Monday, January 31, 2011

It's a Baby Quilt

I am so excited! I have been working on a quilt this past week and I have just finished the top. I love baby quilts because the are small enough that they can be completed in a short amount of time. Now I am considering piecing the back also and embroidering the baby's name Rylee in one of the center squares on the front. I designed this quilt on EQ5 (a handy dandy computer program just for that).
  The best part about this is that, I didn't have to buy one piece of material for it. It is all scrap pieces left over from other quilts that I have made in the past. My husband challenged me to only make quilts out of the fabric that I have. So I accepted the challenge and decided that this was the best way to do things. It saves me money and it was the way my Grandma would have done it. Well, she would have used old clothes too. And I do have some of those that I will cut up later to make a truly scrappy quilt. Mostly old jeans.
  Any way just had to share! Hope you all like it as much as I do!
 Blessings to All ~ S
  The Quilted YaYa

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