Monday, August 5, 2013

Laundry Day!


  It's a fact of life in our family, and in most families around the world. There is laundry to do! It is a never ending job. Even if I do the laundry this morning, tonight before bedtime there will be more laundry. Everyone knows this!
   Today, I have dirty clothes to wash and dry, and fold, and put away. Only for them to be taken out, worn and thrown back into the laundry basket in a few days.  I was getting ready to lament about the chore when I thought about a sweet Missionary that visited our church yesterday. Mrs. Laura, told us about how her family spent many years in India and now in Israel. She also spoke of the needs of the missionaries and the people of those countries. I decided that I should be thankful that my family has clothing to wear, clean and laundered. That I have clean water and soap to wash those clothes with. How blessed we are and how little that we realize as a whole that we are. I am thankful that we don't have bombs flying over our home and having to be shot out of the sky before they land on our home.
   Earlier that day we had sat and had coffee in the air conditioning and comfort of a coffee house, out of the hot humid day here in the South. We spoke about the fact that we do not worry right now of the persecution that so many countries worry about. We were able to freely speak of God and Jesus without fear. We spoke about taking care of our families and teaching our children. Also, currently without fear.
   In some states it is now against the law to mention certain things that are in the Bible. How sad, that so many do not realize that they are only doing exactly what the scripture says will happen. How my heart breaks for those that don't know Jesus.
   If we had to live with the persecution that Christians in other countries live with, would we be so quick to say that we are Christians? Would you be ready to stand and not deny Jesus? I wonder...
    I won't be complaining about the laundry today. Today I choose to have an attitude of thankfulness. Thank You Father for the clothes that we have, and the many blessings that you have poured out on us. I love that you love me anyway.
And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts. Be thankful.  Colossians 3:15

Blessings to All ~S~

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