Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Back again already! I have a praise that I just had to share and I almost forgot with all the plumbing issues that have been happening.
Friday night Kelly came home from the football game and started telling me about her friend and the problems that were taking place in her family. We both prayed for her friend and then she went on to bed. The next day was Saturday (plumbing day, lots of stress) and I almost missed a very important thing that God was showing me. He is working in my sweet husband.
Ronald had been awakened by the chatter that was going on between KK and myself and he overheard part of what was being said. He didn't say anything until after Kelly went to bed when he woke up enough to ask me what was going on. I gave him a brief run down since it was after 11 p.m. and he had to get up and go to work the next morning. That night he was very restless and tossed and turned quite a bit. At 4:30 a.m. when he got up I asked him what was wrong. His reply, "I was really worried about Kelly's friend and her family so I just kept praying to God that He would be with them."
Those that know my family know that my husband doesn't go to church with me and doesn't claim to be a Christian. If you look for the fruit it may not be readily seen. I sometimes think it hides behind the leaves of the tree. What I do know though is that God is working in my husband and I love him very much. He is very much the head of our home and God is the center of our home. I will continue to pray for him and my children on a daily basis.

May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.Psalm 141: 2

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