Friday, April 13, 2012

Changing vs. Training?

    I'm sitting here early this morning thinking, as I drink my 2nd cup of coffee.
    Yes, I know that it can sometimes be dangerous when I think.
     But my thoughts are good thoughts this morning. I'm thinking about my family, my life so far and about things I wish that I could change. Since I can't change the past I will not dwell on it, but ask that God will use my past to teach me. I pray that my heart will always be soft to His touch. That He will find it open to His will, always.
      So, as I said in the past and will say again, God is so very awesome!
      I say that  because, I am amazed always at the things that my sweet children say and do that are profound and wise. I guess I shouldn't be amazed, because God is so faithful! I have prayed over  my children their whole lives. I know that God's promises are true. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is grown he will not depart from it. Pro. 22:6  If you look up the word "train" in the concordance, it also means - to dedicate. I heard a teaching on this verse once, and was told that the word is used here in a unique way, that means to create an environment for life. The NLT says, "Direct".
   I'm not the perfect parent, but God is. So when we ask Him for something for our children or for ourselves, if it is in His will, we will receive it in His time. "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7   I've prayed for wisdom and discernment for my husband and myself as well as our children. I continue to pray for them still. 
    God will often show me that He has and  is answering my prayers. Yesterday, Kelly and I were talking about a conversation that she had with the woman who was giving her a manicure. The woman had commented that you have to train the man in your life. This made Kelly upset. She said "You don't train men like they were dogs, you adjust to each other as husband and wife and adjust in order to accommodate each other. One spouse is not training the other, or even really changing the other. Rather, if you are a Christian, God will mold you to fit each other, so that your family will ultimately glorify Him. Such wisdom coming from a young woman of twenty one. 
    I know of so many women that have dated someone and said, "He's not very romantic", or "He's such a lazy man", but that's ok, I'll change him. If he isn't a romantic now you will not make him romantic later. If his Mom tells you he doesn't pick up his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor and it stresses you out now, run the other way. He won't necessarily change. But the one that drives me really crazy... "It's ok that he isn't a Christian." I will marry him and change him to my way of thinking. Sweetie, if he isn't a Christian now you won't force him to be one later. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Cor.6:14   If you are a Christian and he is not, get out now! Step back pray for him and let God do His work. But, be willing to wait. God's timing is not ours. And God may have someone else for you that you haven't met yet. 
    My husband and I were not Christians when we got married. I became a Christian after we had been married for four years. God changed me/my heart first. God changes us, we don't really change each other. I help him to see things the way I see them and he helps me to see things the way that he sees them. We both have made it a habit to try to use gentle words and not blow up at each other. (If you are wondering, no, it doesn't always work. Sometimes we just react.) A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Prov. 15:1 In case you haven't noticed God wired men and women totally different. And that's a good thing. I saw my husband through different eyes.   My husband is not the most romantic person in the world, but he does surprise me every now and then with his thoughtfulness. I knew this going into our marriage, and while I love romance I also love the fact that he's down to earth and stable. Qualities that I needed in my life. He's a good provider and hard working man. He makes me feel secure, and I know that if everything that we had was gone tomorrow, we would stand by each other and rebuild our life together. I would rather have security than romance everyday.  I thank God for this wonderfully sweet man that He has put into my life. I pray that each of my children will be blessed in the same way. I told a friend yesterday that I had the best husband in the world. She said, "No, You have the best husband for you." She's absolutely right! I love him and I thank God for him and the blessing that he is in my life. I also thank God for the wisdom that He has given my children and how He teaches me through them also. 

   Blessings to All, in His Grace ~S~

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