new friends and saw many old friends. The music was good and we had a chance to pray for all those in attendance.

The Lord reigns forever; he has established his throne for judgment. He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice. The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble. Psalm 9: 7-9