Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Our little homeschool group went on a field trip today to the Botanical Gardens. While I was hoping that my children were paying attention to the plants and the biology lessons that I was trying to get across, I was also looking for quilt inspiration. One thing is for certain. I know my way around Birmingham better now. (I took 2 wrong turns and had to go a mile down the road to get turned back in the right direction both times.)
It is always an adventure when we go some place that I'm not familiar with. I have only been to the gardens one other time and I really enjoyed it then. Today was a bit warm (about 89 degrees). But it was still very nice with a bit of a breeze every now and then. I love the plants especially the herbs. (cooking and medicinal) I've always been fascinated with herbs and want to start a small garden to grow my own for cooking and for medicine.
I love the gardens though for the beautiful designs that they have. The art work is equally fascinating.

A fountain, the lily pad pond with a sculpture at the end, one of my daughters in the Japanese garden, and another daughter standing among bamboo trees.

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